What Would Reagan Do About Isil


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Jon Perr
Sep 05, 2014


...we know exactly what Reagan would do about terrorists with American blood on their hands. President Reagan would send them a cake, a Bible and American weapons. And the Oval Office address he would deliver to the nation would start something like the one he gave on March 4, 1987:

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages."

Let's concern ourselves with what the current Chimp-in-chief is going to do. We already know he's taking pot-shots at Bush. WTF else is in his arsenal?
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Bush/Cheney wanted the Iraq war so badly that they were willing to manufacture false intelligence to support their unholy urge to utterly destroy and occupy them thereby funneling obscene amounts of cash to the MIC. I do not see any ambition to build an empire from Obama who is reluctant to get into a situation that could easily creep into another occupation by ground troops. See the difference?
What the hell difference does it make? Reagan is ancient history. Barry is NOW. What will HE do? Twiddle his thumbs? he is an incompetent slob. You assholes ALWAYS want to relive history. read this carefully.... OBAMA IS IN CHARGE. NOT REAGAN. NOT BUSH. NOT CLINTON. Get that FACT straight, will you. You clowns are always trying to excuse BAD behavior by pointing to other behavior. Get your heads out of your asses.
"What would Reagan do..." is an interesting lead-in since it is reserved for the greats. After all, can you imagine someone asking, "What would Carter do..."?
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What the hell difference does it make? Reagan is ancient history. Barry is NOW. What will HE do? Twiddle his thumbs? he is an incompetent slob. You assholes ALWAYS want to relive history. read this carefully.... OBAMA IS IN CHARGE. NOT REAGAN. NOT BUSH. NOT CLINTON. Get that FACT straight, will you. You clowns are always trying to excuse BAD behavior by pointing to other behavior. Get your heads out of your asses.

Okay, fair enough.

But shouldn't we look at what we've done in the past that got us into this mess?

Or do you just want to see what Barry does so you can be against it?
What the hell difference does it make? Reagan is ancient history. Barry is NOW. What will HE do? Twiddle his thumbs? he is an incompetent slob. You assholes ALWAYS want to relive history. read this carefully.... OBAMA IS IN CHARGE. NOT REAGAN. NOT BUSH. NOT CLINTON. Get that FACT straight, will you. You clowns are always trying to excuse BAD behavior by pointing to other behavior. Get your heads out of your asses.

Okay, fair enough.

But shouldn't we look at what we've done in the past that got us into this mess?

Or do you just want to see what Barry does so you can be against it?

Yeah, you do that. Sit on your ass and tell us all about Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Tell us all about how Barry will do a better job - while he plays golf. You want "respect" for this clown? Tell him to do what MUST be done - complete extermination. He'll get my respect then. Tell that asshole to either be the "leader of the free world" or get the fuck outta the way and let someone else do it. Tell him to stop being a chickenshit.

We need a PRESIDENT - not a damned faux "professor".
Yeah, you do that. Sit on your ass and tell us all about Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Tell us all about how Barry will do a better job - while he plays golf. You want "respect" for this clown? Tell him to do what MUST be done - complete extermination. He'll get my respect then. Tell that asshole to either be the "leader of the free world" or get the fuck outta the way and let someone else do it. Tell him to stop being a chickenshit.

We need a PRESIDENT - not a damned faux "professor".

We wouldn't have had a problem with Iraq had Reagan not armed Saddam to the Teeth to start with, or Bush hadn't toppled him. But let's put this all on Barry. Absolutely.

Here's the thing. I'm sad that these hostages are getting killed and all, but they are not worth expending thousands of lives over.

I don't see anything going on over there that is worth one more American life.

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