What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

there is no legal reason to deny services.

why do you need one?.....I used to have a company that rented apartments....a guy came into the office wearing a T-shirt that said "Fuck Authority".......was I acting illegally when I refused to rent him an apartment on the basis that he obviously would not live by the rules for the apartment complex?.......
I personally think that those Christians who are so unbelievably offended by anything sinful should discriminate like mad.

Please, by all means, have at it.

And when you have no more customers and your businesses are dying and you can't pay the bills, it's not my problem.

If I see a Christian businessman discriminating against another human being just because of his beliefs or sexual orientation, I'll just scratch that businessman off the list of people that I would do business with.... and so the list spreads..... all over the place.... yadayadayada...

/shrugs....so he won't be able to do business with all 6 billion people on earth........he may starve.....
there is no legal reason to deny services.

why do you need one?.....I used to have a company that rented apartments....a guy came into the office wearing a T-shirt that said "Fuck Authority".......was I acting illegally when I refused to rent him an apartment on the basis that he obviously would not live by the rules for the apartment complex?.......
Content. You didn't discriminate based on whether that person was a protected class under the CRA of 64. (which you could still do so if that person was of the protected class, if you're clever and as long as you don't make it apparent.)

You claim you're a lawyer - you don't sound much like one.
Step in my workplace drunk, I can refuse to serve you and also ask you to leave the premises

Become an obnoxious ass I can ask you to leave and sometime ban you from ever coming back to the place of business...

so that makes me Unchristian like?

how pathetic

Why would people want to FORCE themselves on a business that doesn't want to do business with them? It's so pathetic

Well, then, you are obviously not a Capitalist and therefore patently Unamerican.

Were I a Christian business owner, I would want to sell to every non-christian, every gay I could find so that I could show her/him through my words and deeds the love and graciousness of G-d. I would not be holding them to a litmus test.

When you talk about drunk people, Stephanie, you are talking about a state of being that they willfully imposed upon themselves, one that could possibly present a physical danger to you as a businesswoman in your shop. In that case, it is entirely reasonable to throw out someone who poses physical danger to your business.

But a gay person who walks into a bakery or a seamstress shop or a photography shop and wants a product to go with any kind of celebration that he/she plans to celebrate, that person poses absolutely no physical threat to you whatsover and his/her money spends just as well as everyone else's money.

You all stand on your soapboxes and scream "sin, sin, sin" and yet, Jeshuah actually walked among lepers, people who WERE physically a threat to others because of a sickness that can be air/water-born. Why are you not following his example?

It never ceases to amaze me how intolerant and downright hateful SOME Christians have become and I have been scratching my head for a number of years over this.

And then it dawned on me: with the advent of the super fundamentalistic movement in the USA, one thing that unites various factions of Fundamentalism, from Catholic Fundamentalism to Evangelical Fundamentalism, is the need for an image of an "enemy". Apparently, the movement is not strong enough to hold itself together without having a terribly evil enemy to rally it's "troops" against. With AMWAY and the Moral Majority of the late 70s, early 80s, Fundamentalistic Christianity then piggybacked itself onto a more than willing GOP, a party that really wanted to win in 1980 against a born-again Democratic President: Jimmy Carter. Since then, the piggybacking has quite obviously moved to more of a strangle-hold. As Communism faded, the Christian Right needed a new "enemy" and with the advent of more free-thinking, coupled with the explosion of the internet into everyday life, gays then presented themselves as a perfect target. Bingo. Problem solved. Now, instead of hating on evil Communists, most of whom are irrelevant today, Fundie Christians can hate on gays, gays, gays. And they can feel good about themselves for hating on gays, gays gays.

It is really quite sad. The people here who write such hateful screeds are in no way like the real Christians I know in the real world. Yes, they disapprove of Homosexuality, but they show it with their words and kind actions, not with their pockebooks and balance sheets. They are just simply not stupid. They know that they "are in the world, but not of the world".

I am told that there is a phone app called "Grindr". It is often used by gay men to find pick-ups while underway. I don't approve of such a thing, but technology is technology and there are similar dating programs for straight people as well. I prefer the old fashioned way of meeting up with a lovely woman at a bar or meeting up for a blind date through a referral of someone whom I trust. Apparently, grindr, which uses GPS, can even tell you how many feet/meters a potential pick-up is from your current location.

Just to make a point, some Liberals walked around the site of the 2013 CPAC with their Smartphones on and with Grindr installed and were just amazed at the number of young Conservatives online looking for hot gay sex. They repeated this experiment at Liberty University (Fallwell's University) with very similar results. I would bet top-dollar that if you go to any mega-church on any given Sunday morning, one of those super Fundie "speaking in tongues" places and install grindr on your phone and give yourself some phony gay "handle", that you will find just tons of people online DURING the church service, looking for hot gay pickups WHILE the sermon is going on. I bet bottom dollar that this is the case every single Sunday of the year. Hypocrisy pure. They can grind and tweet and FB their gay desires during a service, but don't you dare sell them something!!!

Oh, and btw, when Tea Party avowed racists like Judson Philips are howling about Arizona, then you know the good guys won:

Tea Party Nation: Brewer's Veto Imposed 'Slavery,' Mandatory Penis Cakes For 'Homosexual Weddings' | Right Wing Watch

This thread is just totally amusing, to say the least. May get my vote for one of the best threads of 2014.


lol, you are obviously a long winded nut job who has a hardon for the Tea party and everyone else...more words doesn't make you seem brilliant or anymore less of a hoses ass...You and people like you are Un-American...
didn't know a hose had an ass?
I personally think that those Christians who are so unbelievably offended by anything sinful should discriminate like mad.

Please, by all means, have at it.

And when you have no more customers and your businesses are dying and you can't pay the bills, it's not my problem.

If I see a Christian businessman discriminating against another human being just because of his beliefs or sexual orientation, I'll just scratch that businessman off the list of people that I would do business with.... and so the list spreads..... all over the place.... yadayadayada...

/shrugs....so he won't be able to do business with all 6 billion people on earth........he may starve.....

But they have time to pass the atheist baker to walk down the street to sue the Christian baker so I guess they aren't that hungry because they have time to do that.
What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

I don't know. What's liberal about forcing them to do business?
If you're pointing at hypocrisy, make sure you get a plate and get in line. There is no shortages of it from any "side".
there is no legal reason to deny services.

why do you need one?.....I used to have a company that rented apartments....a guy came into the office wearing a T-shirt that said "Fuck Authority".......was I acting illegally when I refused to rent him an apartment on the basis that he obviously would not live by the rules for the apartment complex?.......
Content. You didn't discriminate based on whether that person was a protected class under the CRA of 64. (which you could still do so if that person was of the protected class, if you're clever and as long as you don't make it apparent.)

You claim you're a lawyer - you don't sound much like one.

you mean compared to the guy I am arguing against, who claims that no one can reject the business of anyone?.......dude, compared to him I sound like the Chief Justice of the SC......
since when is not discriminating Un american?
funny how the people ranting about religious freedom have such short memories..
the same bullshit arguments (some believers, not all)are using against serving gays are exactly the same bullshit arguments they used during the civil rights era against blacks...
now, what's un american again?
Mocking you is a sign of intelligence?

Since you missed it, I should point out I mock you almost every time I reply to you.
yes! you fail epically in your attempts to mock me.
not that I don't notice but reacting would give you a false sense that I gave a fuck what you think...
how could anyone fail when the bar is set so low.....
you just did ,fail that is..
if the bar is so low and you are better than that ,then why answer?
why do you need one?.....I used to have a company that rented apartments....a guy came into the office wearing a T-shirt that said "Fuck Authority".......was I acting illegally when I refused to rent him an apartment on the basis that he obviously would not live by the rules for the apartment complex?.......
Content. You didn't discriminate based on whether that person was a protected class under the CRA of 64. (which you could still do so if that person was of the protected class, if you're clever and as long as you don't make it apparent.)

You claim you're a lawyer - you don't sound much like one.

you mean compared to the guy I am arguing against, who claims that no one can reject the business of anyone?.......dude, compared to him I sound like the Chief Justice of the SC......
You have no legal basis to discriminate against homosexuals. Reading no longer seems to be a pre-requisite for the Bar.
yes! you fail epically in your attempts to mock me.
not that I don't notice but reacting would give you a false sense that I gave a fuck what you think...
how could anyone fail when the bar is set so low.....
you just did ,fail that is..
if the bar is so low and you are better than that ,then why answer?

???....I never said I was better than that.....I enjoy mocking you as much as anyone else.....
Content. You didn't discriminate based on whether that person was a protected class under the CRA of 64. (which you could still do so if that person was of the protected class, if you're clever and as long as you don't make it apparent.)

You claim you're a lawyer - you don't sound much like one.

you mean compared to the guy I am arguing against, who claims that no one can reject the business of anyone?.......dude, compared to him I sound like the Chief Justice of the SC......
You have no legal basis to discriminate against homosexuals. Reading no longer seems to be a pre-requisite for the Bar.

actually, reading was a pre-requisite.....we also had to take exams on who the protected classes were under the Civil Rights Act of 64....I also know whether I or my clients are required by law to rent to people who wear shirts that say "Fuck Authority".......or want me to bake gaycake.....
Hi MarcATL: I'll try my best shot/guess at this.
1. Under Christian scripture, followers are supposed to respect civil laws and authority.

2. the Constitutional amendments do spell out free exercise of religion, equal protection of the laws from discrimination, and due process. in seeking to enforce this law, the point is to reinforce the free exercise of religion and RFRA, and to reduce lawsuits seeking to deprive business owners and operators of their EQUAL religious freedoms protected by law

3. since Christians are supposed to abide by democratic procedures of due process to petition civilly, this lawsuit was seeking to defend such religious freedom from FRIVOLOUS types of lawsuits (where the protection from discrimination risks going "too far" and imposing on the equal rights and freedoms of people who do not believe in endorsing gays)

the point was NOT to broadly deprive 'just anybody of any kind of service' (which obviously would violate the same 1st and 14th amendments it seeks to defend) but specifically as trying to address ABUSE of lawsuits such as forcing people to attend or participate in gay weddings if this was against their beliefs.

Overall the problem is caused by imposing one view over the other instead of respecting both equally under the Constitution. So both sides fear infringement by the other, and the more they sue or legislate, they incite more fear the "other group is infringing on them."

Christians might fare better by mediating and resolving all conflicts directly (see Matthew 18:15-20 on establishing truth by agreement among the parties), instead of burdening govt with these personal issues between people that govt is not supposed to decide.

They are trying to use the secular system of democratic process, but as long as both sides fear the other as pushing a biased agenda, they both come across as threatening the equal freedom, rights and protection of the other groups' beliefs.

The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.
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how could anyone fail when the bar is set so low.....
you just did ,fail that is..
if the bar is so low and you are better than that ,then why answer?

???....I never said I was better than that.....I enjoy mocking you as much as anyone else.....
and like "everyone" (all two of you )(appeal to authority) it's ineffective. as a lawyer you should know that mockery is useless unless the "mockie" is effected of deterred in a way favorable to the mocker...
a swing and a miss!
you mean compared to the guy I am arguing against, who claims that no one can reject the business of anyone?.......dude, compared to him I sound like the Chief Justice of the SC......
You have no legal basis to discriminate against homosexuals. Reading no longer seems to be a pre-requisite for the Bar.

actually, reading was a pre-requisite.....we also had to take exams on who the protected classes were under the Civil Rights Act of 64....I also know whether I or my clients are required by law to rent to people who wear shirts that say "Fuck Authority".......or want me to bake gaycake.....
You perceive potential damage from the t-shirt wearing renter. What potential damage do you perceive from baking a wedding cake for a same sex couple? If you're going to discriminate and create second class citizens as a result, show cause for damages please.

Is it religion that prohibits bakers and photographers and caterers from providing the same level of service to homosexual clients as heterosexual clients? Is that religion Christianity? Will those Christian vendors be damaged, harmed or otherwise maltreated as a result of providing services to homosexual couples? Is it the same Christianity that teaches do unto others as you would have others do unto you? The same Christianity that teaches those without sin should cast the first stone? The same Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ when he said "this I now command you. To love one another."?

The religious aspect is hypocrisy if indeed Christianity is the religion used as an aegis to hide behind while dispensing hatred fear and suspicion.

Let's put our cards on the table. It's good old fashioned gay bashing all dressed up in ecumenical robes. The same way discrimination was meted out during Jim Crow from the pulpit and state houses of the old south.
One in public business offering services to the public cannot lawfully discriminate, period.

of course they can

hotels do it all the time

many require the guest to be 21

many require a valid ID

many require a functional credit card as security
And a baker requires payment, as does a wedding photographer, a florist, a caterer. And if a customer has that payment, there is no legal reason to deny services. They cannot citer homosexuality as cause to deny services. Such vendors are not invited guests at the affair. They don't bring a toaster oven as a gift. They are to provide services, not judgments.

Human beings are not robots, they do not have to wait for someone to make a law just because you are unwilling to think for yourself.
In reviewing the case of the Oregon baker (Sweet Cakes by Mellisa) -- and noting this past January the investigation found substantial evidence they had violated the same-sex couple's rights
[State of Oregon Finds Substantial Evidence Gresham Bakers Discriminated Illegally ]
I was reminded of the real "Christian" thing this couple said on Facebook when the controversy first broke:

“Fuck the *******, Spics, whores, sodomites, fat bitches, ugly *****, hypocritical hoes and overweight hippos on our feed. We try so hard to bake cakes and all you ungrateful bullies hate on me and my beautiful family after these articles were written, shame on you! If you don’t like our business then don’t stop by! More cake for our fellow Christians!”

Welcome to Oregon's Homophobic Marriage Industry

There's some real <cough> "Christianity" there, eh?

You were reminded of the fake Facebook page? The one I personally researched a debunked?

What a surprise.
since when is not discriminating Un american?
funny how the people ranting about religious freedom have such short memories..
the same bullshit arguments (some believers, not all)are using against serving gays are exactly the same bullshit arguments they used during the civil rights era against blacks...
now, what's un american again?

Do you have a problem with truth?
you just did ,fail that is..
if the bar is so low and you are better than that ,then why answer?

???....I never said I was better than that.....I enjoy mocking you as much as anyone else.....
and like "everyone" (all two of you )(appeal to authority) it's ineffective. as a lawyer you should know that mockery is useless unless the "mockie" is effected of deterred in a way favorable to the mocker...
a swing and a miss!

Actually, appeals to authority, AKA citing precedent, is the foundation of any legal argument.

As an idiot, I know that, which makes me wonder why you don't.

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