What would Liberals eat?

OP- Very scary- but there is no control or dictating involved. And it's information for fat redneck morons, who are being poisoned by unhealthy processed foods from Big Food, ANOTHER greedy idiot mega rich Pub disgrace.
oh so no big fat liberals eat processed food?.....change the channel Frankie.....you might learn something....
My son will occasionally go to bed hungry, if I fix something he just really isn't into (and I do, he's a little picky). But he never goes to bed hungry 2 nights in a row, because by the second night, he's willing to eat pretty much anything put in front of him, lol.
Yes, that's because they aren't starving in the first place.

I've seen kids come into school in the morning , I'm talking kindergartners, who its pretty obvious haven't even a real meal since the school last fed them.

Please don't tell me there aren't kids who are starving coming to school. Going overnight without dinner IS starving to a 5 or 6 year old.
OP- Very scary- but there is no control or dictating involved. And it's information for fat redneck morons, who are being poisoned by unhealthy processed foods from Big Food, ANOTHER greedy idiot mega rich Pub disgrace.
oh so no big fat liberals eat processed food?.....change the channel Frankie.....you might learn something....

Michael Moore has likely eaten a few hundred cattle and 10% of the Idaho potato crop alone!
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I think if you revisit that, you will find it was progressive bureaucrats who first had the brilliant idea to count ketchup as a veggie. As a way to accommodate their own ridiculous guidelines, without actually spending more money on food (but paying more people to dictate stupid guidelines)...

Which is So Wrong.

Tomatoes are fruit, ergo, ketchup should go counted as a fruit.

Tomatoes are a fruit, but that doesn't make a hyperprocessed sugared-up disgusting red goo another fruit. Only Nature can make a fruit.
Minimums in practice become maximums as government contractors take advantage of the corporate welfare.

What ? This doesn't even make sense

Nor is applicable to this situation unless you are now suggesting that public school cafeterias are government contractors

It's not at all surprising that you do not comprehend.

I agree , there is no surprise that I don't comprehend gibberish.

Do you concede that cheesy pastas can be served at school?
Yes, that's because they aren't starving in the first place.

I've seen kids come into school in the morning , I'm talking kindergartners, who its pretty obvious haven't even a real meal since the school last fed them.

Please don't tell me there aren't kids who are starving coming to school. Going overnight without dinner IS starving to a 5 or 6 year old.

Remember, someone on your side pointed out..hungry and malnourished are two different things.

Again, American kids aren't starving. Kids who live on two meals a day aren't starving, even if they are hungry.
We even had to put what we did not finish into the fridge and it was the first thing you got to eat the next day...
I think if you revisit that, you will find it was progressive bureaucrats who first had the brilliant idea to count ketchup as a veggie. As a way to accommodate their own ridiculous guidelines, without actually spending more money on food (but paying more people to dictate stupid guidelines)...

Which is So Wrong.

Tomatoes are fruit, ergo, ketchup should go counted as a fruit.

Tomatoes are a fruit, but that doesn't make a hyperprocessed sugared-up disgusting red goo another fruit. Only Nature can make a fruit.

Is it really necessary to explain sarcasm to you, hun?
Yes, that's because they aren't starving in the first place.

I've seen kids come into school in the morning , I'm talking kindergartners, who its pretty obvious haven't even a real meal since the school last fed them.

Please don't tell me there aren't kids who are starving coming to school. Going overnight without dinner IS starving to a 5 or 6 year old.

Remember, someone on your side pointed out..hungry and malnourished are two different things.

Again, American kids aren't starving. Kids who live on two meals a day aren't starving, even if they are hungry.

A 5 year old can't differentiate between being hungry and starving . Come on....
OP- Very scary- but there is no control or dictating involved. And it's information for fat redneck morons, who are being poisoned by unhealthy processed foods from Big Food, ANOTHER greedy idiot mega rich Pub disgrace.
oh so no big fat liberals eat processed food?.....change the channel Frankie.....you might learn something....

Michael Moore has like eaten a few hundred cattle and 10% of the Idaho potato crop alone!
tell that to Frankie.....he thinks all the overweight people walking around are "PubDups"....
If the Federal government didn't provide them 24/7/365 minute by minute instructions, what would Liberals eat? House plants? Dirt? Paint chips? paper clips? I mean are they really that helpless that they need Michelle Obama to tell them EVERYTHING?

"The federal snack rules take effect this year for school districts across the country that participate in the federal free and reduced lunch program. They restrict snack foods sold at schools to those with at least 50 percent whole grain, with low sugar, fat and sodium content. Each snack must also come in under 200 calories, according to the news site.

That means a lot of popular snacks are now off the table, including donuts, brownies, potato chips, full flavor pop, candy bars, and most other foods teenagers prefer. Even salt shakers and packets are now illegal."

School employee on snack rules 8216 You cannot buy a Tic Tac in a Nebraska school I checked 8217 - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.
amazes me that anybody has a problem with public schools feeding kids healthier foods. But there it is.
I amazes me that libs continue to miss the point,.
We dont need Washington bureaurcrats telling us what to eat. We just dont. Making some snacks illegal is simply more nanny state nonsense.
a tic tac isnt a snack. Unless your last name happens to be Carpenter.
I think if you revisit that, you will find it was progressive bureaucrats who first had the brilliant idea to count ketchup as a veggie. As a way to accommodate their own ridiculous guidelines, without actually spending more money on food (but paying more people to dictate stupid guidelines)...

Which is So Wrong.

Tomatoes are fruit, ergo, ketchup should go counted as a fruit.

Tomatoes are a fruit, but that doesn't make a hyperprocessed sugared-up disgusting red goo another fruit. Only Nature can make a fruit.

Is it really necessary to explain sarcasm to you, hun?

I got that part babe. Just didn't want to pass up a chance to diss an absurd alimentary contrivance.

Can we do sugared nuts next? :D
My kids go to school with bologna sammiches on white bread, chips, pudding, and an apple.

Every day.

Occasionally I send yogurt, or pb&j.
then you're not too sharp in terms of nutrition, if that's the goal with those meals.

Change the white bread to whole grain and she would be doing well.

Protein, carb, dairy, fruit.

What exactly is wrong with it?


I worry a lot more about them catching freaking ecoli or some other heinous bug from raw veggies slapped around the non-industrial capacity school kitchens for an hour or so, than I do about them *catching* cancer from balony or processed salisbury steak patties that may have questionable meat in them, but definitely have been cooked at a heat sufficient to kill the nasty crap we are catching from the unwashed masses pouring over our borders.
KG i know lots of those unwashed ......lots of white people are dirtier then they are.....i rent out units in a building i own....white people have been the worst by far.....

But there's no doubt at all that ecoli, vermin in the form of lice and various and assorted intestinal parasites, and nasty viruses increase with the increase of immigrants. It is what it is.
if you want to believe that go ahead.....plenty of those "unwashed" around me and they have always been here..... and i havent heard of any lice or assorted intestinal problems around here.....or at the schools around here....im not saying it has never happened....if it has its rare....

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