What's She Up Too? Gov Palin Removes That She Is A Republican On Her Website.


May 29, 2010
She removes that she is a Republican and switches to just a Conservative and the political world is being turned upside down today with this move. This is a clear indication she is fed up with the Republican field of candidates. This also could indicate a Third Party run that would clearly have people flock by tens of millions to her side handing Obama a clear decisive defeat nationwide. This move can inject hope into a bland field of candidates that just don't inspire any confidence if defeating Obama. Romney is a diseased minded liberal at heart who's advisors helped Obama draft Obamacare and Perry is a illegal alien softy who doesn't want to stop the influx of wetbacks crossing into the U.S.. Cain doesn't have any executive experience running a government like Palin does so he is clearly unqualified and also he would be against auditing and shutting down the Federal Reserve since he has strong ties and was a board member. That is a huge red flag.

Sarah Palin changes Facebook profile from 'Republican' to 'Conservative' | Mail Online
She removes that she is a Republican and switches to just a Conservative and the political world is being turned upside down today with this move. This is a clear indication she is fed up with the Republican field of candidates. This also could indicate a Third Party run that would clearly have people flock by tens of millions to her side handing Obama a clear decisive defeat nationwide. This move can inject hope into a bland field of candidates that just don't inspire any confidence if defeating Obama. Romney is a diseased minded liberal at heart who's advisors helped Obama draft Obamacare and Perry is a illegal alien softy who doesn't want to stop the influx of wetbacks crossing into the U.S.. Cain doesn't have any executive experience running a government like Palin does so he is clearly unqualified and also he would be against auditing and shutting down the Federal Reserve since he has strong ties and was a board member. That is a huge red flag.

Sarah Palin changes Facebook profile from 'Republican' to 'Conservative' | Mail Online

I have to hand it to you ArmyRetard, you are one stupid motherfucker.

Example: only a stupid mother fucker would think that splitting the "conservative" vote would hurt Obama.

It's simple math. It's not a partisan issue.

Though, I suppose this is how you get through the night now that your girl has announced she wasn't going to run.

She isn't going to run. She never was going to run. You are one of the few suckers that was dumb enough to get strung along by her.
Although Sarah Palin was the only reason I voted for John McCain, I don't get up in the morning wondering what her FaceBook updates are.

I just don't.
LMFAO. You see, ArmyRetard, this:

Hi, you have received 0 reputation points from USArmyRetired.
Reputation was given for this post.

Insulting a Veteran Of Foreign Wars. How dare you.


is why you are a stupid motherfucker. Since you obviously dropped out of school before 1st grade, I'll let you in on a massive discovery made a few milenia ago: the invention of the "zero" or "0". A zero means nothing, nada, zero, zilch. When your "rep" power is zero, you (therefore) can't deduct points from another poster. Now you are not only a miserable waste of carbon, you are a waste of bandwidth as well.

Finally, if you want to play the veteran card with me, then go ahead. I am completely unimpressed. Like you, I also served with the 25th in a foreign war. Since you won't tell us what you did while you were in the 25th, I am left with the impression that you were a REMF.

I was an infanryman. Not that any of this means anything in 2011. What? Do you expect us to handle you with kiddy gloves because you were a "veteran"? We won't. We still think you are a worthless waste of space.

So go fuck yourself, you stupid motherfucker.
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Sarah Palin changes Facebook profile from 'Republican' to 'Conservative' | Mail Online

It seems another stage of her continuing process of losing it.

No, she's just bucking for a job on Fox News and she is going to do her best to rebrand herself as an "independent" so she has some shred of credibility.

It won't work, but we all know Sarah is a little delusional.
She removes that she is a Republican and switches to just a Conservative and the political world is being turned upside down today with this move. This is a clear indication she is fed up with the Republican field of candidates. This also could indicate a Third Party run that would clearly have people flock by tens of millions to her side handing Obama a clear decisive defeat nationwide. This move can inject hope into a bland field of candidates that just don't inspire any confidence if defeating Obama. Romney is a diseased minded liberal at heart who's advisors helped Obama draft Obamacare and Perry is a illegal alien softy who doesn't want to stop the influx of wetbacks crossing into the U.S.. Cain doesn't have any executive experience running a government like Palin does so he is clearly unqualified and also he would be against auditing and shutting down the Federal Reserve since he has strong ties and was a board member. That is a huge red flag.

Sarah Palin changes Facebook profile from 'Republican' to 'Conservative' | Mail Online

I have to hand it to you ArmyRetard, you are one stupid motherfucker.

Example: only a stupid mother fucker would think that splitting the "conservative" vote would hurt Obama.

It's simple math. It's not a partisan issue.

Though, I suppose this is how you get through the night now that your girl has announced she wasn't going to run.

She isn't going to run. She never was going to run. You are one of the few suckers that was dumb enough to get strung along by her.
Dude...there are MANY a RWer that falls for that swill...hook, line and sinker. This local USMB palooka is but one.
I think she's trying to manipulate the process by saying, "If you nominate someone who is too liberal, I might jump in as a third party candidate. (wink wink) Unless you stoke my ego a bit by giving me a more prominent role in the party, you betcha."

Will it work.

If the GOP nominates Romney, I might vote for her.
I feel sorry for actual conservatives that now have her brand of idiocy claiming to be conservative.
btw, USRetard, what do you think of her fling with Glen Rice?
btw, USRetard, what do you think of her fling with Glen Rice?

I'd be quite interested too :confused: I notice he changed his avatar after she made it clear that she was keeping the $ and not running :( ;)
This also could indicate a Third Party run that would clearly have people flock by tens of millions to her side handing Obama a clear decisive defeat nationwide.
Yeah....Snooki Palin's THE candidate that'll make a Third Party a legitimate-threat.


This move can inject hope into a bland field of candidates that just don't inspire any confidence if defeating Obama.
Face the facts.

Obama will MORE-than-likely be re-elected.....and, you "conservatives"/Teabaggers will have to decide who your "throw-away" candidate will be, for 2016.....which Republican is gonna be sacrificed....in-honor-of the Clintons' return to the Whitehouse.

Have you considered retiring to Thailand.

I feel sorry for actual conservatives that now have her brand of idiocy claiming to be conservative.

It's a cross we have to bear, but thank you for your sympathy.

I often think - but would never say - "please, Sarah, for the love of all that is holy... shut the fuck up" - but, of course, being a supporter of freedom, I slap myself for thinking it. :lol: Supporting freedom is hard.
I feel sorry for actual conservatives that now have her brand of idiocy claiming to be conservative.

It's a cross we have to bear, but thank you for your sympathy.

I often think - but would never say - "please, Sarah, for the love of all that is holy... shut the fuck up" - but, of course, being a supporter of freedom, I slap myself for thinking it. :lol: Supporting freedom is hard.

oh...come on hon, if she were pro OWS, you'd tell her to STFU. ;)

or at least call her names.

but i'm all for freedom of speech. i think she should talk...and talk...and talk...and talk...

well, you get the idea.


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