What's fundamentally wrong with America?

The United States is inhabited mainly by uneducated, uncultured, brainwashed clods who are usually trying to pull a fast one on everybody else.

Americans are just like everybody else in the world -- only more so.

Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

Obama called it correctly in 2008 - too much money in Washington. Big business controlling our legislative decisions (and said he was going to change it).

Unfortunately, those who voted for him were duped, and we have no move to fix any of those things. In fact, the situation has become much worse in Obama's past 5 years running this nation. Perhaps will be noted as one of the worsts of all time due to the pivotal time he came into office, and the horrible precedents he set.

Even my wife - a stringent Democrat - has turned on the guy...

to be fair, which you seem incapable of being...
the Supreme Court dictated President Obama change cards in his hand. as President, Obama cannot unilaterally changes laws.

The GOP members of Congress have thwarted Obama at every turn Your wife , who you introduced, seems like she is as ignorant as you are if she based any of her reasonings on your pathetically vapid and disingenuous arguments
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to be fair, which you seem incapable of being...
the Supreme Court dictated President Obama change cards in his hand. as President, Obama cannot unilaterally changes laws.

The GOP members of Congress have thwarted Obama at every turn Your wife , who you introduced, seems like she is as ignorant as you are if she based any of her reasonings on your pathetically vapid and disingenuous arguments

Did the Supreme push Obama into signing the Monsanto act rider despite a petition of over 200,000 concerned citizens asking for his veto? Or wait, did the GOP some how thwart him there as well? Did the GOP force his Justice Department to spy on reporters, or force the IRS under his Administration to unfairly target the opposition? Did the GOP force Obama to prosecute more whistleblowers than any other president? What about those bankers Obama said he'd go after; was his failure to do so also attributed to the Republicans?

My wife is a big nutrition advocate, and when she caught wind of all the ways Obama is helping Monsanto - even in TERM 2 where he has no election to worry about - she began to think again. If you can defend Obama's catering of Monsanto, I'm all ears, but until then don't be a dick.

Dante, you seem like a rather unpleasant person who seems to have nothing more to offer than insults to those who don't think like you. I think this is a fair assessment that 99% of those who have debated with you will agree with.

There are many folks I disagree with on here but enjoy debating with because they know how to hold an adult conversation with mutual respect for one's opinion.

You certainly do not fall into that category. I suggest you grow up a bit.

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Very true. the GOP controlled house has passed many budget bills, Reid has not let a single one be debated on the floor of the senate or offered to meet with a compromise committee to find a workable compromise budget.

The healthcare bill was passed by democrats, no debate was allowed, no GOP amendments were allowed to come to the floor.

seems to me that its the left that is refusing to compromise.

Bills passed that contain poison pills are not compromise. Passing the "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" is not an attemprt at compromise

Healthcare bill was a series of compromises made with Republicans on the committee. Repuiblicans voted against compromises they insisted on

Obama offered Republicans at the Healthcare Summit......"Tell me what you need in this bill to be able to vote for it" Republicans replied to a man....Tear it up and start over

Do you ever listen to yourself RightWinger?

The Obamcare bill was pure, unaltered CANCER for America. It was proven over and over (and why Obama was desperate to hide what was in it). So you're idea of compromise is to say "ok - you can give us CANCER as long as you also give us "X"?!? :cuckoo:

Compromise would have been Obama saying, "Ok - this bill sucks - what do you recommend we do? You put together a bipartisan bill, pass it, and then I will sign it - even if that bill says NO HEALTHCARE reform".

Obviously you don’t listen to yourself.

Not that it would do any good.

But you indeed represent what is fundamentally wrong with America: the frightened, angry reactionary conservative lashing out in ignorance at things he doesn’t understand, holding the country back, in fact, dragging the country back; as already correctly noted, we need compromise and consensus, an enlightened, pragmatic approach predicated on facts and evidence, not dogma and fear – that’s when America worked best.
I think we all know what the word means. The problem is that the sides are so far apart on the basics of government, that compromise makes both sides move farther than they are willing to do. I am not saying that is good, just that that is what is happening.

In the past we had common goals and just differed in how to get there, now we no longer have common goals.

The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Here we go again - a vintage liberal... notice everything he said was compromising on things he wants to see (less guns or rounds, more homosexuality, etc.).

Why aren't you talking about compromising on Obamcare? Social Security? Welfare? Food stamps? Subsidized housing? The size and scope of government?

Here's the problem - at the end of the day, people like you want me to compromise on my freedom. It's not fucking happening. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next year. Not next decade. Not next century.

If you acted like an American for ONCE in your miserable socialist life, we wouldn't need to "compromise" on anything.

Sounds like fun

Make an offer and let's talk some compromise

Tell me the three things you want most and what you would be willing to give up
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Bills passed that contain poison pills are not compromise. Passing the "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" is not an attemprt at compromise

Healthcare bill was a series of compromises made with Republicans on the committee. Repuiblicans voted against compromises they insisted on

Obama offered Republicans at the Healthcare Summit......"Tell me what you need in this bill to be able to vote for it" Republicans replied to a man....Tear it up and start over

Do you ever listen to yourself RightWinger?

The Obamcare bill was pure, unaltered CANCER for America. It was proven over and over (and why Obama was desperate to hide what was in it). So you're idea of compromise is to say "ok - you can give us CANCER as long as you also give us "X"?!? :cuckoo:

Compromise would have been Obama saying, "Ok - this bill sucks - what do you recommend we do? You put together a bipartisan bill, pass it, and then I will sign it - even if that bill says NO HEALTHCARE reform".

Obviously you don’t listen to yourself.

Not that it would do any good.

But you indeed represent what is fundamentally wrong with America: the frightened, angry reactionary conservative lashing out in ignorance at things he doesn’t understand, holding the country back, in fact, dragging the country back; as already correctly noted, we need compromise and consensus, an enlightened, pragmatic approach predicated on facts and evidence, not dogma and fear – that’s when America worked best.

thats already been said earlier about you Jones.....and that poster was right....you and your fellow Far Lefties are just as bad for this Country as the people in the Far Right.....try questioning things instead of just doing.....America worked best when those like you were squelched every time you said something....
Bills passed that contain poison pills are not compromise. Passing the "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" is not an attemprt at compromise

Healthcare bill was a series of compromises made with Republicans on the committee. Repuiblicans voted against compromises they insisted on

Obama offered Republicans at the Healthcare Summit......"Tell me what you need in this bill to be able to vote for it" Republicans replied to a man....Tear it up and start over

Do you ever listen to yourself RightWinger?

The Obamcare bill was pure, unaltered CANCER for America. It was proven over and over (and why Obama was desperate to hide what was in it). So you're idea of compromise is to say "ok - you can give us CANCER as long as you also give us "X"?!? :cuckoo:

Compromise would have been Obama saying, "Ok - this bill sucks - what do you recommend we do? You put together a bipartisan bill, pass it, and then I will sign it - even if that bill says NO HEALTHCARE reform".

Obviously you don’t listen to yourself.

Not that it would do any good.

But you indeed represent what is fundamentally wrong with America: the frightened, angry reactionary conservative lashing out in ignorance at things he doesn’t understand, holding the country back, in fact, dragging the country back; as already correctly noted, we need compromise and consensus, an enlightened, pragmatic approach predicated on facts and evidence, not dogma and fear – that’s when America worked best.

I understand Obamacare - too bad you don't as well. Here, allow me to educate you (as usual):

Do you ever listen to yourself RightWinger?

The Obamcare bill was pure, unaltered CANCER for America. It was proven over and over (and why Obama was desperate to hide what was in it). So you're idea of compromise is to say "ok - you can give us CANCER as long as you also give us "X"?!? :cuckoo:

Compromise would have been Obama saying, "Ok - this bill sucks - what do you recommend we do? You put together a bipartisan bill, pass it, and then I will sign it - even if that bill says NO HEALTHCARE reform".

Obviously you don’t listen to yourself.

Not that it would do any good.

But you indeed represent what is fundamentally wrong with America: the frightened, angry reactionary conservative lashing out in ignorance at things he doesn’t understand, holding the country back, in fact, dragging the country back; as already correctly noted, we need compromise and consensus, an enlightened, pragmatic approach predicated on facts and evidence, not dogma and fear – that’s when America worked best.

thats already been said earlier about you Jones.....and that poster was right....you and your fellow Far Lefties are just as bad for this Country as the people in the Far Right.....try questioning things instead of just doing.....America worked best when those like you were squelched every time you said something....

the far lefties and far righties put everyone but themselves into the polar opposite camp.

it's mental illness
The budget is comprised of revenue and spending. Compromises have been made on the budget for over 200 years.

Healthcare was a blank slate. There is nothing in the GOP platform that says they are incapable of supporting healthcare

Gun regulations have been around for generations. There is plenty of room for compromise on background checks, registration, high capacity magazines

There is plenty of ground for compromise on homosexual rights

Our system of government requires compromise...that is the only way it can function

Here we go again - a vintage liberal... notice everything he said was compromising on things he wants to see (less guns or rounds, more homosexuality, etc.).

Why aren't you talking about compromising on Obamcare? Social Security? Welfare? Food stamps? Subsidized housing? The size and scope of government?

Here's the problem - at the end of the day, people like you want me to compromise on my freedom. It's not fucking happening. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next year. Not next decade. Not next century.

If you acted like an American for ONCE in your miserable socialist life, we wouldn't need to "compromise" on anything.

Sounds like fun

Make an offer and let's talk some compromise

Tell me the three things you want most and what you would be willing to give up

I did make you an offer already - post #157
I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Easy enough....it's all covered in Article 1 of The Constitution

Obama promised to change us fundamentally, and liberals cheered.

So please tell me what's wrong, why it needs to be changed and why it's been fundamental.

What's fundamentally wrong with America is the same thing that's fundamentally wrong with the rest of the world - The need for infinite growth is colliding with finite resources.

That said, I think for all the pissing and moaning people do, our day to day lives have not changed that much through the Obama years (nor the Bush years, for that matter).
I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Easy enough....it's all covered in Article 1 of The Constitution

Yeah - none of that is covered in the U.S. Constitution. None. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, and not one of them was to control healthcare. Or force citizens to purchase a good or service. Or provide housing.

And you know it...
This is where "compromise" got us - the IRS goes from a temporary war time solution which is eventually abolished (as was intended) to a permanent nightmare of greed and overreach by one of the ultimate communist libtards, Woodrow Wilson. Today, this monstrosity abuses it's authority targeting conservatives and spends $50 million on a parties...

House Panel: Report Finds $50M for IRS Conferences
$50 million on "conferences" in 2 years

A government watchdog has found that the Internal Revenue Service spent about $50 million to hold at least 220 conferences for employees between 2010 and 2012, a House committee said Sunday.

The chairman of that committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., also released excerpts of congressional investigators' interviews with employees of the IRS office in Cincinnati. Issa said the interviews indicated the employees were directed by Washington to subject tea party and other conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status to tough scrutiny.

House panel: Report finds $50M for IRS conferences
I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Easy enough....it's all covered in Article 1 of The Constitution

Yeah - none of that is covered in the U.S. Constitution. None. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, and not one of them was to control healthcare. Or force citizens to purchase a good or service. Or provide housing.

And you know it...

Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose
What's fundamentally wrong with America is fundamentally wrong with the whole world, drink cans that are made so thin, a 6 year old can break them, plastic bags that come from the store with holes in them, lawnmowers that are build to last only 5 years, the Internet our primary source of information is our primary source of misinformation, and finally we spend so much time working on big problems that we can't fix we have no time to work on little problems that we can.
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I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Easy enough....it's all covered in Article 1 of The Constitution

Yeah - none of that is covered in the U.S. Constitution. None. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, and not one of them was to control healthcare. Or force citizens to purchase a good or service. Or provide housing.

And you know it...

Yes-huh, right in the part where it talks about providing the common Defence[sic].

Same sentence actually.
What's fundamentally wrong with America is fundamentally wrong with the whole world, drink cans that are made so thin, a 6 year old can break them, plastic bags that come from the store with holes in them, lawnmowers that are build to last only 5 years, the Internet our primary source of information is our primary source of misinformation, and finally we spend so much time working on big problems that we can't fix we have no time to work on little problems that we can.

Don't blame us......blame China.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with America it's not prefect no place is but I would not leave here for another country and even those who for their own reasons think America is fundamentally flawed seem to be in no hurry to leave for greener pastures.

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