What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

Don't tell me that they are enslaving homosexuals now! Or are you resorting to the lazy man's argument and throwing hyperbole out there as a last resort?

Is it your contention that providing the exact same services for homosexuals as heterosexuals is really slavery?

The oppressor has become the oppressed! Just like in the good old days of Jim Crow! "It's our right to be bigots! This 'Civil Rights' business is denying us our right to be repressive!"

Good luck selling that to anyone who thinks!

doesnt matter who the players are

forcing one person to perform a service against their will is by definition

involuntary servitude

Involuntary Servitude legal definition of Involuntary Servitude. Involuntary Servitude synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
If you are a wedding photographer, taking pictures at a heterosexual wedding or a gay wedding is still just taking pictures. Are you suggesting homosexuals will not pay for the services?

If taking pictures is your normal set of services, you cannot claim "SLAVERY" at a homosexual wedding and "FREEDOM" at a straight wedding! The money from both occasions is still green!

If I were a house painter and my next door neighbor hired me to paint his house an outlandish color, I could not claim I am being enslaved to paint his house. Even though I believe that Lime Green with Orange trim on my neighbor's house will ruin my property value.

You silly Conservative bigots! First you tell us that 'victim hood' is a Left wing tactic. Next you try to assert that someone providing the exact same services to a heterosexual as a homosexual, that enslavement happens only when the homosexual is involved!

I am stating, flat out, that only an insane person would insist that a person that they despise show up at their wedding and be responsible for recording the most important day of their lives. Anyone who insists that this makes sense is just as crazy.

By the way, Dear Abby agrees with me, I guess that makes her a bigot.

On the other hand, you could just be crazy.
doesnt matter who the players are

forcing one person to perform a service against their will is by definition

involuntary servitude

Involuntary Servitude legal definition of Involuntary Servitude. Involuntary Servitude synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
If you are a wedding photographer, taking pictures at a heterosexual wedding or a gay wedding is still just taking pictures. Are you suggesting homosexuals will not pay for the services?

If taking pictures is your normal set of services, you cannot claim "SLAVERY" at a homosexual wedding and "FREEDOM" at a straight wedding! The money from both occasions is still green!

If I were a house painter and my next door neighbor hired me to paint his house an outlandish color, I could not claim I am being enslaved to paint his house. Even though I believe that Lime Green with Orange trim on my neighbor's house will ruin my property value.

You silly Conservative bigots! First you tell us that 'victim hood' is a Left wing tactic. Next you try to assert that someone providing the exact same services to a heterosexual as a homosexual, that enslavement happens only when the homosexual is involved!

I am stating, flat out, that only an insane person would insist that a person that they despise show up at their wedding and be responsible for recording the most important day of their lives. Anyone who insists that this makes sense is just as crazy.

By the way, Dear Abby agrees with me, I guess that makes her a bigot.

On the other hand, you could just be crazy.

And having a story to tell that they were victimized by a Christian baker, that they sued them and won would be icing on the cake for them.
This thread is not about the law, it is about the misconception that some people are pure enough to tell other people what is right, and what is wrong.

It is not about being pure enough. It is about being without excuse and knowing better:

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

And "doing good" is being kind and loving to everyone, and treating them as you would like them to treat you. You cannot win sinners to Christ by discriminating against them and not showing them love. Serving someone we believe may be in sin does not transfer their sin to us.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Galatians 6:1 - Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Matthew 7:3-5 - And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

the new Great Commandment....go ye into all the world and bake them gaycake!......
One is taught not to enable or support sin. Providing services to a gay wedding is supporting and enabling sin. Marriage means that the State recognizes the two as sexual partners and while being gay is not in and of itself a sin, practicing gay life style and having sex IS.
Shouldn't the business. Repressing rights identify themselves as a Bigoted Business? That way no person could accidentally do business with them if they disagree.

Such Bigoted Businesses must post a sign saying:

Due to our fervent belief in Jesus Christ who preached "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "those without sin cast the first stone", we reserve the right to discriminate against homosexuals"

That way, no 'sinner' would accidentally wander into the shop of such a righteous business owner.

I have no problem with that, as long as the assholes that require them to identify themselves are forced to wear a Nazi cross, or maybe the KKK cross, so that everyone can see what type of people they are, and have the option not to do business with them.

brings up an interesting parallel.....could a black baker be compelled to bake a cake celebrating the 100th anniversary of the KKK?........
Shouldn't the business. Repressing rights identify themselves as a Bigoted Business? That way no person could accidentally do business with them if they disagree.

Such Bigoted Businesses must post a sign saying:

Due to our fervent belief in Jesus Christ who preached "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "those without sin cast the first stone", we reserve the right to discriminate against homosexuals"

That way, no 'sinner' would accidentally wander into the shop of such a righteous business owner.

I have no problem with that, as long as the assholes that require them to identify themselves are forced to wear a Nazi cross, or maybe the KKK cross, so that everyone can see what type of people they are, and have the option not to do business with them.

brings up an interesting parallel.....could a black baker be compelled to bake a cake celebrating the 100th anniversary of the KKK?........

As long as it wasn't defamation then I don't see any law that would prohibit it. Unless you are Adolf Hitler's parents...

Except I wouldn't eat it.
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But I would not refuse to paint the house. In spite of my objection to the color scheme and the proximity to my own home, I could not legally justify a refusal. The property is not mine.

why on earth should you have to legally justify your refusal.....your time is your own.....nobody should be able to force you to do something you don't choose to do......
No they cannot.

/boggle.....of course they can.......I'm an attorney, do you think I have to represent every person who walks into my office?.......people are free to do what they choose (unless they live in a state run by brainless liberals)........
No they cannot.

/boggle.....of course they can.......I'm an attorney, do you think I have to represent every person who walks into my office?.......people are free to do what they choose (unless they live in a state run by brainless liberals)........

This is my religious exception clause. I will give you my take on it if you need me to:

Shouldn't the business. Repressing rights identify themselves as a Bigoted Business? That way no person could accidentally do business with them if they disagree.

Such Bigoted Businesses must post a sign saying:

Due to our fervent belief in Jesus Christ who preached "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "those without sin cast the first stone", we reserve the right to discriminate against homosexuals"

That way, no 'sinner' would accidentally wander into the shop of such a righteous business owner.

I have no problem with that, as long as the assholes that require them to identify themselves are forced to wear a Nazi cross, or maybe the KKK cross, so that everyone can see what type of people they are, and have the option not to do business with them.

brings up an interesting parallel.....could a black baker be compelled to bake a cake celebrating the 100th anniversary of the KKK?........

yes of course according to the lefties

they will do it or face legal action
One in public business offering services to the public cannot lawfully discriminate, period.

of course they can

hotels do it all the time

many require the guest to be 21

many require a valid ID

many require a functional credit card as security
One in public business offering services to the public cannot lawfully discriminate, period.

of course they can

hotels do it all the time

many require the guest to be 21

many require a valid ID

many require a functional credit card as security
And a baker requires payment, as does a wedding photographer, a florist, a caterer. And if a customer has that payment, there is no legal reason to deny services. They cannot citer homosexuality as cause to deny services. Such vendors are not invited guests at the affair. They don't bring a toaster oven as a gift. They are to provide services, not judgments.
One in public business offering services to the public cannot lawfully discriminate, period.

of course they can

hotels do it all the time

many require the guest to be 21

many require a valid ID

many require a functional credit card as security
And a baker requires payment, as does a wedding photographer, a florist, a caterer. And if a customer has that payment, there is no legal reason to deny services. They cannot citer homosexuality as cause to deny services. Such vendors are not invited guests at the affair. They don't bring a toaster oven as a gift. They are to provide services, not judgments.

the hotels require payments

the hotels provide a service

if the person is not 21 they do not accept a payment

they turn them away

so they discriminate various customers
of course they can

hotels do it all the time

many require the guest to be 21

many require a valid ID

many require a functional credit card as security
And a baker requires payment, as does a wedding photographer, a florist, a caterer. And if a customer has that payment, there is no legal reason to deny services. They cannot citer homosexuality as cause to deny services. Such vendors are not invited guests at the affair. They don't bring a toaster oven as a gift. They are to provide services, not judgments.

the hotels require payments

the hotels provide a service

if the person is not 21 they do not accept a payment

they turn them away

so they discriminate various customers

Because there's a national law about minors... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
In reviewing the case of the Oregon baker (Sweet Cakes by Mellisa) -- and noting this past January the investigation found substantial evidence they had violated the same-sex couple's rights
[State of Oregon Finds Substantial Evidence Gresham Bakers Discriminated Illegally ]
I was reminded of the real "Christian" thing this couple said on Facebook when the controversy first broke:

“Fuck the *******, Spics, whores, sodomites, fat bitches, ugly *****, hypocritical hoes and overweight hippos on our feed. We try so hard to bake cakes and all you ungrateful bullies hate on me and my beautiful family after these articles were written, shame on you! If you don’t like our business then don’t stop by! More cake for our fellow Christians!”

Welcome to Oregon's Homophobic Marriage Industry

There's some real <cough> "Christianity" there, eh?
I personally think that those Christians who are so unbelievably offended by anything sinful should discriminate like mad.

Please, by all means, have at it.

And when you have no more customers and your businesses are dying and you can't pay the bills, it's not my problem.

If I see a Christian businessman discriminating against another human being just because of his beliefs or sexual orientation, I'll just scratch that businessman off the list of people that I would do business with.... and so the list spreads..... all over the place.... yadayadayada...
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In reviewing the case of the Oregon baker (Sweet Cakes by Mellisa) -- and noting this past January the investigation found substantial evidence they had violated the same-sex couple's rights
[State of Oregon Finds Substantial Evidence Gresham Bakers Discriminated Illegally ]
I was reminded of the real "Christian" thing this couple said on Facebook when the controversy first broke:

“Fuck the *******, Spics, whores, sodomites, fat bitches, ugly *****, hypocritical hoes and overweight hippos on our feed. We try so hard to bake cakes and all you ungrateful bullies hate on me and my beautiful family after these articles were written, shame on you! If you don’t like our business then don’t stop by! More cake for our fellow Christians!”

Welcome to Oregon's Homophobic Marriage Industry

There's some real <cough> "Christianity" there, eh?

Man, oh man, that is some ugly, ugly, ugly language.

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