Whatever happened to "we fight them there, so that we don't have to fight them here"?

we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
I have made your head line statement before. And I meant it and still do...............How we fight Wars there I disagree with. Long occupations in the Middle East throughout history have always failed because they never end. The Brits and French figured that out after WWI. Finally throwing their hands in the air, saying enough. Created the countries there today and left.

You go in with the gloves off.........kill as many as you can and leave. Don't rebuild them, and don't do long occupations. We have no Strategic need to stay in Syria. Most major positions of ISIS have been destroyed. Does that mean they will not come back. Absolutely not. Terrorism in the middle east is a Hydra. Chop one head off 2 more pop up under different names.

The blood fued between the Kurds and Turkey has been going on a long time. Just as the Shia versus Sunni has been going on a long time. We could stay there 20 more years and that would still exist.

Welcome to the middle east.............It's just the way it is.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.
You don't think almost 20 yrs shouldn't result in a
re-evaluation of the situation
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.

We have no objective, we fight a politically correct war and we need to leave. I’m not for staying there it is a waste of our young soldiers who we send off to die for no real reason.
The only ones we are gonna be fighting here in the future are unhinged anti-American DemocRats.
Afterall, they're the biggest threat our Country is facing!

True story.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.

How many years passed?
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
I, for one, never bought into this. ISIS wants their caliphate. They are scrounging for meals. They arent coming here to "get us".

However...exposing their brains to daylight because they are evil, genocidal maniacs? THAT I can get behind.
OK for those of you that think it is wrong for us to leave.
What is your exit strategy?
How do we know we won?
How long should we stay?
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
I, for one, never bought into this. ISIS wants their caliphate. They are scrounging for meals. They arent coming here to "get us".

However...exposing their brains to daylight because they are evil, genocidal maniacs? THAT I can get behind.

Mac seems to be nostalgic for the the days when pro-war neoconservatives ran the GOP.
fifth column of enemies of all types are coming across the southern borders as I type FFun .
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
------------------------------------- that's what I think about stupid ball games . But WAR , the reason to win the war is simply to win the war and to remove enemies from life PKnopp .
Real War; detect the enemy, kill the enemy, leave corpses behind. Do not play cop,do not clean up afterwards.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
------------------------------------- that's what I think about stupid ball games . But WAR , the reason to win the war is simply to win the war and to remove enemies from life PKnopp .

What would be a win?
Real War; detect the enemy, kill the enemy, leave corpses behind. Do not play cop,do not clean up afterwards.

The "enemy". The people of Iraq, Syria, Yemen did nothing to us. What makes them an enemy?
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
------------------------------------- that's what I think about stupid ball games . But WAR , the reason to win the war is simply to win the war and to remove enemies from life PKnopp .

What would be a win?
Leaving a trail of corpses and crying Mommies behind as you shake the dirt off your feet and move off into the sunset.

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