What would our great grandparents and grandparents think about America in 2024


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
40 years ago, the average 25-year-old American made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. Today the average 25-year-old American makes $50,000 per year.

Home Prices are double what they were today in many areas in the country compared to before the “pandemic”.

Sure in some cases homes may have come down a little bit since they’re High Point post “Covid”, but altogether on average they are much higher than what they were under Trump. Sure we have a low unemployment rate but common sense will dictate to us that doesn’t mean much because the cost-of-living is very high in America today and the wages in this country that middle class Americans are receiving is simply not enough to afford the American dream.

Why do Biden supporters continue to make a mockery of their ancestors when they are confronted with these issues? They will straight up lie to peoples faces or some of them are not informed enough to know any better. They repeat whatever they’re told by one of their wealthy left-wing elites like Jimmy Kimmel.

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America in 2024. We have seen a trans person show their breasts at the White House lawn.

Men Going into women’s bathrooms. Sex change operations for children. Men getting naked dancing in front of children at parades.

A very high divorce rate. A high child born out of wedlock rate.

Statues of historical people like St. Louis or Christopher Columbus torn down by left-wing fanatical mobs. A hypocrisy because nobody is destroying statues of Africans or non-white Christians who had similar lifestyles.

the cruel criticism of police officers in this country. Where the police used to be respected even by the mass media. But now the mass media and even left wing high school teachers are saying the police are the enemy that “police are systemically racist” never mind the hard-working black police officers in this country.

The Oscars, major sports organizations, Hollywood, and major corporations all having racist hiring quotas against white men. Why not just have a meritocracy? We have DEI blatantly goes against the goals of the civil rights movements. Yet left wingers still claim that there is racism against blacks in this country, even though the major corporations all have hiring quotas for minorities.

Black Americans have the lowest income of any ethnicity in the country. And it has nothing to do with systemic racism as Indian Americans and Filipino Americans are the highest income earners by ethnicity in the USA and they’re not white… And this is after a few years of left-wing BLM insanity. Years of hiring quotas for minorities so Cancel cultural/wokeism is clearly a failure. Black majority neighborhoods are crime ridden.

And yet Democrats will say everything is wonderful. They will claim Joe Biden is a great man. Meanwhile record homelessness in this country according to the LA Times. But everything’s great according to Democrats.

The remedy to all the solutions is to learn from our great grandparents … let’s bring back American values, community values, reject the racism of the far left. And embrace kindness. The future will be positive I am confident.
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40 years ago, the average 25-year-old American made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. Today the average 25-year-old American makes $50,000 per year.

Prices are double what they were today and many cases in the country compared to before the pandemic.

Sure in some cases homes may have come down a little bit since they’re High Point post “Covid”, but altogether on average. they are much higher than what they were under Trump. Sure we have a low unemployment rate but common sense will dictate to us that doesn’t mean much because the cost-of-living is very high in America today and the wages in this country that class American Americans are receiving is simply not enough to afford the American dream.

Why Biden supporters continue to make a mockery of their ancestors when they are confronted with these issues. They will straight up lied to people faces or some of them are not informed enough to know any better. They just repeat whatever they’re told by CNN or one of their wealthy left-wing elites like Jimmy Kimmel.

Back in the days when people could get jobs (assuming they were the right color) and make it without too many difficulties. Of course there are always those who have difficulties, but for them these days it's just impossible.

And why has this happened?

In 2008 to 2012 during the recession, SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE lost their homes. People just trying to get by in life, bought a home and had to get a mortgage that would be fine as long as things didn't hit the fan.

Who got those homes? People with money.

The billionaires got richer. Some might have lost out, but in general these recessions end up benefiting the rich.

Even without a recession, people are buy homes so they can rent them out, making money for themselves, prices got up, rent goes up, the poor are finding it harder and harder.

And who controls the political system? The rich. They're trying to make as much money as possible without giving a damn about the consequences for everyone else.

The electoral system benefits the rich, with Proportional Representation the rich would find it much harder to control everything, hence why they don't want it. Hence why most people don't have a clue about the electoral system.

Time for people to take control of their country, get Proportional Representation.
What’s also interesting are the folks who say Trump and Biden are both the same or they’re both bad. Or both sides are just as bad.

That is a flawed analysis and it doesn’t stand up to common sense. the cost of living is much higher today compared to what it was under Trump. Cancel culture is unique to the left. There are no examples of a conservative group of white Trump supporters physically attacking a black BLM speaker on a college campus. These are uniquely left-wing things. Political violence is a uniquely left-wing thing in the past five years

Lefties we will lie to peoples faces or repeat what their told by the lefty elites about January 6 where nobody was killed. There was no billions of dollars worth of damage on J6 compared to the left-wing riots in 2020 that caused billions of dollars of damage, 25 people killed, thousands injured.
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America in 2024. We have seen a trans person show their breasts at the White House lawn.

Men Going into women’s bathrooms. Sex change operations for children. Men getting naked dancing in front of children at parades.

A very high divorce rate. A high child born out of wedlock rate.

Statues of historical people like St. Louis or Christopher Columbus torn down by left-wing fanatical mobs. A hypocrisy because nobody is destroying statues of Africans or non-white Christians who had similar lifestyles.

the cruel criticism of police officers in this country. Where the police used to be respected even by the mass media. But now the mass media and even left wing high school teachers are saying the police are the enemy that “police are systemically racist” never mind the hard-working black police officers in this country.

The Oscars, major sports organizations, Hollywood, and major corporations all having racist hiring quotas against white men. Why not just have a meritocracy? We have DEI blatantly goes against the goals of the civil rights movements. Yet left wingers still claim that there is racism against blacks in this country, even though the major corporations all have hiring quotas for minorities.

Black Americans have the lowest income of any ethnicity in the country. And it has nothing to do with systemic racism as Indian Americans and Filipino Americans are the highest income earners by ethnicity in the USA and they’re not white… And this is after a few years of left-wing BLM insanity. Years of hiring quotas for minorities so Cancel cultural/wokeism is clearly a failure. Black majority neighborhoods are crime ridden.

And yet Democrats will say everything is wonderful. They will claim Joe Biden is a great man. Meanwhile record homelessness in this country according to the LA Times. But everything’s great according to Democrats.

The remedy to all the solutions is to learn from our great grandparents … let’s bring back American values, community values, reject the racism of the far left. And embrace kindness. The future will be positive I am confident.

Do Democrats say everything is wonderful? Last I remembered they said we need change.
Hubby's mom and dad bought their shot gun house for $6000 in 1960, in 2007 when his mom died she was getting offers for $275,000 for it, right beforehand, and the kids sold it for $300,000 only for the buyer to demolish it and build a two story on her lot, and sold the new build for $523,000.

Real estate, seems to always be a safe moneymaker, no mater the generation.... Up, up, and away!
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America in 2024. We have seen a trans person show their breasts at the White House lawn.

Men Going into women’s bathrooms. Sex change operations for children. Men getting naked dancing in front of children at parades.

A very high divorce rate. A high child born out of wedlock rate.

Statues of historical people like St. Louis or Christopher Columbus torn down by left-wing fanatical mobs. A hypocrisy because nobody is destroying statues of Africans or non-white Christians who had similar lifestyles.

the cruel criticism of police officers in this country. Where the police used to be respected even by the mass media. But now the mass media and even left wing high school teachers are saying the police are the enemy that “police are systemically racist” never mind the hard-working black police officers in this country.

The Oscars, major sports organizations, Hollywood, and major corporations all having racist hiring quotas against white men. Why not just have a meritocracy? We have DEI blatantly goes against the goals of the civil rights movements. Yet left wingers still claim that there is racism against blacks in this country, even though the major corporations all have hiring quotas for minorities.

Black Americans have the lowest income of any ethnicity in the country. And it has nothing to do with systemic racism as Indian Americans and Filipino Americans are the highest income earners by ethnicity in the USA and they’re not white… And this is after a few years of left-wing BLM insanity. Years of hiring quotas for minorities so Cancel cultural/wokeism is clearly a failure. Black majority neighborhoods are crime ridden.

And yet Democrats will say everything is wonderful. They will claim Joe Biden is a great man. Meanwhile record homelessness in this country according to the LA Times. But everything’s great according to Democrats.

The remedy to all the solutions is to learn from our great grandparents … let’s bring back American values, community values, reject the racism of the far left. And embrace kindness. The future will be positive I am confident.
You are correct.

Our ancestors would be saddened by:

1) Our decadence
2) The spectacle of America controlled by an elite that hates America
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
Complete hoax.

Trump: “You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
And you are pro Hamas? The Progressive Rich does not lead by example. They could give up their wealth to those who do not have much. You saw Marthas Vinyard response to the illegals sent there. That is reality of people who talk all of this and do not live all of this.
Great grand parents would be SHOCKED that Americans ever elected someone as vulgar and disgusting as Trump! They would have never believed something like that could ever have happened.... That's a fact! :(:(:(

I think people even from 10 years ago would be shocked too... People were shocked that the US could elect someone like Dubya back in 2000.
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
The Nazis were not part of that protest as much as you would like for them to have been included. Why do you lie about what Trump said?
Great grand parents would be SHOCKED that Americans ever elected someone as vulgar and disgusting as Trump! They would have never believed something like that could ever have happened.... That's a fact! :(:(:(
Okay but Biden is astonishingly corrupt and a pathological liar.

What do you think our ancestors would say about a politician who accepted bribes from a hostile foreign power?

And LBJ was also extremely vulgar and corrupt. And there’s Bill Clinton.
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Great grand parents would be SHOCKED that Americans ever elected someone as vulgar and disgusting as Trump! They would have never believed something like that could ever have happened.... That's a fact! :(:(:(
Donald Trump is certainly abrasive at times. But that is a part of the radical left-wing dynamic. Which in someways has been occurring since the hippie era of the 1960s. Ok you have to be fair here because I’m being fair to your point. We have to acknowledge that men and women, for example in the 1940s and 1950s dressed very honorably and these were well mannered beautiful people. But from the hippie free love 1960s to the 1990s with the rise of radical feminism, gangster rap, people started to dress differently and use more vulgar language. Video games got very violent. We went from games like Tetris or Atari to violent first person shooting games. Of course our film industry became very violent.

Our great grandparents would be shocked with what the Democratic Party has become. From being the party of the middle-class standing up for great professions such as police officers and firefighters to now denigrating police officers as being “systematically racist.”

Our great grandparents will be shocked at the high cost of living in 2024. When you go from the post World War II economic boom when Americans of all backgrounds were doing amazing to today where many are struggling. Even 40 years ago, the average 25-year-old made 85,000 per year now the average 25-year-old makes 50,000 per year.

Our ancestors would be shocked by a man showing his breasts at the White House lawn in 2024. They would be apalled at grown men getting naked dancing in front of children at parades in public areas in the USA.
Hubby's mom and dad bought their shot gun house for $6000 in 1960, in 1997 when his mom died she was getting offers for $275,000 for it, right beforehand, and the kids sold it for $300,000 only for the buyer to demolish it and build a two story on her lot, and sold the new build for $523,000.

Real estate, seems to always be a safe moneymaker, no mater the generation.... Up, up, and away!
Most middle-class Americans can’t afford a home today. Again, the stats are there for all to see and this is what Biden supporters and Republicans have to confront.

40 years ago, the average 25-year-old made 85,000 per year now the average 25-year-old makes 50,000 per year.

Corporations have bought a lot of real estate in the past few years.

Yes, there was a time when the interest rates on home loans were much higher than what they are today. But that’s not the whole story. The major difference today is that the average American is making a lot less money today compared to 40 years ago.

There are huge differences between life in America today compared to even the 1980s. The whole men going into the women’s bathrooms today, wokeism and DEI are terrible for our country.
You are correct.

Our ancestors would be saddened by:

1) Our decadence
2) The spectacle of America controlled by an elite that hates America
Yes, I also would say that the rise of retail chain stores like Walmart, and fast food industries like McDonald’s and Burger King are a net negative. They’re all over the country. They were to be found perhaps in a much smaller fashion back in the day. Nothing like they are today. I drive by McDonald’s in my area I see a line out of the parking lot going through the drive-through during dinner time. What a shame that is such unhealthy food.

No wonder we have the highest obesity rate of all developed countries in the world. Another issue obesity in America today is something we didn’t really have our great past. That is a part of the decadence issue. A matter of laziness if you will. People just want to go through that McDonald’s drive-through. Once in a while is ok but they’re so sweet that junk food all the time and even worse, who feed it to their children on a daily basis. The child obesity rate in this country is a big problem.
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
That’s a part of free speech. That’s nothing compared to the murderous left-wing riots which killed 25 people and injured thousands in 2020. So I was fair to your point you have to be fair to the facts. I am fair to the fact that there are racist all over the world and every country. There’s Jewish racist, there’s Christian racist, Muslim racist you name it.
Complete hoax.

Trump: “You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
Well said

Nobody can logically compare whatever they think are right wing issues to left-wing issues of today.

When it comes to political violence, the left wing is the worst in 2024. we would have to go back many decades when the right wing had this issue with the KKK rallies and violence associated with that ..

But again, we can go back decades , go back 100 years 200 years slavery, violence and racism were worldwide issues..not uniquely American. One can argue that America was the most liberal country of history certainly during the World War II era. Look at what America was doing in the 1940s let’s compare that to what Germany and the Empire of Japan we’re doing.

Or even compare America of the 1940s to Ethiopia, which had legalized slavery up until about the late 1940s. Or compare America of the 1940s to any country of the world arguably we were the most liberal.

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