Whatever Happened to Electric Cars?

The giga factory is well under way here in Nevada. If they were to cancel it, they would lose over 20 million that they've already spent.

Good for Nevada.

If you buy certain models, or you buy the extra package on a basic S Model, you get lifetime free charging at all Supercharging Stations, and they charge the car up in a matter of minutes.

Now, I said that a full charge is about $3.00. That is not true in California, where it might be almost 5 times that. Still, over 200 miles on less than $15.00 in a sports car isn't bad. But you get free charges at Tesla Supercharging Stations and many California shopping centers (along with a free good parking spot). You could conceivably have free fuel for life.

And you can have an extra battery pack handy and charge it with your solar panels during the day while you're off draining the other battery pack. Swap them out as needed. Make your own power.

Don't quote me on any of that. I might have made it all up, very possibly. But then again, maybe not.

Ummm, you'll never even get close to 200 miles if you drive in a "sporty" ,fashion. Figure half or even less depending on how quick you decide to be. If you try to recharge a EV using only solar expect a very, very long wait. Like on the order of a couple of months. And having a spare 800 pound battery pack is what everybody wants laying around their garage. You really havn't thought that through very well....

I doubt anyone wants to do the battery swap on a Tesla at home. And the Model S battery pack probably weighs close to 1,200 lbs.

But the Tesla charging stations (some of them) have the capability of doing an automated battery swap that is faster than filled a car up with gas.

I'm assuming that the battery packs will become lighter as is the normal way of things. I don't envision they can get much lighter than 800 pounds though, thus my choice in weight. Yes, they can swap a pack very quickly (and kudo's to Tesla for that innovation) but that still doesn't address the very real range considerations and the toxicity of the batteries once they are no longer usable.

These are all things that will no doubt be addressed, but the time of the EV is still quite a way off.

A range of 265 miles makes the range a nonissue except for long trips. Even then, with the charging stations popping up all over, and the ability to get half of a full charge in 20-30 mins, even long trips are possible. You have to stop for 30 mins every couple of hours. But the charges are free.

This guy wrote a piece about his 10,000 miles driving a Tesla;
4 Things I Learned Driving a Tesla for 10 000 Miles TSLA

Aside from building cars, the gigaplant is going to manufacture batteries for renewable energy storage. They have a partnership with Solar City.

There's a lot going on with battery tech right now. The Hawaiian islands are a testing ground, as each island is essentially a micro grid. It's expensive to ship in oil and gas, so they're turning to renewables and battery storage.

And Tesla stock is up 3% today, so far.
Gas prices have thrown a wet towel on Tesla stock since August or so. But they will still sell many more cars in 2015 than 2014. It's a bitchen car, and they've set up supercharging stations nationwide.
The new $5 billion gigafactory may actually end up in Texas, ironically, as Texas has banned direct sales from the company. Gov Perry got $300,000 in campaign contributions from traditional auto lot sales companies, but even he has begun to change his tune.

It costs about $3.00 to charge an S Model Tesla, and that will get you over 200 kick ass miles of fun.

My recommendation. Buy Tesla stock on this downturn. It'll eventually reach $400.

And by the way, anything from Government Motors is horrible. Don't let one bad apple sour the whole crop.

The giga factory is well under way here in Nevada. If they were to cancel it, they would lose over 20 million that they've already spent.

Good for Nevada.

If you buy certain models, or you buy the extra package on a basic S Model, you get lifetime free charging at all Supercharging Stations, and they charge the car up in a matter of minutes.

Now, I said that a full charge is about $3.00. That is not true in California, where it might be almost 5 times that. Still, over 200 miles on less than $15.00 in a sports car isn't bad. But you get free charges at Tesla Supercharging Stations and many California shopping centers (along with a free good parking spot). You could conceivably have free fuel for life.

And you can have an extra battery pack handy and charge it with your solar panels during the day while you're off draining the other battery pack. Swap them out as needed. Make your own power.

Don't quote me on any of that. I might have made it all up, very possibly. But then again, maybe not.

Ummm, you'll never even get close to 200 miles if you drive in a "sporty" ,fashion. Figure half or even less depending on how quick you decide to be. If you try to recharge a EV using only solar expect a very, very long wait. Like on the order of a couple of months. And having a spare 800 pound battery pack is what everybody wants laying around their garage. You really havn't thought that through very well....

The official rated range on the 85 kW battery pack is 265 miles.

On further inspection, if you drive a Tesla 12,000 miles per year, you would need over 2kW of solar modules to offset the charging demands on a net metering system. I helped my boss install a 4kW solar array this winter... pretty typical of a residential rooftop array.
"12,000 miles/year X 0.35 kWh/mile = 4200 kWh/year , or 11.5 kWh/day consumed by your car.
At 5.5 hours a day of insolation, you would need a system of 2.1 kW net rated power to generate 11.5 kWh."
Of course, you could just get a free charge at a Tesla station, or do the automated battery swap thing.

No EV has EVER performed as advertised. Just like the number of cars out there that actually get the mileage they claim is likewise vanishingly small. And the charge rate for a PV module is very, very slow.
The giga factory is well under way here in Nevada. If they were to cancel it, they would lose over 20 million that they've already spent.

Good for Nevada.

If you buy certain models, or you buy the extra package on a basic S Model, you get lifetime free charging at all Supercharging Stations, and they charge the car up in a matter of minutes.

Now, I said that a full charge is about $3.00. That is not true in California, where it might be almost 5 times that. Still, over 200 miles on less than $15.00 in a sports car isn't bad. But you get free charges at Tesla Supercharging Stations and many California shopping centers (along with a free good parking spot). You could conceivably have free fuel for life.

And you can have an extra battery pack handy and charge it with your solar panels during the day while you're off draining the other battery pack. Swap them out as needed. Make your own power.

Don't quote me on any of that. I might have made it all up, very possibly. But then again, maybe not.

Ummm, you'll never even get close to 200 miles if you drive in a "sporty" ,fashion. Figure half or even less depending on how quick you decide to be. If you try to recharge a EV using only solar expect a very, very long wait. Like on the order of a couple of months. And having a spare 800 pound battery pack is what everybody wants laying around their garage. You really havn't thought that through very well....

I doubt anyone wants to do the battery swap on a Tesla at home. And the Model S battery pack probably weighs close to 1,200 lbs.

But the Tesla charging stations (some of them) have the capability of doing an automated battery swap that is faster than filled a car up with gas.

that still doesn't address the very real range considerations and the toxicity of the batteries once they are no longer usable.

These are all things that will no doubt be addressed, but the time of the EV is still quite a way off.

The gigafactory is going to be able to recycle old batteries and reuse the materials.
And the facility is going to be partially powered by solar and wind.

The recycling of batteries will be a very, very GOOD thing that this factory will provide. Currently they end up in landfills. It was that aspect of the plant that pushed my opinion to the positive side in my report to Governor Sandoval.

The wind and solar supposedly powering it will be interesting to see. One of the requirements I suggested for the tax breaks was a real time monitoring system so that ANYONE could tap in to see how the renewables were working.

NV Energy had installed a whole bunch of solar modules at the various schools and they had real time monitoring that you could see at City Hall down in Carson City. People started noticing they weren't producing as much as advertised and the live feed mysteriously disappeared.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

Really? There are a large number of coal powered generating plants being closed. As they dwindle, the generating capacity will be picked up somewhere. I am betting on nuclear and hydro, but the other sources are not going anywhere.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

once they become economically viable they will be everywhere and the guy who finds a way to make them viable will become the next Bill Gates.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

once they become economically viable they will be everywhere and the guy who finds a way to make them viable will become the next Bill Gates.

Considering the advances his company has made, his name is Elon Musk.

Prior to Tesla, EVs were experimental cars that resembled toys or golf carts. The business was incorporated in 2003. They released their first production car in 2008. So in 5 years they went from concept to production of a completely new type of car. In the next 7 years they went from a production car with little practical value to a serious performance/luxury car that is very practical.

I am amazed at the number of people who seem to want to dismiss a car that won '2013 Automobile of the Year' from Automobile magazine, Motor Trend 'Car of the Year', and Consumer Reports said was the best car they ever tested. Not to mention that they were awarded the highest crash test rating ever.

Perhaps if state legislatures weren't wasting time and handicapping the sales, there would be more of them on the road.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

Really? There are a large number of coal powered generating plants being closed. As they dwindle, the generating capacity will be picked up somewhere. I am betting on nuclear and hydro, but the other sources are not going anywhere.

Yes, the older coal fired plants are being shut down because of governmental interference. It has nothing to do with their ability to generate power. Some are owned by idiots who refuse to modernize them for whatever reason, and some are too old to reasonably update so you either let them continue as is, or close them.

Hydro is by far the best of the renewable energy sources, it is however limited to certain geographic areas, and they DO have a significant effect on the downstream ecology. The widespread damming of the rivers in the southeastern US is responsible for the deterioration of the barrier islands who regenerated themselves from the silt brought down by the rivers...which is now gone.

I too think that the new generation of small localized nuclear reactors is THE way to go. They are powerful and leave a very small footprint ecologically.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.

No, it's not. 13% is generated by renewables, and the majority of that is hydroelectric power.

"In 2013, the United States generated about 4,058 billion kilowatthours of electricity. About 67% of the electricity generated was from fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, and petroleum), with 39% attributed from coal.

In 2013, energy sources and percent share of total electricity generation were

  • Coal 39%
  • Natural Gas 27%
  • Nuclear 19%
  • Hydropower 7%
  • Other Renewable 6%
    • Biomass 1.48%
    • Geothermal 0.41%
    • Solar 0.23%
    • Wind 4.13%
  • Petroleum 1%
  • Other Gases < 1%"
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.

No, it's not. 13% is generated by renewables, and the majority of that is hydroelectric power.

"In 2013, the United States generated about 4,058 billion kilowatthours of electricity. About 67% of the electricity generated was from fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, and petroleum), with 39% attributed from coal.

In 2013, energy sources and percent share of total electricity generation were

  • Coal 39%
  • Natural Gas 27%
  • Nuclear 19%
  • Hydropower 7%
  • Other Renewable 6%
    • Biomass 1.48%
    • Geothermal 0.41%
    • Solar 0.23%
    • Wind 4.13%
  • Petroleum 1%
  • Other Gases < 1%"
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

My mistake. I stand corrected. I should have said "nuclear and renewables".

Thats what I get for multitasking.
Maybe it would help if you provided a quote from Obama vs something you made up

There are about 1% electric cars now where before it was zero.

If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

once they become economically viable they will be everywhere and the guy who finds a way to make them viable will become the next Bill Gates.

Considering the advances his company has made, his name is Elon Musk.

Prior to Tesla, EVs were experimental cars that resembled toys or golf carts. The business was incorporated in 2003. They released their first production car in 2008. So in 5 years they went from concept to production of a completely new type of car. In the next 7 years they went from a production car with little practical value to a serious performance/luxury car that is very practical.

I am amazed at the number of people who seem to want to dismiss a car that won '2013 Automobile of the Year' from Automobile magazine, Motor Trend 'Car of the Year', and Consumer Reports said was the best car they ever tested. Not to mention that they were awarded the highest crash test rating ever.

Perhaps if state legislatures weren't wasting time and handicapping the sales, there would be more of them on the road.

At 60,000 for a base Model S, that is unlikely. Tesla has also benefited greatly from using OTHER PEOPLES MONEY. Namely the US taxpayer. The US taxpayer has been footing the bill for old Elon for a very long time. I would like to see Tesla prosper on its own. I would like to see Tesla live or die on the funding it receives from venture capitalists and investors.

That won't ever happen however.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.

and thats very good. I never said that renewables were bad.

the problem that you libs have is that you cannot reconcile your leftarded views on energy with your leftarded views on ecology-----------------my point, liberals have blocked a solar panel farm in the Cal desert because it might disturb the habitat of a lizard. Liberals cut off the water to the central valley in order to save a minnow.
If you're talking about electric cars as a percentile of all automobiles/light trucks registered in the US (not counting hybrids), the number of electric cars registered last year was 130,000 compared to 247 million non-electric/non-hybrid light vehicles. 1% would put the electric car count at 2,247,000, not 130,000. This is why your posts have zero credibility, dean. You're not even a mediochre propagandist, you're just a bad liar and a lazy one at that. Typical useful idiot in other words.

Electric car use by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Average age of U.S. car light truck on road hits record 11.4 years Polk says

Another interesting point in the Polk link above: The average age of petroleum-based vehicles in the US hit a historical high last year: 11.4 years. Because of Obama's marvelous economy, most people can't afford new cars/trucks, so they keep their old ones much longer, and they put the maintenance money into them that keeps them on our roads for 200,000+ miles instead of 100,000 miles.

I bought a new truck at Christmas. The sales manager at the dealership told me "Today, the used car market is pretty much the new car market. Nobody can afford the new ones anymore."

Add the fact that electric cars, from the CO/CO2 belching, coal burning electric generation plants with which they're umbilically attached, actually produce 2.8 times the greenhouse gas emissions of any petroleum powered light car/truck, and warmies really look more and more ludicrous every day, don' you agree? Or in dean's case, more and more ridiculous every day.

Since coal power generating plants only account for 39% of the power generated in the US, your "umbilically attached" comment is accurate in less than half of the country.

In fact, nuclear energy (19%), hydro (7%) and other renewables (6%) account for 32% of the power generated, so there is almost as much generated by renewables as by coal. As these technologies expand it will overtake coal as a source for electric power.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

As taxpayer funds dry up, you will see less and less renewables being built, and those that are already there will rapidly disappear.

once they become economically viable they will be everywhere and the guy who finds a way to make them viable will become the next Bill Gates.

Considering the advances his company has made, his name is Elon Musk.

Prior to Tesla, EVs were experimental cars that resembled toys or golf carts. The business was incorporated in 2003. They released their first production car in 2008. So in 5 years they went from concept to production of a completely new type of car. In the next 7 years they went from a production car with little practical value to a serious performance/luxury car that is very practical.

I am amazed at the number of people who seem to want to dismiss a car that won '2013 Automobile of the Year' from Automobile magazine, Motor Trend 'Car of the Year', and Consumer Reports said was the best car they ever tested. Not to mention that they were awarded the highest crash test rating ever.

Perhaps if state legislatures weren't wasting time and handicapping the sales, there would be more of them on the road.

At 60,000 for a base Model S, that is unlikely. Tesla has also benefited greatly from using OTHER PEOPLES MONEY. Namely the US taxpayer. The US taxpayer has been footing the bill for old Elon for a very long time. I would like to see Tesla prosper on its own. I would like to see Tesla live or die on the funding it receives from venture capitalists and investors.

That won't ever happen however.

Tesla started with a $465 million loan from the Dept of Energy. They paid that back 9 years early.

I see them doing fine once they get their production up. Right now they sell to high end buyers. But then, so did the initial car manufacturers. And not just car manufacturers. My brother bought the first VCR I ever saw. It was a huge clunky thing that set him back $2,500.
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.

No, it's not. 13% is generated by renewables, and the majority of that is hydroelectric power.

"In 2013, the United States generated about 4,058 billion kilowatthours of electricity. About 67% of the electricity generated was from fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, and petroleum), with 39% attributed from coal.

In 2013, energy sources and percent share of total electricity generation were

  • Coal 39%
  • Natural Gas 27%
  • Nuclear 19%
  • Hydropower 7%
  • Other Renewable 6%
    • Biomass 1.48%
    • Geothermal 0.41%
    • Solar 0.23%
    • Wind 4.13%
  • Petroleum 1%
  • Other Gases < 1%"
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

My mistake. I stand corrected. I should have said "nuclear and renewables".

Thats what I get for multitasking.

when did the US last build a nuclear power plant?
From the Blaze tonight:

Bammy promised in his 2011 State of the Union Address, that by 2015, electric cars would swarm this country's landscape thicker than illegal aliens. Yet 99.7% of the hundreds of thousands of electric cars he promised, are nowhere to be found. Yet one more idiotic pipedream by Bammy's warmies. Oh, and you the taxpayer forked over a $7,500 subsidy for every one that was sold. Just makes you feel green and cozy all over, don't it?

no one told obozo that they had to be recharged and that fossil fuels had to be used to create the electricity to recharge them. the Kenyan messiah just thought they ran forever on batteries.

32% of the electricity generated in the US is from renewables. And that number is growing.

and thats very good. I never said that renewables were bad.

the problem that you libs have is that you cannot reconcile your leftarded views on energy with your leftarded views on ecology-----------------my point, liberals have blocked a solar panel farm in the Cal desert because it might disturb the habitat of a lizard. Liberals cut off the water to the central valley in order to save a minnow.

"you libs"? lol So the fact that I am a fan of an entrepreneur producing an amazing car makes me a lib now?

I guess I'll have to go back and edit all my pro-gun posts, pro Fair Tax Act posts and the like. Who knew?

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