What would you give to Donald Trump as a Christmas present?

If it was just an ass-kicking I'd go for it, I can give as good as I get.

But I ain't going to federal prison for a dope-slap. Even one that is so richly deserved.

You've never been in a fight in your life other than from behind a keyboard....no commie here has.
That's nice kid. Tell me more about my past would ya please?

Flippin' noobs I tell ya...........
A dope-slap.

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Note to secret service, FBI, and anyone else who might be watching:

This is meant as humor only. I have no intention of actually attempting to dope-slap anyone. In fact I'm not even planning on leaving my home town for the foreseeable future.

Translation: "I have no intention of getting my ass kicked trying to dope-slap anyone".
If it was just an ass-kicking I'd go for it, I can give as good as I get.

But I ain't going to federal prison for a dope-slap. Even one that is so richly deserved.

Yeah. You probably don't want to violate the provisions of your parole. Third time gets you put away forever.
You sound like an expert. How many times you been up?
Donald Trump wishes everyone, including his enemies a happy and Merry Christmas

If you could give Trump anything as a Christmas gift, what would you give him?
A stocking full of cheeseburgers, fries, Diet Cokes for his feedbag.

Hopefully Trump will continue to stuff his yap with the above. WINNING!!!
Something he would love, a picture of himself.
A complete repeal of the Roadless Act signed by Clinton.............which prevents the Forestry Service from building roads into 58 million acres of Federal Land........also prevents logging and even the pick up of dead timber in these forests.............Causing massive fuel build up so we can have this today.

Not to mention the bug infested forests and dense growth that have led to town killers because of massive fuel loads in California......
New CFR's from this day forward require approval from Congress, the Senate, and the President..........No longer can Federal Agencies create new laws by their own interpretation of existing laws.............all new rules in the CFR must now be approved before being added to the register from this day forth.

Federal Regulations: The Real Laws Behind the Acts of Congress
Control of the Regulatory Process
Federal regulations created by the regulatory agencies are subject to review by both the president and Congress under Executive Order 12866 and the Congressional Review Act.

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) represents an attempt by Congress to reestablish some control over the agency rulemaking process.

Executive Order 12866, issued on Sept. 30, 1993, by President Clinton, stipulates steps that must be followed by executive branch agencies before regulations issued by them are allowed to take effect.

For all regulations, a detailed cost-benefit analysis must be performed. Regulations with an estimated cost of $100 million or more are designated "major rules," and require completion of a more detailed Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). The RIA must justify the cost of the new regulation and must be approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before the regulation can take effect.

Executive Order 12866 also requires all regulatory agencies to prepare and submit to OMB annual plans to establish regulatory priorities and improve coordination of the Administration's regulatory program.

While some requirements of Executive Order 12866 apply only to executive branch agencies, all federal regulatory agencies fall under the controls of the Congressional Review Act.

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) allows Congress 60 in-session days to review and possibly reject new federal regulations issued by the regulatory agencies.

Under the CRA, the regulatory agencies are required to submit all new rules the leaders of both the House and Senate. In addition, the General Accounting Office (GAO) provides to those congressional committees related to the new regulation, a detailed report on each new major rule.


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