What's fundamentally wrong with America?

We're fast becoming a nation of takers rather than producers.. and all the while we besmirch the few producers that are left. We've got kids spending half their lives in college getting worthless degrees who when the finally do leave academia, are barely qualified to ask you "do you want fries with that?"

I fear we may be doomed.

Who in your mind are the producers? The Wall Street guys? Finance bankers? Corporate executives? Contractors? Assembly workers? Farmers? Lobbyists?
Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.
So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

We used to agree on goals but differ on methodology.
Now we can't even agree on goals.

Probably because there is no "we" any longer.
We allowed statists to throw out the Constitution.

Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Chief Justice Marshall...and many more could not agree on things, yet somehow you think you know exactly what they didn't and struggled with?

How does that make any sense? Where did DTMB say we had to agree on everything?

The reality is, we've allowed liberals (on BOTH sides of the aisle) to ignore the ultimate law of the land and do whatever the hell they wanted.

Obama isn't the heart of the problem. The real problem with America and the rest of the world is the fact that human beings are in charge.

Want some change??? Some real change???

Sorry. Not going to happen. Not just because of democrats or republicans or American greed, but that human beings in this country, and every other country, are concerned with their well being and not the worlds.

People not giving a shit about other people is our countries problem. If the world lived by the golden rule, then the world would be perfect. Unfortunately people care fathoms more about being RIGHT, and how much something COSTS, rather than all helping each other be awesome.

We could cure world hunger...but we would rather put spinning rims on a gold jet ski.
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Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.
So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

We used to agree on goals but differ on methodology.
Now we can't even agree on goals.

Probably because there is no "we" any longer.

you are correct. the country is more divided now than ever in history. Half the country wants a benevalent dictator who will take care of their every need. the other half wants free enterprise and individual responsibility. One half wants huge government that controls every aspect of our lives, and the other half wants small government that leaves us alone to succeed or fail on our own.
Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.
So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

We used to agree on goals but differ on methodology.
Now we can't even agree on goals.

Probably because there is no "we" any longer.

you are correct. the country is more divided now than ever in history. Half the country wants a benevalent dictator who will take care of their every need. the other half wants free enterprise and individual responsibility. One half wants huge government that controls every aspect of our lives, and the other half wants small government that leaves us alone to succeed or fail on our own.


If elections are any way to judge what a country wants, 60% want some of what you mentioned above (only in a liberal or conservative's cartoon fantasy land does what you write have any semblence to reality), and 40% who could care less.

I tend to think the 40% is the primary "evil", not the 30 percent who may disagree with me on 5 out of 10 topics. Because when you know where you have disagreement, you have the framework for compromise. I'm all for a woman's reproductive choice but I'm not for abortions when your baby's gender isn't what you prefer--so it's a matter of degrees. Those who are for a person's right to bear arms are likely not wild about the idea of me having an atomic weapon in my briefcase. It's a mater of degrees.

When you have a large block of mentally, spiritually, socially, and above all else societally (sp?) apathetic citizenry, then you have real problems. These apathetic losers are what obstructs the country more than they can ever know. To quote Gene Hackman in the movie Runaway Jury,

You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.

And guess what, the 90+% of the people you and I keep sending BACK to Washington--that is the incumbency retention rate are dead set on making sure that the roofer with a mortgage has no interruption in his cable TV or his comfort zone.

I tend to think that government at it's best comforts the afflicted and steers toward afflicting the comfortable to some degree. I know you disagree and that's fine. Time has proven me correct more often than not.

What a world would it be if we could get 20 of the 40% who don't give a droplet of shit either way to pick an issue--ANY ISSUE--and develop a passion about it. Get informed, get involved, and get off their ass and inform others.

Too much to ask, I know. But ostracizing those who disagree is the low-hanging fruit of the political spectrum. Convincing others to see your side of the issue is the real prize and, right now, 4 out of 10 don't want to listen.

How sad.
Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Chief Justice Marshall...and many more could not agree on things, yet somehow you think you know exactly what they didn't and struggled with?

How does that make any sense? Where did DTMB say we had to agree on everything?

The reality is, we've allowed liberals (on BOTH sides of the aisle) to ignore the ultimate law of the land and do whatever the hell they wanted.

Obama isn't the heart of the problem. The real problem with America and the rest of the world is the fact that human beings are in charge.

Want some change??? Some real change???

Sorry. Not going to happen. Not just because of democrats or republicans or American greed, but that human beings in this country, and every other country, are concerned with their well being and not the worlds.

People not giving a shit about other people is our countries problem. If the world lived by the golden rule, then the world would be perfect. Unfortunately people care fathoms more about being RIGHT, and how much something COSTS, rather than all helping each other be awesome.

We could cure world hunger...but we would rather put spinning rims on a gold jet ski.

Yes, if we would just subjugate our own wants and desires, and become drones serving a one world government, everything would just be great. Except for the simple fact that life would no longer be worth living.

Life is not just existing to feed some common cause, and reproducing to provide for future drones with the same goal. It is a challenge of the individual to thrive, regardless of circumstances. There is little joy in winning, if their is no sorrow in losing. There is no reward for being successful, if there is no penalty for failure to succeed. There is no self satisfaction in helping others, if helping others is not a volunteer act.
We used to agree on goals but differ on methodology.
Now we can't even agree on goals.

Probably because there is no "we" any longer.

you are correct. the country is more divided now than ever in history. Half the country wants a benevalent dictator who will take care of their every need. the other half wants free enterprise and individual responsibility. One half wants huge government that controls every aspect of our lives, and the other half wants small government that leaves us alone to succeed or fail on our own.


If elections are any way to judge what a country wants, 60% want some of what you mentioned above (only in a liberal or conservative's cartoon fantasy land does what you write have any semblence to reality), and 40% who could care less.

I tend to think the 40% is the primary "evil", not the 30 percent who may disagree with me on 5 out of 10 topics. Because when you know where you have disagreement, you have the framework for compromise. I'm all for a woman's reproductive choice but I'm not for abortions when your baby's gender isn't what you prefer--so it's a matter of degrees. Those who are for a person's right to bear arms are likely not wild about the idea of me having an atomic weapon in my briefcase. It's a mater of degrees.

When you have a large block of mentally, spiritually, socially, and above all else societally (sp?) apathetic citizenry, then you have real problems. These apathetic losers are what obstructs the country more than they can ever know. To quote Gene Hackman in the movie Runaway Jury,

You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.

And guess what, the 90+% of the people you and I keep sending BACK to Washington--that is the incumbency retention rate are dead set on making sure that the roofer with a mortgage has no interruption in his cable TV or his comfort zone.

I tend to think that government at it's best comforts the afflicted and steers toward afflicting the comfortable to some degree. I know you disagree and that's fine. Time has proven me correct more often than not.

What a world would it be if we could get 20 of the 40% who don't give a droplet of shit either way to pick an issue--ANY ISSUE--and develop a passion about it. Get informed, get involved, and get off their ass and inform others.

Too much to ask, I know. But ostracizing those who disagree is the low-hanging fruit of the political spectrum. Convincing others to see your side of the issue is the real prize and, right now, 4 out of 10 don't want to listen.

How sad.

voter apathy is not new. an uneducated population is somewhat new. the 40% that you mentioned are more interested in who wins idol or DWS than who is president or how much they pay in taxes. They buy the media talking points as truth and do not really give a shit about finding the truth. its quite pathetic that we have come this far to degrade into a nation of morons.
What's fundamentally wrong with America?

Conservative reactionaryism, rightists fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

And their futile efforts to drag America back to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with is detrimental to the Nation as a whole.

Partisan garbage. You're just as at fault as they are.

I would say MUCH more.

"Conservatives" might want to make "Leave it to Beaver" a reality.

Bed wetters like this douchebag would bring about Orwell's 1984, and blame it on Bush.
Who is supposed to do the compromising then?

Google "compromise"

no one can compromise with people who are "fundamentally" wrong. Obama's "fundamentals" are wrong for the USA. We are not a marxist country.

Exactly, I've been saying the same thing for a while. If you "compromise" with idiots who are WRONG, you end up being half right at best.

Plus we all know that if you "compromise" and give the bed wetters half of what they want, they always come back for the other half, and claim the failure of their policies are because they didn't get everything they wanted right way.

Or Bush's fault.
Google "compromise"

no one can compromise with people who are "fundamentally" wrong. Obama's "fundamentals" are wrong for the USA. We are not a marxist country.

Google "compromise"

I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.
you are correct. the country is more divided now than ever in history. Half the country wants a benevalent dictator who will take care of their every need. the other half wants free enterprise and individual responsibility. One half wants huge government that controls every aspect of our lives, and the other half wants small government that leaves us alone to succeed or fail on our own.


If elections are any way to judge what a country wants, 60% want some of what you mentioned above (only in a liberal or conservative's cartoon fantasy land does what you write have any semblence to reality), and 40% who could care less.

I tend to think the 40% is the primary "evil", not the 30 percent who may disagree with me on 5 out of 10 topics. Because when you know where you have disagreement, you have the framework for compromise. I'm all for a woman's reproductive choice but I'm not for abortions when your baby's gender isn't what you prefer--so it's a matter of degrees. Those who are for a person's right to bear arms are likely not wild about the idea of me having an atomic weapon in my briefcase. It's a mater of degrees.

When you have a large block of mentally, spiritually, socially, and above all else societally (sp?) apathetic citizenry, then you have real problems. These apathetic losers are what obstructs the country more than they can ever know. To quote Gene Hackman in the movie Runaway Jury,

You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.

And guess what, the 90+% of the people you and I keep sending BACK to Washington--that is the incumbency retention rate are dead set on making sure that the roofer with a mortgage has no interruption in his cable TV or his comfort zone.

I tend to think that government at it's best comforts the afflicted and steers toward afflicting the comfortable to some degree. I know you disagree and that's fine. Time has proven me correct more often than not.

What a world would it be if we could get 20 of the 40% who don't give a droplet of shit either way to pick an issue--ANY ISSUE--and develop a passion about it. Get informed, get involved, and get off their ass and inform others.

Too much to ask, I know. But ostracizing those who disagree is the low-hanging fruit of the political spectrum. Convincing others to see your side of the issue is the real prize and, right now, 4 out of 10 don't want to listen.

How sad.

voter apathy is not new. an uneducated population is somewhat new. the 40% that you mentioned are more interested in who wins idol or DWS than who is president or how much they pay in taxes. They buy the media talking points as truth and do not really give a shit about finding the truth. its quite pathetic that we have come this far to degrade into a nation of morons.

Again, I agree. Most of these people coming out of Colleges and Universities don't have a clue. Most don't (or won't) give a hoot in hell about life until Mom and Dad kicks them out of the basement. THEN it becomes REALITY.

Once REALITY sets in, they "usually" become adults....either that, or they become the clown you see on the same corner, every day, holding a sign that reads "need help"- telling anyone who is stupid enough to listen tht they "could have been a contender".
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How does that make any sense? Where did DTMB say we had to agree on everything?

The reality is, we've allowed liberals (on BOTH sides of the aisle) to ignore the ultimate law of the land and do whatever the hell they wanted.

Obama isn't the heart of the problem. The real problem with America and the rest of the world is the fact that human beings are in charge.

Want some change??? Some real change???

Sorry. Not going to happen. Not just because of democrats or republicans or American greed, but that human beings in this country, and every other country, are concerned with their well being and not the worlds.

People not giving a shit about other people is our countries problem. If the world lived by the golden rule, then the world would be perfect. Unfortunately people care fathoms more about being RIGHT, and how much something COSTS, rather than all helping each other be awesome.

We could cure world hunger...but we would rather put spinning rims on a gold jet ski.

Yes, if we would just subjugate our own wants and desires, and become drones serving a one world government, everything would just be great. Except for the simple fact that life would no longer be worth living.

Life is not just existing to feed some common cause, and reproducing to provide for future drones with the same goal. It is a challenge of the individual to thrive, regardless of circumstances. There is little joy in winning, if their is no sorrow in losing. There is no reward for being successful, if there is no penalty for failure to succeed. There is no self satisfaction in helping others, if helping others is not a volunteer act.

Lame argument. Why do we have any pretense of civility at all? Maybe we should just let the biggest, baddest mutherfuckers pummel the crap out of whoever has what they want and let them take it. I see little difference between that and what you're suggesting.
Obama isn't the heart of the problem. The real problem with America and the rest of the world is the fact that human beings are in charge.

Want some change??? Some real change???

Sorry. Not going to happen. Not just because of democrats or republicans or American greed, but that human beings in this country, and every other country, are concerned with their well being and not the worlds.

People not giving a shit about other people is our countries problem. If the world lived by the golden rule, then the world would be perfect. Unfortunately people care fathoms more about being RIGHT, and how much something COSTS, rather than all helping each other be awesome.

We could cure world hunger...but we would rather put spinning rims on a gold jet ski.

Yes, if we would just subjugate our own wants and desires, and become drones serving a one world government, everything would just be great. Except for the simple fact that life would no longer be worth living.

Life is not just existing to feed some common cause, and reproducing to provide for future drones with the same goal. It is a challenge of the individual to thrive, regardless of circumstances. There is little joy in winning, if their is no sorrow in losing. There is no reward for being successful, if there is no penalty for failure to succeed. There is no self satisfaction in helping others, if helping others is not a volunteer act.

Lame argument. Why do we have any pretense of civility at all? Maybe we should just let the biggest, baddest mutherfuckers pummel the crap out of whoever has what they want and let them take it. I see little difference between that and what you're suggesting.

you liberals cannot separate empathy from marxism. We have laws that prevent pummeling the crap out of whoever you want. Charities exist to help the less fortunate and the sick.

You guys want government to be one great big charity and some beaurocrats to decide who "needs" help and who should pay for it.

You don't understand the basic concept of freedom. Real freedom includes the freedom to succeed beyond your wildest dreams and the freedom to fail and end up in the ditch.

Government does not exist to keep people from failing and to punish people who succeed.

Liberals do not understand human nature or life in general. I do not comprehend what goes on in a liberal mind.
no one can compromise with people who are "fundamentally" wrong. Obama's "fundamentals" are wrong for the USA. We are not a marxist country.

Google "compromise"

I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function
Google "compromise"

I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Very true. the GOP controlled house has passed many budget bills, Reid has not let a single one be debated on the floor of the senate or offered to meet with a compromise committee to find a workable compromise budget.

The healthcare bill was passed by democrats, no debate was allowed, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to the floor.

seems to me that its the left that is refusing to compromise.
you are correct. the country is more divided now than ever in history. Half the country wants a benevalent dictator who will take care of their every need. the other half wants free enterprise and individual responsibility. One half wants huge government that controls every aspect of our lives, and the other half wants small government that leaves us alone to succeed or fail on our own.


If elections are any way to judge what a country wants, 60% want some of what you mentioned above (only in a liberal or conservative's cartoon fantasy land does what you write have any semblence to reality), and 40% who could care less.

I tend to think the 40% is the primary "evil", not the 30 percent who may disagree with me on 5 out of 10 topics. Because when you know where you have disagreement, you have the framework for compromise. I'm all for a woman's reproductive choice but I'm not for abortions when your baby's gender isn't what you prefer--so it's a matter of degrees. Those who are for a person's right to bear arms are likely not wild about the idea of me having an atomic weapon in my briefcase. It's a mater of degrees.

When you have a large block of mentally, spiritually, socially, and above all else societally (sp?) apathetic citizenry, then you have real problems. These apathetic losers are what obstructs the country more than they can ever know. To quote Gene Hackman in the movie Runaway Jury,

You think your average juror is King Solomon? No! He's a roofer with a mortgage. He wants to go home and sit in his Barcalounger and let the cable TV wash over him. And this man doesn't give a single, solitary droplet of shit about truth, justice or your American way.

And guess what, the 90+% of the people you and I keep sending BACK to Washington--that is the incumbency retention rate are dead set on making sure that the roofer with a mortgage has no interruption in his cable TV or his comfort zone.

I tend to think that government at it's best comforts the afflicted and steers toward afflicting the comfortable to some degree. I know you disagree and that's fine. Time has proven me correct more often than not.

What a world would it be if we could get 20 of the 40% who don't give a droplet of shit either way to pick an issue--ANY ISSUE--and develop a passion about it. Get informed, get involved, and get off their ass and inform others.

Too much to ask, I know. But ostracizing those who disagree is the low-hanging fruit of the political spectrum. Convincing others to see your side of the issue is the real prize and, right now, 4 out of 10 don't want to listen.

How sad.

voter apathy is not new. an uneducated population is somewhat new. the 40% that you mentioned are more interested in who wins idol or DWS than who is president or how much they pay in taxes. They buy the media talking points as truth and do not really give a shit about finding the truth. its quite pathetic that we have come this far to degrade into a nation of morons.

American Voters are more informed (or have the opportunity to be anyway) than ever. And they, in your cartoonish binary world, have access to "both" sides of the argument although in reality there are far more shades of gray than there are solid blacks or whites.

Perhaps if the politics was more pleasant there would be more interest.

As for "uneducated", do you consider yourself an informed voter? If so, who did you support for President in 2012 and why did you support him?
I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Very true. the GOP controlled house has passed many budget bills, Reid has not let a single one be debated on the floor of the senate or offered to meet with a compromise committee to find a workable compromise budget.

The healthcare bill was passed by democrats, no debate was allowed, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to the floor.

seems to me that its the left that is refusing to compromise.

Bills passed that contain poison pills are not compromise. Passing the "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" is not an attemprt at compromise

Healthcare bill was a series of compromises made with Republicans on the committee. Repuiblicans voted against compromises they insisted on

Obama offered Republicans at the Healthcare Summit......"Tell me what you need in this bill to be able to vote for it" Republicans replied to a man....Tear it up and start over

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