What Would Reagan Do About Isil


Jon Perr
Sep 05, 2014


...we know exactly what Reagan would do about terrorists with American blood on their hands. President Reagan would send them a cake, a Bible and American weapons. And the Oval Office address he would deliver to the nation would start something like the one he gave on March 4, 1987:

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages."


Th retards never cease to amaze me.

Reagan created Ben Laden - he made him a millionaire when he was helping defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

ISIS was part of the Syrian Resistance. They received aid from Obama in order to defeat Bashar al-Assad. Obama made them millionaires and a very powerful entity now known as ISIS.

When the fuck are you going to wake up and understand that the federal government is populated by BIPARTISAN stupid fucks?!?!?!?!?!?


Jon Perr
Sep 05, 2014


...we know exactly what Reagan would do about terrorists with American blood on their hands. President Reagan would send them a cake, a Bible and American weapons. And the Oval Office address he would deliver to the nation would start something like the one he gave on March 4, 1987:

"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages."

yep @CrusaderFrank & any other Raygun deifiers on the board
[QUOTE="Erand7899, post: 9799218
There is little doubt that Bush and company screwed up the initial occupation of Iraq, and we lost a lot of good Americans correcting that screwup. Bush deserves the hit for those losses. However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true.

hmmm, You seem to forget, the president declared victory on May 1, 2003 - then-----then we kept combat troops in Iraq for another over 8 years, and over 4,000 American GI's were killed, tens of thousands of American GI's were maimed and wounded, billions of taxpayer dollars (some say trillions) were flushed and... Your Iraq strategery has been tested and declared a failure.
[QUOTE="Erand7899, post: 9799218
There is little doubt that Bush and company screwed up the initial occupation of Iraq, and we lost a lot of good Americans correcting that screwup. Bush deserves the hit for those losses. However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true.

hmmm, You seem to forget, the president declared victory on May 1, 2003 - then-----then we kept combat troops in Iraq for another over 8 years, and over 4,000 American GI's were killed, tens of thousands of American GI's were maimed and wounded, billions of taxpayer dollars (some say trillions) were flushed and... Your Iraq strategery has been tested and declared a failure.
Yeah, Iraq was a peaceful mecca when Obama took office. :cuckoo:

It was a war-torn wreckage lot when Obama took office. Cheney's gang left it that way. Obama is the janitor. And now you're blaming the janitor for Cheney et al's frat party?

That takes brass nugs bro...
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we all should by now after SIX YEARS in office there still anit nothen that is the Dear wonderful leaders fault...the sluggish economy even after stealing almost A TRILLION dollars from taxpayers, Iraq he told us they were in stable condition, all the scandals, if it's isn't George Bush's or Reagans fault, it must be George Washington's fault.
we all should by now after SIX YEARS in office there still anit nothen that is the Dear wonderful leaders fault...the sluggish economy even after stealing almost A TRILLION dollars from taxpayers, Iraq he told us they were in stable condition, all the scandals, if it's isn't George Bush's or Reagans fault, it must be George Washington's fault.

Nope, yer wrong again.
George Washington did more good than harm to/for the country - I'd have thought you would've known that but...?
Reagan and Bush XLIII, OTOH did more harm than good to/for the country and-----and we, the majority of American people, will continue to pay the price in treasure and blood for the Reaganomics redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the uber-rich and Bush XLIII's very expensive war mongering, which also transferred a lot of wealth to uber-rich of the MIC - what a Dick Bush is.

we all should by now after SIX YEARS in office there still anit nothen that is the Dear wonderful leaders fault...the sluggish economy even after stealing almost A TRILLION dollars from taxpayers, Iraq he told us they were in stable condition, all the scandals, if it's isn't George Bush's or Reagans fault, it must be George Washington's fault.

Nope, yer wrong again.
George Washington did more good than harm to/for the country - I'd have thought you would've known that but...?
Reagan and Bush XLIII, OTOH did more harm than good to/for the country and-----and we, the majority of American people, will continue to pay the price in treasure and blood for the Reaganomics redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the uber-rich and Bush XLIII's very expensive war mongering, which also transferred a lot of wealth to uber-rich of the MIC - what a Dick Bush is.

Or what a "Bush Dick is..." :lmao: [sparing the "C" word of course]

Seriously though. When is tens or hundreds of millions or even billions of $ for one man or his little family enough? It's an addiction. It's like hoarding, only with money. It really is. Filthy rich who are not content to just leave off and let be, who must keep amassing more and more have a dysfunction of our vestigial rat-brains for caching away food in their little nests for hard times. It's like those parts of their brains get most of the blood supply while the parts responsbile for altruism and sharing with community have been starved since birth.

You know they say a child's brain grows in ways it was stimulated and an adult's brain stays functional in areas where the thinking processes are emphasized on a daily basis [and ergo supplied with the lion's share of blood]. I wonder if wealth-addiction is a physical disability, like malignant narcissism, that instead of just affecting the individual, spreads out to infect the whole of the society within that person's influence?

[And if my hunch is true, is why lobbying should be outlawed]

Jon Perr
Sep 05, 2014


...we know exactly what Reagan would do about terrorists with American blood on their hands. President Reagan would send them a cake, a Bible and American weapons.

1: Anyone who believes this is a certifiable loon.
2: What Reagan would do is irrelevant.

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