Whats that about the California drought?

Jerkoffs like Dot Com were saying just weeks ago that we were seeing a drought of biblical proportions in California!!! LOL.....meanwhile, they are out of umbrella's in California its raining so much!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Wow- so you think one rain storm erases years of drought?

Taken a look at California reservoirs?

Still not full.

The mudslides themselves are probably going to be shown to be a result of how the drought affected the terrain.

Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:
Jerkoffs like Dot Com were saying just weeks ago that we were seeing a drought of biblical proportions in California!!! LOL.....meanwhile, they are out of umbrella's in California its raining so much!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Wow- so you think one rain storm erases years of drought?

Taken a look at California reservoirs?

Still not full.

The mudslides themselves are probably going to be shown to be a result of how the drought affected the terrain.

Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:

California has (largely empty) reservoirs all over the place- but still our major source of water collection is snowpack.

IF we get snow- and IF the temperatures stay low enough- then we will be able to capitalize on above normal precipt. The Reservoirs are about 2 or 3 years short of water right now- so they are quite ready.

The bigger problem is ground water- no easy way to replenish the depleted groundwater because of the drought.
Jerkoffs like Dot Com were saying just weeks ago that we were seeing a drought of biblical proportions in California!!! LOL.....meanwhile, they are out of umbrella's in California its raining so much!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Wow- so you think one rain storm erases years of drought?

Taken a look at California reservoirs?

Still not full.

The mudslides themselves are probably going to be shown to be a result of how the drought affected the terrain.

Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:

California has (largely empty) reservoirs all over the place- but still our major source of water collection is snowpack.

IF we get snow- and IF the temperatures stay low enough- then we will be able to capitalize on above normal precipt. The Reservoirs are about 2 or 3 years short of water right now- so they are quite ready.

The bigger problem is ground water- no easy way to replenish the depleted groundwater because of the drought.

Oh Gawd.............

s0n.......outside California..........nobody cares.
The weather pattern is providing rain to the southern part of the state but it is the central and northern parts that need the most help. That is where the water for the agricultural industry comes from. It means food shortages if they don't get it.
The weather pattern is providing rain to the southern part of the state but it is the central and northern parts that need the most help. That is where the water for the agricultural industry comes from. It means food shortages if they don't get it.
And that represents a global problem. We are one of the rich nations. So what we do not grow here, we will buy abroad. Driving up prices not only here, but for nations where the citizens are already spending most of their income on food. That creates political instability in many of these nations, many of which are suppliers of raw materials for the industrial nations. Which increases the cost of those materials.

Yes, a great many people care in a great many nations.
You can't discuss complicated things with simple-minded people. Their leader, the dope in Congress who brought a snowball into the chamber and tossed it and said that proves Global Warming can't be right, simply exemplifies how the ignorant need an explanation a five year old would come up with.

The snowball demonstration would be like sitting in a boat on Lake Erie and saying, "see all this water, there can't possibly be a desert anywhere". It is 'logic' that an atrophied mind can understand. Pure fallacy.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. Local weather or some bugwit sticking their head out a window and seeing snow one day doesn't prove anything except the simple need simple explanations that aren't scary.

California mudslides and chaos offer a preview of what El Niño could bring

Every single AGW climate crusader has said for months that the drought in Califonia was linked to climate change and that it was burning down due to global warming and it was getting historic yada.............yada.............yada!!!!:gay::fu::fu:

Too.......for the last several months, the drumbeat from these k00ks went on,. and on,. and on...and on.....and on..............about fires being linked to global warming too!!!

Well..........the scientists say its a tall story!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::funnyface:

Gov. Brown's link between climate change and wildfires is unsupported, fire experts say

You understand don't you than a very dry dirt covered slope will slip and slide with just a little bit of rain?

California mudslides and chaos offer a preview of what El Niño could bring

Every single AGW climate crusader has said for months that the drought in Califonia was linked to climate change and that it was burning down due to global warming and it was getting historic yada.............yada.............yada!!!!:gay::fu::fu:

Too.......for the last several months, the drumbeat from these k00ks went on,. and on,. and on...and on.....and on..............about fires being linked to global warming too!!!

Well..........the scientists say its a tall story!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::funnyface:

Gov. Brown's link between climate change and wildfires is unsupported, fire experts say

You understand don't you than a very dry dirt covered slope will slip and slide with just a little bit of rain?

Jerkoffs like Dot Com were saying just weeks ago that we were seeing a drought of biblical proportions in California!!! LOL.....meanwhile, they are out of umbrella's in California its raining so much!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Wow- so you think one rain storm erases years of drought?

Taken a look at California reservoirs?

Still not full.

The mudslides themselves are probably going to be shown to be a result of how the drought affected the terrain.

Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:

California has (largely empty) reservoirs all over the place- but still our major source of water collection is snowpack.

IF we get snow- and IF the temperatures stay low enough- then we will be able to capitalize on above normal precipt. The Reservoirs are about 2 or 3 years short of water right now- so they are quite ready.

The bigger problem is ground water- no easy way to replenish the depleted groundwater because of the drought.
stop the runoffs to the ocean. Stop filling up the pacific.
Wow- so you think one rain storm erases years of drought?

Taken a look at California reservoirs?

Still not full.

The mudslides themselves are probably going to be shown to be a result of how the drought affected the terrain.

Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:

California has (largely empty) reservoirs all over the place- but still our major source of water collection is snowpack.

IF we get snow- and IF the temperatures stay low enough- then we will be able to capitalize on above normal precipt. The Reservoirs are about 2 or 3 years short of water right now- so they are quite ready.

The bigger problem is ground water- no easy way to replenish the depleted groundwater because of the drought.
stop the runoffs to the ocean. Stop filling up the pacific.

That has to be about the dumbest suggestion I've ever read on this subject.

The whole cycle of life is that evaporation from the oceans goes into the atmosphere to be released on land where it runs off after providing sustenance for plants and people back into the ocean.

What the hell would stopping that cycle benefit anything?
Hey s0n.....I didn't write the story back on page 1 !!!!!!!!!!:dunno::spinner::spinner:

Officials are real worried that its gonna get wet.........very wet...........for a long time!! Know what that means Sherlock? The drought is over...........it ends just like all droughts do!!! Like they have for time and eternity........centuries and centuries before the global warming nutters showed up!!:boobies:

The drought is not over 'Sherlock'- if we are fortunate- and the prediction about El Nino turn out to be correct- and if we get enough rainfall this year- we may be seeing the end of this drought.

Which would be fantastic- and we are all hoping that the drought will end.

Well then -- if you have an efficient water collection and ONE SEASON of above normal rainfall -- you might TECHNICALLY still be in a drought --- but not lacking water in the bank for next year. You really prepared to capitalize on an ABOVE NORMAL precipt season? :biggrin:

California has (largely empty) reservoirs all over the place- but still our major source of water collection is snowpack.

IF we get snow- and IF the temperatures stay low enough- then we will be able to capitalize on above normal precipt. The Reservoirs are about 2 or 3 years short of water right now- so they are quite ready.

The bigger problem is ground water- no easy way to replenish the depleted groundwater because of the drought.
stop the runoffs to the ocean. Stop filling up the pacific.

That has to be about the dumbest suggestion I've ever read on this subject.

The whole cycle of life is that evaporation from the oceans goes into the atmosphere to be released on land where it runs off after providing sustenance for plants and people back into the ocean.

What the hell would stopping that cycle benefit anything?
except in regions of known drought you create reservoirs to hold water for periods where the ocean doesn't give back to the land. You know it's a drought right? If you save the fresh water and don't let it become salty, you get to use it. Just saying
Hey, they are saving a cockroach or something, that is why they didn't build up their water, infrastructure.

So let EVERYBODY on here get this exactly straight, and no offense to Californians.....

1. California is deep in red ink, and grow deeper as they allow more illegals in their sanctuary cities, and give them medi cal; or is it Cali med.

2. To save a fish or cockroach, the lefties would not build the water infrastructure that engineers insisted they needed decades ago; and why? Because the population was growing massively, and almost 1/3 the state is actually a desert. But the lefties knew better as they always do, them, Hollyweird, and the illegal aliens all got together and came upon this idea moving forward.

OK, I don't give a damn, if Californians want to live under lefty rule and die of thirst, it is your choice. If they want to pay 7 dollars for a gallon of gas, go ahead. You want more illegals, say the word, we will deport them to you as soon as we get a republican in office.

This is not a global warming drought, this is massive population, horseshit planning, lefty ideology, installed in a partial desert! Businesses are fleeing, people are fleeing, and the left is whining.

Besides, I don't know what the eco fanatics are crying about. According to Al Gore and the rest of your eco priests, California was already supposed to be sliding into the ocean. It is just a little behind schedule, so hold out for another year, and you will have all the water you want. Need a boat? I have one for sale-)
Hey, they are saving a cockroach or something, that is why they didn't build up their water, infrastructure.

So let EVERYBODY on here get this exactly straight, and no offense to Californians.....

1. California is deep in red ink, and grow deeper as they allow more illegals in their sanctuary cities, and give them medi cal; or is it Cali med.

2. To save a fish or cockroach, the lefties would not build the water infrastructure that engineers insisted they needed decades ago; and why? Because the population was growing massively, and almost 1/3 the state is actually a desert. But the lefties knew better as they always do, them, Hollyweird, and the illegal aliens all got together and came upon this idea moving forward.

OK, I don't give a damn, if Californians want to live under lefty rule and die of thirst, it is your choice. If they want to pay 7 dollars for a gallon of gas, go ahead. You want more illegals, say the word, we will deport them to you as soon as we get a republican in office.

This is not a global warming drought, this is massive population, horseshit planning, lefty ideology, installed in a partial desert! Businesses are fleeing, people are fleeing, and the left is whining.

Besides, I don't know what the eco fanatics are crying about. According to Al Gore and the rest of your eco priests, California was already supposed to be sliding into the ocean. It is just a little behind schedule, so hold out for another year, and you will have all the water you want. Need a boat? I have one for sale-)

Outstanding post ^^^

Im laughing.......suddenly, and seemingly overnight, Californians are suddenly in need of water pumps which are selling like hot cakes.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::spinner:
The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for September, 2015 is +0.25 deg. C, down slightly from the August, 2015 value of +0.28 deg. C (click for full size version):

UAH V6.0 Global Temperature Update for Sept. 2015: +0.25 deg C « Roy Spencer, PhD

See the ups and downs? That is natural variation. See the slope left to right? The is global warming that is driving climate change.

The chart shows no warming for the past 2 decades

Did you mean to post it
LOL. Frank, you are a blind ass. Look at that chart. Prior to 1998, there were deep variations up and down. After 1998, only one minor dip, and most of the running average is above the highest points prior to 1998. 9 of the top 10 warmest years occurred after 2000. And 2015 is going to be the warmest on record yet. What you should be asking is where the cooling cycles disappeared to? Especially as Westwall is prone to pointing out, the sun is putting out slightly less energy that it has in recent years. Yet we just keep getting warmer years.

The chart showed no warming for 2 decades when you first posted it, and it still shows no warming for 2 decades.

Not too bright are you, Sparky?
Hey, they are saving a cockroach or something, that is why they didn't build up their water, infrastructure.

So let EVERYBODY on here get this exactly straight, and no offense to Californians.....

1. California is deep in red ink, and grow deeper as they allow more illegals in their sanctuary cities, and give them medi cal; or is it Cali med.

2. To save a fish or cockroach, the lefties would not build the water infrastructure that engineers insisted they needed decades ago; and why? Because the population was growing massively, and almost 1/3 the state is actually a desert. But the lefties knew better as they always do, them, Hollyweird, and the illegal aliens all got together and came upon this idea moving forward.

OK, I don't give a damn, if Californians want to live under lefty rule and die of thirst, it is your choice. If they want to pay 7 dollars for a gallon of gas, go ahead. You want more illegals, say the word, we will deport them to you as soon as we get a republican in office.

This is not a global warming drought, this is massive population, horseshit planning, lefty ideology, installed in a partial desert! Businesses are fleeing, people are fleeing, and the left is whining.

Besides, I don't know what the eco fanatics are crying about. According to Al Gore and the rest of your eco priests, California was already supposed to be sliding into the ocean. It is just a little behind schedule, so hold out for another year, and you will have all the water you want. Need a boat? I have one for sale-)
Man, are you one dumb, ignorant bastard. Don't you ever research before you post stupid nonsense? And the rest of your post is just as foolish.

California is flush with cash. So why the warnings to prepare for recession?

Even as California's leaders prepare a new state budget that is flush with cash, Gov. Jerry Brown has increasingly raised the specter of another recession that could undo years of hard-won financial progress.

When he released his latest spending proposal last month, he said a downturn was "around the corner." In a speech to business leaders, he said the question was "not if, when." And he told county government officials that even a moderate downturn could cost the state $40 billion in revenue over three years.

The governor's warnings may seem overwrought, given that economists see no sign of trouble on the horizon. And state revenue has routinely exceeded even the most bullish projections in recent years.

But the question is whether California has done enough to guard against another budget crisis, and experts say that the answer is a resounding no.

"Is the state prepared for a medium recession?" said Jerry Nickelsburg, a UCLA economist. "State government is not."

California's rainy-day fund was strengthened by voters in November, requiring officials to stash away a portion of California's revenue each year. By next summer, it could contain up to $4.2 billion, according to an estimate from legislative analysts.
Hey, they are saving a cockroach or something, that is why they didn't build up their water, infrastructure.

So let EVERYBODY on here get this exactly straight, and no offense to Californians.....

1. California is deep in red ink, and grow deeper as they allow more illegals in their sanctuary cities, and give them medi cal; or is it Cali med.

2. To save a fish or cockroach, the lefties would not build the water infrastructure that engineers insisted they needed decades ago; and why? Because the population was growing massively, and almost 1/3 the state is actually a desert. But the lefties knew better as they always do, them, Hollyweird, and the illegal aliens all got together and came upon this idea moving forward.

OK, I don't give a damn, if Californians want to live under lefty rule and die of thirst, it is your choice. If they want to pay 7 dollars for a gallon of gas, go ahead. You want more illegals, say the word, we will deport them to you as soon as we get a republican in office.

This is not a global warming drought, this is massive population, horseshit planning, lefty ideology, installed in a partial desert! Businesses are fleeing, people are fleeing, and the left is whining.

Besides, I don't know what the eco fanatics are crying about. According to Al Gore and the rest of your eco priests, California was already supposed to be sliding into the ocean. It is just a little behind schedule, so hold out for another year, and you will have all the water you want. Need a boat? I have one for sale-)
Man, are you one dumb, ignorant bastard. Don't you ever research before you post stupid nonsense? And the rest of your post is just as foolish.

California is flush with cash. So why the warnings to prepare for recession?

Even as California's leaders prepare a new state budget that is flush with cash, Gov. Jerry Brown has increasingly raised the specter of another recession that could undo years of hard-won financial progress.

When he released his latest spending proposal last month, he said a downturn was "around the corner." In a speech to business leaders, he said the question was "not if, when." And he told county government officials that even a moderate downturn could cost the state $40 billion in revenue over three years.

The governor's warnings may seem overwrought, given that economists see no sign of trouble on the horizon. And state revenue has routinely exceeded even the most bullish projections in recent years.

But the question is whether California has done enough to guard against another budget crisis, and experts say that the answer is a resounding no.

"Is the state prepared for a medium recession?" said Jerry Nickelsburg, a UCLA economist. "State government is not."

California's rainy-day fund was strengthened by voters in November, requiring officials to stash away a portion of California's revenue each year. By next summer, it could contain up to $4.2 billion, according to an estimate from legislative analysts.

Well good, I am very happy to see I was wrong. Now you can afford your water infrastructure so you do not die of thirst.

So, the Golden State is now doing well, no worries, has Hollyweird, and Dizzyworld. You guys are in like flyn; or are you!

California’s Unsustainable Comeback

By the way, I notice your state government put in RETRO ACTIVE taxes, lol. Does this mean that after I buy a gallon of gasoline for 2 dollars and use it to drive to work; next month when I stop at the gas station they retro actively can charge me 6? LOLOL, only in LIBERAL states is this possible. You be happy your state is doing well now, and we are happy for you; just keep your tyrannical, socialist ideas there, with you, and we will sing your praises on here to high heaven.

And, as a gift of our love, instead of deporting illegals back home, we will deport them to you, so you can show them love, compassion, and the Socialistic way..........and then to support them, you can pay another RETRO ACTIVE TAX, lolol!

Good luck!

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