What Would Reagan Do About Isil

I don't "blindly support" President Obama but I do blindly support my country while disagreeing with some things that both do and have done.

What we see are RWs here and Republicans who say totally inaccurate things about the president, like 'he doesn't support the Constitution and a strong military', while ignoring that the right refuses to do anything at all.

When RWs stop lying about the president's golfing, among other things, and when the Republicans get off their fat butts and actually do their job, they both MIGHT be listening to.
If Obama supported the Constitution he would circumvent it as he does. He sees our system of checks and balances (instituted by our Constitution) as a stumbling block. The FACT that he doesn't support a strong military is recorded in his massive reductions therein.

The Republican House cannot logically be accused of doing nothing. Harry Reid sits on over 200 bills that have been sent to the Senate. The mealy mouthed weasel is afraid to bring them up for voting. I suspect that many of them are sensible bills that American citizens would like to see enacted. Passing them would give credence to the Republican authors...something Reid cannot bring himself to allow. It is Harry Reid that you need to chastise.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

They should be ignored if only because the RWnuts have simply shifted their position to oppose the President no matter what he has done.

It's comical, frankly.

In all fairness to the "RWnuts" I don't think any of them on this board would have a problem is Obama obliterated the fuck outta these assholes and turned the entire area into a gigantic piece of glass. Matter of fact, I'd say you would get overwhelming support for Obama for doing so. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a smoldering pile of dead assholes on t.v. Enough with these cockroaches. Let's exterminate them. And by the way, the notion of "innocent" people is debatable. If they don't have the balls to fight for their own country then they are indirectly complicit in said asshole's actions.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

You and your buddies on the left has some frikken nerve telling us we won't support our country. after watching you people march in the streets against Bush and Iraq when we had BOOTS ON THE GROUND
Bush wanted a war, he wanted it badly, he started it and then showed clearly they had no plan to win the peace. A colossal fuck-up on that scale demands some righteous public response or they will assume there is no domestic cost to such expensive idiocy.

There is little doubt that Bush and company screwed up the initial occupation of Iraq, and we lost a lot of good Americans correcting that screwup. Bush deserves the hit for those losses. However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true.

Now, for a little bit of reality and a clue as to why Bush wanted a war in the Middle East. A free and open society cannot protect itself from any terrorism, let alone organized terrorism, without destroying the free and open society. One loses either way. Consequently, the only way to successfully combat radical Islamic terrorists is to take the fight to them, and force them to spend their resources and people defending their own backyard.

Iraq was the ideal place to take the war to the extremists. We were already engaged in a war in Iraq, and had a truce that Iraq was violating every day. Its leader was a cruel tyrant who terrorized his own people. What better place to take the war to the terrorists?
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

You and your buddies on the left has some frikken nerve telling us we won't support our country. after watching you people march in the streets against Bush and Iraq when we had BOOTS ON THE GROUND
Bush wanted a war, he wanted it badly, he started it and then showed clearly they had no plan to win the peace. A colossal fuck-up on that scale demands some righteous public response or they will assume there is no domestic cost to such expensividiocy.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

Yep. He has handled this exactly correctly so far and my bet is ISIS/ISIL is going to get exactly what they deserve.

The Republicans and RWs will not support their own country and they'll criticize everything President Obama does. They will lie about him, just as we're seeing in this thread and so many other threads here.

The right should be ignored.

You and your buddies on the left has some frikken nerve telling us we won't support our country. after watching you people march in the streets against Bush and Iraq when we had BOOTS ON THE GROUND
Bush wanted a war, he wanted it badly, he started it and then showed clearly they had no plan to win the peace. A colossal fuck-up on that scale demands some righteous public response or they will assume there is no domestic cost to such expensive idiocy.

There is little doubt that Bush and company screwed up the initial occupation of Iraq, and we lost a lot of good Americans correcting that screwup. Bush deserves the hit for those losses. However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true.

Now, for a little bit of reality and a clue as to why Bush wanted a war in the Middle East. A free and open society cannot protect itself from any terrorism, let alone organized terrorism, without destroying the free and open society. One loses either way. Consequently, the only way to successfully combat radical Islamic terrorists is to take the fight to them, and force them to spend their resources and people defending their own backyard.

Iraq was the ideal place to take the war to the extremists. We were already engaged in a war in Iraq, and had a truce that Iraq was violating every day. Its leader was a cruel tyrant who terrorized his own people. What better place to take the war to the terrorists?
Saddam was a horrible SOB but he was not in league with Al Qaeda that anyone has ever been able to verify. Quit repeating that debunked rationale for invasion. The very first place we occupied in Baghdad was the oil ministry while they let the museum get sacked. There's all the proof of the real intentions of our invasion.
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.
What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Exactly what his handlers told him to do...

Cheney with the simpleton Reagan back in his Administration:

Cheney entering the Capitol building in 2012 [the Obama Administration] for a secret meeting with top republican leadership just a few short months before the Behghazi attacks on 9-11:

However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.

The current action flicks are ISIS scum cutting the heads off of Americans............

What would you have us do, blow them kisses...................

They have pissed us off again, or don't you get that.............
What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Exactly what his handlers told him to do...

Cheney with the simpleton Reagan back in his Administration:

Cheney entering the Capitol building in 2012 [the Obama Administration] for a secret meeting with top republican leadership just a few short months before the Behghazi attacks on 9-11:


well that simpleton won 49 states out of 50
what has your simpleton done? he tried to make up seven more states
It's too bad for you libs Obama can't LIVE UP to being a Reagan. That isn't our fault
What the hell difference does it make? Reagan is ancient history. Barry is NOW. What will HE do? Twiddle his thumbs? he is an incompetent slob. You assholes ALWAYS want to relive history. read this carefully.... OBAMA IS IN CHARGE. NOT REAGAN. NOT BUSH. NOT CLINTON. Get that FACT straight, will you. You clowns are always trying to excuse BAD behavior by pointing to other behavior. Get your heads out of your asses.

Pearls of
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.

The current action flicks are ISIS scum cutting the heads off of Americans............

What would you have us do, blow them kisses...................

They have pissed us off again, or don't you get that.............
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.

The current action flicks are ISIS scum cutting the heads off of Americans............

What would you have us do, blow them kisses...................

They have pissed us off again, or don't you get that.............

Tell Americans if they want to keep their heads, then stay out of unfriendly countries. This is a cheaper solution.
What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Exactly what his handlers told him to do...

Cheney with the simpleton Reagan back in his Administration:

Cheney entering the Capitol building in 2012 [the Obama Administration] for a secret meeting with top republican leadership just a few short months before the Behghazi attacks on 9-11:


well that simpleton won 49 states out of 50
what has your simpleton done? he tried to make up seven more states
It's too bad for you libs Obama can't LIVE UP to being a Reagan. That isn't our fault

I'm not a big fan of Obama. I wanted Clinton in 2008 to win the nomination. There are a lot of us out there.

Here is more on Cheney's bio/influence over our nation's policies and schenanigans..:

"Dick Cheney served four Republican presidents and spent six terms in the House. The former vice president specialized in defense, energy and the Middle East."

Beginning as an intern for the Senate, Cheney quickly rose to power by first becoming an aide to the Wisconsin governor, then working for President Richard Nixon's administration in 1969. He served as Gerald Ford's Chief of Staff from 1975 to 1977, then served six terms in Congress before being appointed Secretary of Defense by President George H.W. Bush in 1989. About 10 years later, he worked for another Bush administration, this time as vice president to President George W. Bush in 2000 for two terms. As vice president, Cheney was known for taking on a prominent role in the bush administration, being a more active vice president than what had ever been seen in the Oval Office before....

...Upon graduating from high school, Cheney was accepted to Yale University and offered a full-ride scholarship. He enrolled, but eventually dropped out due to poor grades. While attending classes, he worked as a power lineman in a working-class town. Although Yale had not suited Cheney, he decided to pursue college once more. He enrolled at the University of Wyoming, where he received a B.A. in political science in 1965 and an M.A. in political science in 1966.
During his time as a student, Cheney applied for and received five draft deferments and thus avoided being drafted in the Vietnam War, stating that he "had other priorities in the 60's than military service."... http://www.biography.com/#!/people/dick-cheney-9246063#synopsis

What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Exactly what his handlers told him to do...

Cheney with the simpleton Reagan back in his Administration:

Cheney entering the Capitol building in 2012 [the Obama Administration] for a secret meeting with top republican leadership just a few short months before the Behghazi attacks on 9-11:


well that simpleton won 49 states out of 50
what has your simpleton done? he tried to make up seven more states
It's too bad for you libs Obama can't LIVE UP to being a Reagan. That isn't our fault

I'm not a big fan of Obama. I wanted Clinton in 2008 to win the nomination. There are a lot of us out there.

Here is more on Cheney's bio/influence over our nation's policies and schenanigans..:

"Dick Cheney served four Republican presidents and spent six terms in the House. The former vice president specialized in defense, energy and the Middle East."

Beginning as an intern for the Senate, Cheney quickly rose to power by first becoming an aide to the Wisconsin governor, then working for President Richard Nixon's administration in 1969. He served as Gerald Ford's Chief of Staff from 1975 to 1977, then served six terms in Congress before being appointed Secretary of Defense by President George H.W. Bush in 1989. About 10 years later, he worked for another Bush administration, this time as vice president to President George W. Bush in 2000 for two terms. As vice president, Cheney was known for taking on a prominent role in the bush administration, being a more active vice president than what had ever been seen in the Oval Office before....

...Upon graduating from high school, Cheney was accepted to Yale University and offered a full-ride scholarship. He enrolled, but eventually dropped out due to poor grades. While attending classes, he worked as a power lineman in a working-class town. Although Yale had not suited Cheney, he decided to pursue college once more. He enrolled at the University of Wyoming, where he received a B.A. in political science in 1965 and an M.A. in political science in 1966.
During his time as a student, Cheney applied for and received five draft deferments and thus avoided being drafted in the Vietnam War, stating that he "had other priorities in the 60's than military service."... http://www.biography.com/#!/people/dick-cheney-9246063#synopsis


whatever, this thread isn't about Dick Cheney.
What the hell difference does it make? Reagan is ancient history. Barry is NOW. What will HE do? Twiddle his thumbs? he is an incompetent slob. You assholes ALWAYS want to relive history. read this carefully.... OBAMA IS IN CHARGE. NOT REAGAN. NOT BUSH. NOT CLINTON. Get that FACT straight, will you. You clowns are always trying to excuse BAD behavior by pointing to other behavior. Get your heads out of your asses.

Pearls of
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.

The current action flicks are ISIS scum cutting the heads off of Americans............

What would you have us do, blow them kisses...................

They have pissed us off again, or don't you get that.............
However, the screwup had been corrected before Obama took office, and now Obama deserves the hit for his own screwups. He was warned what would happen if he pullled all of the troops out of Iraq, and he did it anyway. It is not Bush's fault that prediction came true. .


It's sad that this myth has gotten as the traction it has, but it does explain much of the public's lower approval of Obama's foreign policy.

Much of the public has little patience for the amount of diplomacy involved in merely bombing the shit out of people, the diplomatic effort that goes into not having to bomb the shit out of people is incomprehensible to a culture built on instant gratification and action flicks.

The current action flicks are ISIS scum cutting the heads off of Americans............

What would you have us do, blow them kisses...................

They have pissed us off again, or don't you get that.............

Tell Americans if they want to keep their heads, then stay out of unfriendly countries. This is a cheaper solution.

You really are as stupid as you act, aren't you? I don't give a hoot in hell WHAT brought us to this position. IT DOESN'T MATTER. WE ARE HERE. Now, what does YOUR BOY do? I am telling you right here, right now that if Barry sits on his skinny ass and plays this bullshit game he is playing - you will be wondering why an attack took place in an American city within the year. Will you continue to blame George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, Ronald Reagan, John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson for getting us here!?!?! For the love of God - get your head out of your ass.............

Uh, dumbass- it does matter how we got here.

Because a LOT of people said THIS exact thing would happen if we deposed Saddam. That the Shi'ites and Sunnis would vie for control of Iraq while the Kurds tried to carve out their own country on the sly, and that is EXACTLY what is happening right now.

So now might actually be a good time to start asking questions like, "Why do we keep getting involved in Mid-East Wars?"

So frankly, you can beat your chest all fucking day, I'd like to know what we are actually getting into before we get into it and if it is worth it. Because terrorists acts are probably going to happen if ISIL exists or not.
What Would Reagan Do About Isil

Exactly what his handlers told him to do...

Cheney with the simpleton Reagan back in his Administration:

Cheney entering the Capitol building in 2012 [the Obama Administration] for a secret meeting with top republican leadership just a few short months before the Behghazi attacks on 9-11:


well that simpleton won 49 states out of 50
what has your simpleton done? he tried to make up seven more states
It's too bad for you libs Obama can't LIVE UP to being a Reagan. That isn't our fault

I'm not a big fan of Obama. I wanted Clinton in 2008 to win the nomination. There are a lot of us out there.

Here is more on Cheney's bio/influence over our nation's policies and schenanigans..:

"Dick Cheney served four Republican presidents and spent six terms in the House. The former vice president specialized in defense, energy and the Middle East."

Beginning as an intern for the Senate, Cheney quickly rose to power by first becoming an aide to the Wisconsin governor, then working for President Richard Nixon's administration in 1969. He served as Gerald Ford's Chief of Staff from 1975 to 1977, then served six terms in Congress before being appointed Secretary of Defense by President George H.W. Bush in 1989. About 10 years later, he worked for another Bush administration, this time as vice president to President George W. Bush in 2000 for two terms. As vice president, Cheney was known for taking on a prominent role in the bush administration, being a more active vice president than what had ever been seen in the Oval Office before....

...Upon graduating from high school, Cheney was accepted to Yale University and offered a full-ride scholarship. He enrolled, but eventually dropped out due to poor grades. While attending classes, he worked as a power lineman in a working-class town. Although Yale had not suited Cheney, he decided to pursue college once more. He enrolled at the University of Wyoming, where he received a B.A. in political science in 1965 and an M.A. in political science in 1966.
During his time as a student, Cheney applied for and received five draft deferments and thus avoided being drafted in the Vietnam War, stating that he "had other priorities in the 60's than military service."... http://www.biography.com/#!/people/dick-cheney-9246063#synopsis


whatever, this thread isn't about Dick Cheney.

Well in a way it is about Dick Cheney since he is the one ultimately who controls our foreign policy when it comes to oil. He and Rummy that is. And Rove. And the rest of them. But Cheney is the head of that snake for sure.

And as you can see from the photos, it's clear which man is blissfully dull and which is caculating when it comes to Reagan and Cheney. Cheney was the chief of staff for Ford, very active behind the scenes with Reagan. It's funny how humble Cheney's beginnings were those of a democrat, turned RINO. A five-time draft dodger turned "military expert" who is really for all intents and purposes the de facto commander in chief anyway, no matter which boob is officiating as president.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Bush/Cheney wanted the Iraq war so badly that they were willing to manufacture false intelligence to support their unholy urge to utterly destroy and occupy them thereby funneling obscene amounts of cash to the MIC. I do not see any ambition to build an empire from Obama who is reluctant to get into a situation that could easily creep into another occupation by ground troops. See the difference?

No they didn't.
All of the Western World believed that Iraq had WMD's and they did.
All of the Western Worlds intellengnce said that they did.
We recovered nerve gas, nerve gas artillery shells and two mobile WMD laboratories. Also they were making nuclear materials. We tried and convicted the Dutch guy who was transporting the nerve agent into Iraq, and today he sits in prison. What more could we have found? And yet still some want to deny it all. Try convincing the guy in prison, that he never hauled 100 tons of nerve agent into Iraq.

The U.S. removed 500 tons of yellow cake from Iraq and sent it to Canada.
U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
It takes 10 tons of yellow cake to make one atomic bomb. Saddam had some of the processing equipment already put in when the invasion took place. The U.S. also found 500 chemical shells that were suppose to have been destroyed.
Obama has a bold new strategy. Bomb them with Golf Balls.

For the edification of our viewing audience...

..that would be...


I don't play golf. So sue me...........

Perhaps that's what the lawyer will do next. Threaten ISIS with a lawsuit. That will make them stop.
He's going to bomb the fuck out of them and you will not like it.

To the contrary, I will like it fine. Bombing a soverign nation that has never attacked us is right up my alley as a conservative Republican. And, I am fairly certain that most of you Liberal/socialists who have been so concerned about Bush attacking a soverign nation, that never attacked us, will find some way to rationalize your hypocrisy. You are very good at shifting sails when the political winds change.

If I was a good American, I would begin claiming that Obama was out to steal Syria's oil, or enrich some corporation, while tarring the military for air raiding innocent villagers. But alas, I am just a regular American, so I will just say bombs away.
Bush/Cheney wanted the Iraq war so badly that they were willing to manufacture false intelligence to support their unholy urge to utterly destroy and occupy them thereby funneling obscene amounts of cash to the MIC. I do not see any ambition to build an empire from Obama who is reluctant to get into a situation that could easily creep into another occupation by ground troops. See the difference?

No they didn't.
All of the Western World believed that Iraq had WMD's and they did.
All of the Western Worlds intellengnce said that they did.
We recovered nerve gas, nerve gas artillery shells and two mobile WMD laboratories. Also they were making nuclear materials. We tried and convicted the Dutch guy who was transporting the nerve agent into Iraq, and today he sits in prison. What more could we have found? And yet still some want to deny it all. Try convincing the guy in prison, that he never hauled 100 tons of nerve agent into Iraq.

The U.S. removed 500 tons of yellow cake from Iraq and sent it to Canada.
U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
It takes 10 tons of yellow cake to make one atomic bomb. Saddam had some of the processing equipment already put in when the invasion took place. The U.S. also found 500 chemical shells that were suppose to have been destroyed.

If they can just go on "pretending" that Boooosh lied then they can carry on with that lie. It's damn sure easier than going back to BLAMING Clinton who passed on the same information to Bush they had.


Tom Brokaw: President Clinton Thought Saddam Hussein Had WMD By Brad Wilmouth | December 15, 2011 | 6:53 AM EST Share it Tweet it More Sharing Services 172 shares Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN, former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw recounted some of the rationale behind why the Bush administration believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction before the invasion of Iraq, even noting that President Clinton had also believed in the presence of WMD.

(Video below) Brokaw related evidence that the Iraqi dictator had tried to deceive Iran into believing he possessed WMD, and noted that the people of Iraq lived in "sheer terror" and were afraid to talk to the NBC anchor when he visited the country during Saddam Hussein's reign. After host Piers Morgan asked Brokaw about the difference between America's approach to the war effort in Libya versus its more direct invasion of Iraq, Brokaw noted that a distinction between what the U.S. faced in the two countries was that Saddam Hussein "had the iron fist over that entire country.

" Brokaw: Saddam Hussein really had the iron fist over that entire country, had an enormous military that was there. I was in Iraq several times before the war began, and the sheer terror of people in the streets of Iraq afraid to talk to you in any way because they didn't know whether they would be eliminated and the kind of terror techniques that he unleashed on people, the most innocent people in Iraq for the smallest, slight however he perceived it. So those are two different circumstances. The former NBC anchor went on to recount the reasons people believed Iraq had WMD:

A lot of people believed that he did have weapons of mass destruction. President Clinton did, in fact. I was over there with the U.N. weapons inspector and it was not clear. I would fly over later acres and acres and miles and miles of what they call igloos. These are ammunition storage depots, and General Petraeus said to me one day, "We don't know what's in there."

Well, it turns out not much because he was trying to kind of rope a dope Iran, trying to persuade Iran that he had weapons of mass destruction. And my own belief is that some of his colonels generated a lot of paper that indicated they had weapons, they were getting money from him, and some of that money may be stored away somewhere. -

all of it here:

See more at: Tom Brokaw President Clinton Thought Saddam Hussein Had WMD

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