What would you think if the United states adopted a foreign policy against any and all offensive war

Name one offensive war we have engaged in?

Invading Grenada because Senile Actor Man needed a distraction from Beirut.
However, technically, since cowardly Congress did not declare them, they were not 'wars'. And, of course, Iraq was illegal and a war crime.
Then, there was Mexico and Spain...
That would be a horrible decision. The option of an offensive strike needs to be left on the table for extenuating circumstances. A good offense can be the best defense at times. Of course congress should approve all acts of war, unless an immediate defensive action that could be considered war is necessary.
I would hope the US would help prevent that from happening, but right now the current issue is preventing Israel from hurting it's neighbors, not the other way around.

The Jews haven't won a war there since 1967. The Zionist military is vastly overrated.

They are very good at killing women and children... I'll give them that.

Why are we supporting them again... Oh, that's right. Seventy Years ago, Hitler did a nasty to them.

I think enough Americans have come home in body bags letting the Jews play, "God Loves us the very Best".
However, technically, since cowardly Congress did not declare them, they were not 'wars'. And, of course, Iraq was illegal and a war crime.
Then, there was Mexico and Spain...

Heck, I would through the wars against the Native Americans and the Civil War in there. Not to mention the War of 1812, where we tried to steal Canada when the British were busy with Napoleon.

The only defensive wars we fought were the world wars and Korea.
I would hope the US would help prevent that from happening, but right now the current issue is preventing Israel from hurting it's neighbors, not the other way around.

The Jews haven't won a war there since 1967. The Zionist military is vastly overrated.

They are very good at killing women and children... I'll give them that.

Why are we supporting them again... Oh, that's right. Seventy Years ago, Hitler did a nasty to them.

I think enough Americans have come home in body bags letting the Jews play, "God Loves us the very Best".

Your grasp of history is as tight as a cardboard vise.
The Yom Kippur war...where the Israelis pasted Syria and Egypt.

Um, let's look at that.

The Egyptians took territory in the Sinai back. And the only reason the Zionist entity survived at all was because the US made an emergency transfer of tanks and equipment from Germany.
The onpy reason the Israelis didn't wipe out the entire Egyptian army (which they had encircled) and roll into Cairo is because Kissinger stopped them.
The onpy reason the Israelis didn't wipe out the entire Egyptian army (which they had encircled) and roll into Cairo is because Kissinger stopped them.

You're delusional, buddy. The reality... they gave up territory in the Sinai because they realized that it was indefensible. Golda Meir got sacked shortly after that war for her incompetence.

The Zionists have been living on the American Teet ever since.
The Israelis were in artillery range (20 miles) of Damascus, having pasted the Syrans-despite inferior numbers-in the span of less than four days.
They encircled the city of Suez.
They attained total air superiority in the span of three days.
They encircled the entire Egyptian Third Army...it was completely cut off and, had Kissinger not intervened, would have been destroyed in detail. (Simply keeping them trapped would have done it in a couple of weeks.)
They were 60 miles from Cairo, with open terrain and no serious opposition between the Israeli forces and the city. (Again, the Israelis were stopped by Kissinger, not Egypt.)
The Israelis gained more territory in the Sinai than they lost, as well as gaining in Syria.

The Egyptian and Syran forces lost close to 40,000 casualties, 9,000 captured, more than 2,000 tanks, 400 aircraft, and 19 naval vessels.

Look, I get it: you hate Jews and would love to see them all dead.
The Egyptian and Syran forces lost close to 40,000 casualties, 9,000 captured, more than 2,000 tanks, 400 aircraft, and 19 naval vessels.

Okay, except the Zionists took...

  • 2,521[38]–2,800[39][40] dead
  • 7,250[41]–8,800[39] wounded
  • 293 captured
  • 1,063 tanks destroyed, damaged or captured[42]
  • 407 armored vehicles destroyed or captured
  • 102–387 aircraft destroyed[43][44]
That's actually pretty bad, given the Zionist Entity is smaller and has less people, they took a higher percentage of casualties. And they were the ones who needed to be bailed out by the US... not the Arabs.

Again, the Zionists have won a war since 1967... it's only downhill for them.

Start swimming, bitches.
They should have simply leveled Damascus and Cairo. A few hundred kilotons should do it.
They should have simply leveled Damascus and Cairo. A few hundred kilotons should do it.

yes, that's brilliant. Let's threaten the world with nuclear annihilation because we want to live on land we stole from some poor brown people because a magic sky pixie said so.

And you wonder why I hate the Zionists.
What would you think if the United states adopted a foreign policy against any and all offensive war. Kind of like Japan since wwII???

We could close all of our offshore bases and stop policing the world. This would allow us to save a lot of money that would be better used here at home.
The right wing doesn't have True Faith in Capitalism. It is a requirement.
No, dude, you hate Jews. Just admit it...everyone but you already realizes this.

I hate all religion, but a religion that says you are God's chosen people and you can do whatever the fuck you want without any consequence is particularly noxious.
What would you think if the United states adopted a foreign policy against any and all offensive war. Kind of like Japan since wwII???

We could close all of our offshore bases and stop policing the world. This would allow us to save a lot of money that would be better used here at home.
How does that work with right wing paranoia, and an, "enemy of the State" "lurking around every corner"?

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