What young man doesn’t fantasize about slashing federal funding for the poor?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
/--- How much funding do you send to the poor? I bet at least 1/2 of your weekly allowance.
moonbat special.jpg
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
/--- How much funding do you send to the poor? I bet at least 1/2 of your weekly allowance.
View attachment 134757

So you are saying helping the poor means you are crazy?

That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
/--- How much funding do you send to the poor? I bet at least 1/2 of your weekly allowance.
View attachment 134757

So you are saying helping the poor means you are crazy?

That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
/----- Leave it to a Libtard Moonbat to completely miss the point:
Bleeding Heart Tightwads - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites ...Conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals . ... personally fork over less money to charity than Republicans — the ones ... only fair to reproach Democrats for being cheap in their private donations.
That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
Liberals create the poor in the first place.
/---- Other than daring to disagree with you, please let us know what they said that makes them stupid. BTW I spent time in Mississippi and if given the choice I'd rather live there than your EuroTrash socialist hell holes you idolize.
That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
Liberals create the poor in the first place.
/---- Other than daring to disagree with you, please let us know what they said that makes them stupid. BTW I spent time in Mississippi and if given the choice I'd rather live there than your EuroTrash socialist hell holes you idolize.
He broke his crayon, maybe he'll be back.
This is the reason every reasonable American has rejected the left. they and their policies are bat shit crazy. We can argue with morons like the OP all day long but they won't stop lying, and they won't learn.

Thank God America in general is smarter than that.
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
/--- How much funding do you send to the poor? I bet at least 1/2 of your weekly allowance.
View attachment 134757

So you are saying helping the poor means you are crazy?

That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
/----- Leave it to a Libtard Moonbat to completely miss the point:
Bleeding Heart Tightwads - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites ...Conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals . ... personally fork over less money to charity than Republicans — the ones ... only fair to reproach Democrats for being cheap in their private donations.

That is a ridiculous talking point Republicans attempt to make again and again.

For one, we know the GOP spits on the poor.

For another, Republicans don't understand the difference between "charity" and "help".

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. That's how liberals think.

Republicans throw a few coins, say f*ck 'em, I helped and then walk away.

Look at all those schools and universities and their scholarship programs. Those aren't counted as "charity". You don't think Republicans give to those do you?

And you only have to look at GOP policies to know the kind of people they are.

This is the reason every reasonable American has rejected the left. they and their policies are bat shit crazy. We can argue with morons like the OP all day long but they won't stop lying, and they won't learn.

Thank God America in general is smarter than that.
How Republicans see the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Batsh!t crazy Democratic Policies:

Voting rights
Equal pay for equal work
Livable minimum wage
Credit card reform
Good jobs

Fantastic GOP policies that make sense:

Cut healthcare for millions of Americans
Tax cuts for billionaires
Cut school lunches
Cut veterans benefits
Lie about jobs coming back from overseas
Lie about science
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.
/--- How much funding do you send to the poor? I bet at least 1/2 of your weekly allowance.
View attachment 134757

So you are saying helping the poor means you are crazy?

That's why I'm not a Republican. To me, screwing over the poor means you are a monster.
/----- Leave it to a Libtard Moonbat to completely miss the point:
Bleeding Heart Tightwads - The New York Times
Dec 20, 2008 - Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites ...Conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals . ... personally fork over less money to charity than Republicans — the ones ... only fair to reproach Democrats for being cheap in their private donations.

That is a ridiculous talking point Republicans attempt to make again and again.

For one, we know the GOP spits on the poor.

For another, Republicans don't understand the difference between "charity" and "help".

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. That's how liberals think.

Republicans throw a few coins, say f*ck 'em, I helped and then walk away.

Look at all those schools and universities and their scholarship programs. Those aren't counted as "charity". You don't think Republicans give to those do you?

And you only have to look at GOP policies to know the kind of people they are.

/---- WOW so you admit the NY Times prints fake news? Either you are lying or just ignorant about your party's agenda. Libs want a permanent underclass to solidify their power. Look how the food stamp program exploded under Obozo. You say you want to teach a man how to fish? Explain how the failed public schools are graduating functional illiterates. They need calculators to make change.

Now refute these claims with facts not insults: Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much
Paul Ryan Says He’s Been “Dreaming” of Cutting Medicaid For Years

To many, Ryan’s apparent delight at the idea of some 14 million Americans losing their health-care coverage over the next decade might seem cold. But Ryan is consistent, if nothing else, when it comes to his belief that the federal government should not be in the business of helping people get medical care. A longtime Ayn Rand devotee, the House Speaker has always maintained an ideological objection to federally mandated health insurance and the idea that individuals are entitled to such coverage.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good,” budget director Mick Mulvaney said at a press conference on Thursday, defending a budget that would cut federal funding for Meals on Wheels, a popular program that delivers meals to the elderly. Asked whether he thought the Trump budget was “hard-hearted,” Mulvaney insisted that gutting the Community Development Block Grant program—which partially funds Meals on Wheels—was really an act of kindness. “No, I don't think so,” the former congressman said. “In fact, I think it’s probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”

. A Congressional Budget Office analysis found last week that low-income and elderly individuals living in rural areas will be disproportionately worse off under the Republican health-care plan. The same group has a lot to lose under Trump’s proposed budget.

Paul Ryan: I’ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy

Ryan: So, the health care entitlements are the big, big, big drivers of our debt. There are three. Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare. Two out of three are going through Congress right now. So, Medicaid—sending it back to the states, capping its growth rate. We’ve been dreaming of this since you and I were drinking out of a keg.

Paul Ryan laughing about poor Americans suffering. The guy is evil. Unfortunately, he is also a typical Republican.

A Dim idea of "compassion" always involves spending other people's money. There are a lot of able bodied douche-bags who have Medicaid. Fuck 'em. I have been through significant periods of my life without health insurance and I was never on the dole.

I have zero compassion for assholes working the system. Ryan is correct...billions should be cut.
This is the reason every reasonable American has rejected the left. they and their policies are bat shit crazy. We can argue with morons like the OP all day long but they won't stop lying, and they won't learn.

Thank God America in general is smarter than that.
How Republicans see the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Batsh!t crazy Democratic Policies:

Voting rights
Equal pay for equal work
Livable minimum wage
Credit card reform
Good jobs

Fantastic GOP policies that make sense:

Cut healthcare for millions of Americans
Tax cuts for billionaires
Cut school lunches
Cut veterans benefits
Lie about jobs coming back from overseas
Lie about science
/---- Geeeze, the first Straw Man argument of the day.
Conservatives point out that nearly sixty years of increasing "aid" to the poor hasn't reduced the number of poor and ask if there isn't a better way and liberals like R-Derp accuse them of hating the poor! You've got generations of people trapped in poverty because the "aid" they receive encourages them to stay poor. Why do liberals "hate" those people so much that they don't want them to escape that trap?
This is the reason every reasonable American has rejected the left. they and their policies are bat shit crazy. We can argue with morons like the OP all day long but they won't stop lying, and they won't learn.

Thank God America in general is smarter than that.
How Republicans see the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Batsh!t crazy Democratic Policies:

Voting rights
Equal pay for equal work
Livable minimum wage
Credit card reform
Good jobs

Fantastic GOP policies that make sense:

Cut healthcare for millions of Americans
Tax cuts for billionaires
Cut school lunches
Cut veterans benefits
Lie about jobs coming back from overseas
Lie about science

Well look, your entire post is a lie, the worst already debunked left wing nonsense possible. You are not even worth discussing with. Dismissed.
Conservatives point out that nearly sixty years of increasing "aid" to the poor hasn't reduced the number of poor and ask if there isn't a better way and liberals like R-Derp accuse them of hating the poor! You've got generations of people trapped in poverty because the "aid" they receive encourages them to stay poor. Why do liberals "hate" those people so much that they don't want them to escape that trap?

You know what happens when you feed, house, and clothe the poor? They make more poor.

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