What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Yeah, you do that. Sit on your ass and tell us all about Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Tell us all about how Barry will do a better job - while he plays golf. You want "respect" for this clown? Tell him to do what MUST be done - complete extermination. He'll get my respect then. Tell that asshole to either be the "leader of the free world" or get the fuck outta the way and let someone else do it. Tell him to stop being a chickenshit.

We need a PRESIDENT - not a damned faux "professor".

We wouldn't have had a problem with Iraq had Reagan not armed Saddam to the Teeth to start with, or Bush hadn't toppled him. But let's put this all on Barry. Absolutely.

Here's the thing. I'm sad that these hostages are getting killed and all, but they are not worth expending thousands of lives over.

I don't see anything going on over there that is worth one more American life.

You really are as stupid as you act, aren't you? I don't give a hoot in hell WHAT brought us to this position. IT DOESN'T MATTER. WE ARE HERE. Now, what does YOUR BOY do? I am telling you right here, right now that if Barry sits on his skinny ass and plays this bullshit game he is playing - you will be wondering why an attack took place in an American city within the year. Will you continue to blame George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, Ronald Reagan, John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson for getting us here!?!?! For the love of God - get your head out of your ass.............
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.
Yeah, you do that. Sit on your ass and tell us all about Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Tell us all about how Barry will do a better job - while he plays golf. You want "respect" for this clown? Tell him to do what MUST be done - complete extermination. He'll get my respect then. Tell that asshole to either be the "leader of the free world" or get the fuck outta the way and let someone else do it. Tell him to stop being a chickenshit.

We need a PRESIDENT - not a damned faux "professor".

We wouldn't have had a problem with Iraq had Reagan not armed Saddam to the Teeth to start with, or Bush hadn't toppled him. But let's put this all on Barry. Absolutely.

Here's the thing. I'm sad that these hostages are getting killed and all, but they are not worth expending thousands of lives over.

I don't see anything going on over there that is worth one more American life.

I agree. Let's hope the president uses drones/bombs and doesn't kill civilians.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Bush/Cheney wanted the Iraq war so badly that they were willing to manufacture false intelligence to support their unholy urge to utterly destroy and occupy them thereby funneling obscene amounts of cash to the MIC. I do not see any ambition to build an empire from Obama who is reluctant to get into a situation that could easily creep into another occupation by ground troops. See the difference?

Your political fantasies do not interest me any more than your inane desire to glorify an incompetent boob by ascribing positive attributes to his inability to make tough decisions. If you cannot see the man behind the curtain, by now, you never will.

BTW, American workers build military airplanes, bombs, rockets, and drones. They are good paying jobs, with benefits, and are a big chunk of that military industrial complex. I would much rather see my tax dollars going to them, then to the drunk down the street who can't stay sober long enough to hold a job.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.
Supporting Obama blindly is to support the weakening of America and eventual morphing into a socialist state. Supporting America and the American way means supporting the Constitution and a strong military. Obama does NEITHER!
Yeah, you do that. Sit on your ass and tell us all about Bush and Clinton and Reagan. Tell us all about how Barry will do a better job - while he plays golf. You want "respect" for this clown? Tell him to do what MUST be done - complete extermination. He'll get my respect then. Tell that asshole to either be the "leader of the free world" or get the fuck outta the way and let someone else do it. Tell him to stop being a chickenshit.

We need a PRESIDENT - not a damned faux "professor".

We wouldn't have had a problem with Iraq had Reagan not armed Saddam to the Teeth to start with, or Bush hadn't toppled him. But let's put this all on Barry. Absolutely.

Here's the thing. I'm sad that these hostages are getting killed and all, but they are not worth expending thousands of lives over.

I don't see anything going on over there that is worth one more American life.

I agree. Let's hope the president uses drones/bombs and doesn't kill civilians.

Another fucking idiot. drones/bombs will accomplish little. Of course, had YOU ever served, you would know that. Civilians die in combat - there is no way to stop that. Just ask the monsters that are beheading American Journalists and AID workers.

We are dealing with hardened combat veterans here. These people have been fighting for the last 1000 years. To them, it is a generational war to rid the world of ANY religion that doesn't conform to their bullshit religion. You had better learn that. They DESPISE you, They want nothing more than your death. They want YOUR head separated from your body and your entire family dead. There is one thing you pussy liberals had better learn - and you had better learn it NOW. Either you stand up to this vermin and erase them from the world - or they will erase YOU.

So where does that leave the United States? We wipe these assholes off the earth, then, you self-righteous indignant pussies can wax poetic for the next hundred years about what "monsters" the people of the United States are - while you raise your families in relative peace from these fanatics.

Jesus - you people amaze me.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

They will ultimately be put down but it will take some troops to do it.
It came from the dailykos folks

they done worn out Bush I guess now they've went all the way back to Reagan to make excuses for the idiot in Chief.

I was just reading this:

FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, September 13, 2014, 6:00 PM

In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his words of wisdom. First the Illinois junior senator refused to tell Bob Schieffer if he would cut off funding for our troops in Iraq. Then he added this:
One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, this notion that we have future catastrophe to look forward to if we start phasing down troops
…And so those of us who object to what I consider to be a disastrous policy on part of the Bush Administration, have in fact put forward a different approach. One that by the way tracks what the Iraq study group talked about. Two months before the Iraq study group came out with its proposal, I suggested that, if we initiate a phased withdrawal that provides us leverage to make sure the Iraqis are actually doing what needs to be done to arrive at a political accommodation. And Senator McCain and the President seem to believe that only a military solution can accomplish our goals there.”
Even as a junior senator, Barack Obama lived in a fantasy world and was dead wrong on foreign policy.

video and the rest here:
FLASHBACK 8230 Obama in 2007 I Strongly Disagree 8230 That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq Video The Gateway Pundit
It came from the dailykos folks

they done worn out Bush I guess now they've went all the way back to Reagan to make excuses for the idiot in Chief.

I was just reading this:

FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, September 13, 2014, 6:00 PM

In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his words of wisdom. First the Illinois junior senator refused to tell Bob Schieffer if he would cut off funding for our troops in Iraq. Then he added this:
One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, this notion that we have future catastrophe to look forward to if we start phasing down troops
…And so those of us who object to what I consider to be a disastrous policy on part of the Bush Administration, have in fact put forward a different approach. One that by the way tracks what the Iraq study group talked about. Two months before the Iraq study group came out with its proposal, I suggested that, if we initiate a phased withdrawal that provides us leverage to make sure the Iraqis are actually doing what needs to be done to arrive at a political accommodation. And Senator McCain and the President seem to believe that only a military solution can accomplish our goals there.”
Even as a junior senator, Barack Obama lived in a fantasy world and was dead wrong on foreign policy.

video and the rest here:
FLASHBACK 8230 Obama in 2007 I Strongly Disagree 8230 That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq Video The Gateway Pundit

Remember, OBarry licks his finger, sticks it into the air and sees which way the wind is blowing.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

They should be ignored if only because the RWnuts have simply shifted their position to oppose the President no matter what he has done.

It's comical, frankly.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Bush/Cheney wanted the Iraq war so badly that they were willing to manufacture false intelligence to support their unholy urge to utterly destroy and occupy them thereby funneling obscene amounts of cash to the MIC. I do not see any ambition to build an empire from Obama who is reluctant to get into a situation that could easily creep into another occupation by ground troops. See the difference?

No-----Obama has continued to follow the same neocon strategy used for attacking Iraq.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

They should be ignored if only because the RWnuts have simply shifted their position to oppose the President no matter what he has done.

It's comical, frankly.

Funny coming someone who now supports a war mongerer

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.
Supporting Obama blindly is to support the weakening of America and eventual morphing into a socialist state. Supporting America and the American way means supporting the Constitution and a strong military. Obama does NEITHER!

I don't "blindly support" President Obama but I do blindly support my country while disagreeing with some things that both do and have done.

What we see are RWs here and Republicans who say totally inaccurate things about the president, like 'he doesn't support the Constitution and a strong military', while ignoring that the right refuses to do anything at all.

When RWs stop lying about the president's golfing, among other things, and when the Republicans get off their fat butts and actually do their job, they both MIGHT be listening to.
Doesn't matter one Reagan is not the President two he is dead and has been for some time the key is what will Obama do about them something deflection threads like this will not change.
Reagan would acknowledge that ISIS is Islamic.

Just sayin'.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.
Supporting Obama blindly is to support the weakening of America and eventual morphing into a socialist state. Supporting America and the American way means supporting the Constitution and a strong military. Obama does NEITHER!

I don't "blindly support" President Obama but I do blindly support my country while disagreeing with some things that both do and have done.

What we see are RWs here and Republicans who say totally inaccurate things about the president, like 'he doesn't support the Constitution and a strong military', while ignoring that the right refuses to do anything at all.

When RWs stop lying about the president's golfing, among other things, and when the Republicans get off their fat butts and actually do their job, they both MIGHT be listening to.

When RWs stop lying about the president's golfing,

Obama doesn't play golf?
It is sad that so many people cannot get beyond their political postures, and recognize reality before it slaps them squarely in the face. That includes the President of the United States, who is more concerned with his future political legacy than with the future of the United States.

We are not at war, if we say we are not at war? We have no boots on the ground, if we say we have no boots on the ground? What we have here is a war on words designed to mask a political contradiction.

We have combat troops in Iraq and that means we have boots on the ground. We are bombing the enemy, and that is war, by any definition of war.

I support the bombing. It is something that we should have been doing months ago. I support using Kurds and Iraqis as the infantry necessary to gain and hold ground. However, this war against ISIS will not be won without American combat forces on the ground in Iraq. And, I don't give a tinker's damn about how that squares with Obama's political rhetoric.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

You and your buddies on the left has some frikken nerve telling us we won't support our country. after watching you people march in the streets against Bush and Iraq when we had BOOTS ON THE GROUND

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.
Supporting Obama blindly is to support the weakening of America and eventual morphing into a socialist state. Supporting America and the American way means supporting the Constitution and a strong military. Obama does NEITHER!

I don't "blindly support" President Obama but I do blindly support my country while disagreeing with some things that both do and have done.

What we see are RWs here and Republicans who say totally inaccurate things about the president, like 'he doesn't support the Constitution and a strong military', while ignoring that the right refuses to do anything at all.

When RWs stop lying about the president's golfing, among other things, and when the Republicans get off their fat butts and actually do their job, they both MIGHT be listening to.

That is such a load of crock given your attitude.

We're at war regardless of our actions when someone declares war on us and attacks American people and places. Treating such Enemies of War as "criminals" and then conducting "overseas contingent operations" is just plain Orwellian.
Last edited:
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

You and your buddies on the left has some frikken nerve telling us we won't support our country. after watching you people march in the streets against Bush and Iraq when we had BOOTS ON THE GROUND
Bush wanted a war, he wanted it badly, he started it and then showed clearly they had no plan to win the peace. A colossal fuck-up on that scale demands some righteous public response or they will assume there is no domestic cost to such expensive idiocy.

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