What would MLK Say?

if you dont agree with him you are a racist.....what else can you be?....
No, if you make racist comments, agree with racists or believe racist bullshit, you arec a racist. If you call yourself a confederate, you are a racist. The confederacy was a racist nation.
He'd more than likely look at IM2, shake his head, and say "What the hell is wrong with you, son?"
Nah, he'd shake my hand and say well done. The king of the right wing does not exist.
"First, it is necessary to understand that Black Power is a cry of disappointment. The Black Power slogan did not spring full grown from the head of some philosophical Zeus. It was born from the wounds of despair and disappointment. It is a cry of daily hurt and persistent pain. For centuries the Negro has been caught in the tentacles of white power. Many Negroes have given up faith in the white majority because "white power" with total control has left them empty handed., So in reality the call for Black Power is a reaction to the failure of white power."

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. "Where Do We Go From Here , Chaos or Community," page 33, paragraph 2

He would say you're disgusting for supporting this guy:

You call yourself confederate soldier. Spare me the whining about being called racist.

Ever hear of the Band Slipknot?

They are a heavy metal band with death metal and thrash metal influences. They wear ghoulish masks, play heavy music, and often show incorporate goats and 9 pointed stars into their designs.

One of their early songs is called the Heretic Anthem. Sounds satanic right? Everything about this band from the masks, the music, the imagery, etc. suggests that they are satanic. But in the song, these lyrics can be found.

"Everybody's so infatuated
Everybody's so completely sure of what we are
Everybody defamates from miles away
But face to face they haven't got a thing to say

I bleed for this and I bleed for you
Still you look at my face like I'm somebody new
Nobody wants anything I've got
Which is fine because your made of

You are sure of what I am, a racist, but if you meet me face to face, we would get along well I assure you. Look beyond the name, and the imagery. Look into actions and morals and convictions.
Ever hear of the Band Slipknot?

They are a heavy metal band with death metal and thrash metal influences. They wear ghoulish masks, play heavy music, and often show incorporate goats and 9 pointed stars into their designs.

One of their early songs is called the Heretic Anthem. Sounds satanic right? Everything about this band from the masks, the music, the imagery, etc. suggests that they are satanic. But in the song, these lyrics can be found.

"Everybody's so infatuated
Everybody's so completely sure of what we are
Everybody defamates from miles away
But face to face they haven't got a thing to say

I bleed for this and I bleed for you
Still you look at my face like I'm somebody new
Nobody wants anything I've got
Which is fine because your made of

You are sure of what I am, a racist, but if you meet me face to face, we would get along well I assure you. Look beyond the name, and the imagery. Look into actions and morals and convictions.
Fuck that, I am not looking beyond the name because that is like telling a jew to look beyond your name if you call yourself nazi soldier. This is how numb whites like you are to the experience we have lived in America. We are supposed to ignore racist symbols so whites can feel good, our feelings don't matter. Fuck that.. Change your name and your continuing support for the memory of the confederacy.
You are a racist. I don't see you saying shit to whites when they post obvious racism and you are a white person by racial classification.
oh fuck you asshole.....you dont see me because you never wander outside of your little bubble.....talk to the broke loser about how i have called him a fucking bigot....talk to your girlfriend tipsy cat lover ....i have black blood in me and i am probably darker than your pale ass....
No, if you make racist comments, agree with racists or believe racist bullshit, you arec a racist. If you call yourself a confederate, you are a racist. The confederacy was a racist nation.
doesnt take away what i said about you dipshit....
Fuck that, I am not looking beyond the name because that is like telling a jew to look beyond your name if you call yourself nazi soldier. This is how numb whites like you are to the experience we have lived in America. We are supposed to ignore racist symbols so whites can feel good, our feelings don't matter. Fuck that.. Change your name and your continuing support for the memory of the confederacy.

I will never change my name, nor will I change my respect for the Southerner as a fighter. If you are that stubborn and ignorant that you would not even consider my heart rather than the color of my skin, than you are a hypocrite. MLK wanted equality, and for the white man and the black man to look into each others hearts, find the humanity in them, and be kind unto one another as equals. It seems that you don't care about that.
oh fuck you asshole.....you dont see me because you never wander outside of your little bubble.....talk to the broke loser about how i have called him a fucking bigot....talk to your girlfriend tipsy cat lover ....i have black blood in me and i am probably darker than your pale ass....

Every day I pick fights with EMH, an obvious racist. I confront blatant racism elsewhere, like when biff point dexter began throwing a hissy when he read a story about the city of LA giving stolen property back to a black family it had stole it from them over 100 years ago.
I will never change my name, nor will I change my respect for the Southerner as a fighter. If you are that stubborn and ignorant that you would not even consider my heart rather than the color of my skin, than you are a hypocrite. MLK wanted equality, and for the white man and the black man to look into each others hearts, find the humanity in them, and be kind unto one another as equals. It seems that you don't care about that.
Then you're proud to be a racist. Don't try that bullshit with me. The confederacy was formed based on the practice of slavery. It was written in the constitution. Thats what they were fighting for. They believed that the natural state of blacks was as sevants to whites. And so your pride in wanting to represent that is a show of the content of your character which is why I called you a racist in the first place. Don't tell me your opinion of what King wanted because you don't know. He wanted whites to stop being racists and ONLY by ending that racism could the white man and the black man look into each others hearts, find the humanity in them, and be kind unto one another as equals. I seriously doubt he would look past your pride in wanting to maintain the memory of the confederacy.
doesnt take away what i said about you dipshit....
I don't give a damn what you think. If you used the same energy fighting whites who post up shitloads of true racism, then I would never have called you a racist.
Every day I pick fights with EMH, an obvious racist. I confront blatant racism elsewhere, like when biff point dexter began throwing a hissy when he read a story about the city of LA giving stolen property back to a black family it had stole it from them over 100 years ago.
You can confront another racist all you want, but your devotion to the maintenencde and memory of a sytem of white supremacy shows that you are no better.

Biff Poindexter fucks with you guys every day. Biff is not white.
I don't give a damn what you think. If you used the same energy fighting whites who post up shitloads of true racism, then I would never have called you a racist.
you called me a racist the first time we met here....for something i didnt even say.....so fuck you....and not many around here care about what you think either,all your little woe is me stories .....
you called me a racist the first time we met here....for something i didnt even say.....so fuck you....and not many around here care about what you think either,all your little woe is me stories .....
Actually it was for your attack on Obama. It was classic. Use the words of another black person who was dissatisfied with Obama to make an anti Obama comment. So many people don't care what I say that I see hundreds of alerts daily. I don't do woe is me junior. I post reality of what whites have done and facts debunking the racist bullshit thats prevalent in this forum and not one of you white racists can fuck with me.
Actually it was for your attack on Obama. It was classic. Use the words of another black person who was dissatisfied with Obama to make an anti Obama comment. So many people don't care what I say that I see hundreds of alerts daily. I don't do woe is me junior. I post reality of what whites have done and facts debunking the racist bullshit thats prevalent in this forum and not one of you white racists can fuck with me.
Obama is a classic race hustler and you're a naive lying little punk.
I met Dr. King. You really should get your head examined.
I met him too. I was 7 when he met with my dad who was a pastor of a church. I doubt you met King. I shook his hand, then went to play in my room. I know what I am saying is right. You are full of shit.

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