What's next, Mexico interfered with our election to stop Trump? How about Haiti to stop Hillary?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
If our elections really were so brittle that any foreign country could simply kick off some internet bots on Twitter and completely sway the direction of our country, we would be hopelessly doomed.
Nobody argues that one of the primary missions of the CIA is to interfere with foreign elections in order to benefit the agenda of the United States. The concept has been a given since the Cold War. Why is it so strange that other nations use the same strategy to interfere with American elections? The efforts center around the modern technology commonly referred as "social media". You almost gotta laugh that the left wing social media's effort along with the democrat party to undermine the last election is actually part of the foreign anti-American agenda to undermine the political and economic and social stability of the United States.
I don't care what anyone says, nobody "interfered" with the 2016 election in a way that actually effected the outcome. All this paranoia over someone "interfering" came from the Democrat's unwillingness to accept the fact that Trump won, fair and square.

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