What's fundamentally wrong with America?

There is nothing fundamentally wrong with America it's not prefect no place is but I would not leave here for another country and even those who for their own reasons think America is fundamentally flawed seem to be in no hurry to leave for greener pastures.

When you read the majority of posts here it seems that people are living in hell on earth. How come nobody's moving?
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with America it's not prefect no place is but I would not leave here for another country and even those who for their own reasons think America is fundamentally flawed seem to be in no hurry to leave for greener pastures.

When you read the majority of posts here it seems that people are living in hell on earth. How come nobody's moving?

Some people just like to bitch even when they really have nothing to bitch about.
Easy enough....it's all covered in Article 1 of The Constitution

Yeah - none of that is covered in the U.S. Constitution. None. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, and not one of them was to control healthcare. Or force citizens to purchase a good or service. Or provide housing.

And you know it...

Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose

So let me get this straight - if tomorrow, representatives pass a law that says liberals have no right to religion, free speech, or press, you'll recognize that as Constitutional?

Thanks for showing the world what an unhinged partisan hack buffoon you are. You lose.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with America it's not prefect no place is but I would not leave here for another country and even those who for their own reasons think America is fundamentally flawed seem to be in no hurry to leave for greener pastures.

When you read the majority of posts here it seems that people are living in hell on earth. How come nobody's moving?

Well that's exactly what I ask libtards all the time. Everything they want has been done in Cuba, yet none of them will move there.

As far as me - I refuse to surrender my country to communists. I'll stay here until the bitter end and throwing punches the entire time.
Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose

This is yet another glaring example of what is wrong with America today. You have a parasite voting class like winger here who have never read the U.S. Constitution and have zero understanding of it.

The fact is - our representatives are not given unlimited powers and cannot pass what ever they want. It really is that simple (and of winger wasn't too lazy to read a couple of short pages, he would know that too).

They are delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers by the states. That is all they have power over. They are not authorized to make legislation over anything else. Not healthcare. Not housing. Not Social Security. And if they want that power, they have to amend the Constitution.

The fact that winger nonsensically throws out "Article I" where it doesn't even apply and then adds "We The People" followed by "elect our officials" because he *thinks* it sounds intelligent speaks volumes as to just how completely uninformed he is about the U.S. Constitution and his own government.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with America it's not prefect no place is but I would not leave here for another country and even those who for their own reasons think America is fundamentally flawed seem to be in no hurry to leave for greener pastures.

When you read the majority of posts here it seems that people are living in hell on earth. How come nobody's moving?

Well that's exactly what I ask libtards all the time. Everything they want has been done in Cuba, yet none of them will move there.

As far as me - I refuse to surrender my country to communists. I'll stay here until the bitter end and throwing punches the entire time.

The country and government is of, by, and for, we, the people. All of us. Not just you, or you and your friends, all of us.

Our Constitution is very specific on it's interpretation and enforcement. It does not mention you and your friends, but gives the responsibility to the Federal Courts. The Federal Courts have adjudicated every issue in our history of Constitutionality.

Because we, the people, is a large number of us, we have ammended that Constitution over our history to specify a representative democracy. You get to vote to hire or fire your representation in our government, so do I. So do the rest of we, the people.

If that's not enough control for you, TS. It's the way things were, are, and will be here. You're not going to change it. If you decide to stay, either get in step with the majority of we, the people, or lose. Your choice.
We have robbers in our midsts corrupting the people and decieving them. They teach that it's alright to take from one group of people to give to others and that we should ignore morality and more importantly God.

And they are currently in power.
I'll give you anything you want. 100% of your every whim.

All I ask in return is that it is Constitutional (and no - a Supreme Court radically stacked with libtards does NOT make something constitutional).

You want Social Security? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Medicaid? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Food Stamps? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want subsidized housing? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

You want Obamacare? Legally amend the U.S. Constitution to make that a responsibility of the federal government.

I'm willing to trade your infinite wishes for my ONE already required demand. Lets's see how much you assholes are willing to "compromise" now... I'm willing NOT one will accept this - and it's already the requirement of the U.S. Constitution. I'm not adding one more item to what already exists.

Oh, brother…

As opposed to what? ‘Illegally amending’ the Constitution?

The Constitution already authorizes the items noted above and more.

The Constitution affords Congress powers both enumerated and implied. See: McCulloch v. Maryland (1819). That you disapprove of almost two centuries of case law is thankfully irrelevant.
Yeah - none of that is covered in the U.S. Constitution. None. The states delegated 18 enumerated powers to the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, and not one of them was to control healthcare. Or force citizens to purchase a good or service. Or provide housing.

And you know it...

Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose

So let me get this straight - if tomorrow, representatives pass a law that says liberals have no right to religion, free speech, or press, you'll recognize that as Constitutional?

Thanks for showing the world what an unhinged partisan hack buffoon you are. You lose.

Thats where our great Constitution comes into play

Such a bill would be Vetoed by the President
If it were overrided by Congress, the Court would swiftly strike it down as unconstitutional

Is this a great country or what?
Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose

This is yet another glaring example of what is wrong with America today. You have a parasite voting class like winger here who have never read the U.S. Constitution and have zero understanding of it.

The fact is - our representatives are not given unlimited powers and cannot pass what ever they want. It really is that simple (and of winger wasn't too lazy to read a couple of short pages, he would know that too).

They are delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers by the states. That is all they have power over. They are not authorized to make legislation over anything else. Not healthcare. Not housing. Not Social Security. And if they want that power, they have to amend the Constitution.

The fact that winger nonsensically throws out "Article I" where it doesn't even apply and then adds "We The People" followed by "elect our officials" because he *thinks* it sounds intelligent speaks volumes as to just how completely uninformed he is about the U.S. Constitution and his own government.

I'm afraid you lose again Rott

Not only have I read the Constitution but I understand and appreciate the form of government that it creates
In fact, our legislators CAN pass anything they want. Put it would have to withstand a presidential veto and a judicial review
Our laws, enacted by We the people understand that the Federal Government has more than the enumerated powers. You, however are free to challenge any perceived abuse of power by the Federal Government in the courts

Those laws that you seem to object to have passed both and withstood the test of time
Article 1 of the Constitution defines how WE THE PEOPLE elect our representatives and how those representatives pass laws. Every one of those programs you listed were enacted by that constitutionally elected government and are Constitutional

You lose

This is yet another glaring example of what is wrong with America today. You have a parasite voting class like winger here who have never read the U.S. Constitution and have zero understanding of it.

The fact is - our representatives are not given unlimited powers and cannot pass what ever they want. It really is that simple (and of winger wasn't too lazy to read a couple of short pages, he would know that too).

They are delegated (key word) 18 enumerated powers by the states. That is all they have power over. They are not authorized to make legislation over anything else. Not healthcare. Not housing. Not Social Security. And if they want that power, they have to amend the Constitution.

The fact that winger nonsensically throws out "Article I" where it doesn't even apply and then adds "We The People" followed by "elect our officials" because he *thinks* it sounds intelligent speaks volumes as to just how completely uninformed he is about the U.S. Constitution and his own government.

I'm afraid you lose again Rott

Not only have I read the Constitution but I understand and appreciate the form of government that it creates
In fact, our legislators CAN pass anything they want. Put it would have to withstand a presidential veto and a judicial review
Our laws, enacted by We the people understand that the Federal Government has more than the enumerated powers. You, however are free to challenge any perceived abuse of power by the Federal Government in the courts

Those laws that you seem to object to have passed both and withstood the test of time

And yet they've taken their toll.
Rottweiler opines

There was no "partnership" in the 1800's when America expanded and experienced real growth. It wasn't until the 1900's - when Karl Marx philosophy made it's way over here - that libtards started crying "we can't do it without government" (even though we had been doing it for 130 years).

Wrong, wrong, and more wrong.

Read some books dude,

You know jack shit about this nation and its history.
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!

What have you ever done that is Patriotic?
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!

What have you ever done that is Patriotic?

Probably rode his scooter to a teabag rally.
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!

What have you ever done that is Patriotic?

Probably rode his scooter to a teabag rally.

and hit a speed bump and fell over....
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!

What have you ever done that is Patriotic?

Have you ever noticed that in one breath these blowhards swear the end is near, liberty is under attack, it's end is at hand and the only thing standing between a totalitarian regime is them and people like them....YET....they can't ever seem to spare enough time away from the keyboard to go fight the supposed invaders?
As opposed to what? ‘Illegally amending’ the Constitution?

Yes stupid, like you essentially did with Obamacare when you libtards arbitrarily decided to "amend" it by deciding through a radical libtard court that it was "constitutional" even though the power to force citizens to buy anything simply does not exist in the Constitution.

You are scary stupid....
How come nobody's moving?

patriots like myself and several others here do NOT move, this is our country and we will fight for it's existence, just as our forefathers did, if any one moves it shall be the illegal alien son-of-a-bitch in the oval office along with his supporters in politics and out, some folks here will defend that illegal alien basturd with their life...., the fools !!

if anyone is moving, let the liberscum be the first wave of commies to go !!!!

What have you ever done that is Patriotic?

Have you ever noticed that in one breath these blowhards swear the end is near, liberty is under attack, it's end is at hand and the only thing standing between a totalitarian regime is them and people like them....YET....they can't ever seem to spare enough time away from the keyboard to go fight the supposed invaders?

Hey stupid, the "invaders" are internal. And it's still illegal to kill Americans, even if they are libtards destroying America like cancer.

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