What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

I'm not sure what your point is here, other than your usual trolling.

Transgenders are about 0.3% of the population. I am sure there are transgender troops.

For instance, when I was in the Illinois National Guard, I served with someone named James N. Pritzker (A cousin of the current IL Governor). Today she identifies as Jennifer N. Pritzker. Pritzker had a pretty storied career in the service, having completed airborne school and eventually reaching the rank of Lt. Colonel. Except she kept her transgendered status in the closet.

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?
Females have been held to a lower physical standard for years.
For that matter, so have older service members. When you hit a certain age, you can be a little slower and have to do a few less pushups.

Now, I doubt that any transgender Secret Service Agents would be assigned to the Presidential Detail, because- wait for it - there aren't too many of them. The entire Secret Service has 3200 agents. Which means that if you go by just statistical averages, there are probably only 10 transgender agents in the whole service at best.

Something very bizarre about modern LIbtARdS—They seem to be obsessed, these days, with putting forth shit that is bizarre, insane, and often outright evil; and then when sane people (not necessarily even conservatives, but even not-so-whacked-out liberals) object, then those who object are accused of being “obsessed”.
That's their trademark PROJECTION you're accurately describing.
Sticks and stones may break his bones, but names really hurt his feelings..

He/she/it won't ever answer.

My mom taught me good and well that the only time names ever hurt is when I give them the power to hurt, which simply means that I'm choosing to hurt myself.

The leftist vermin have been taught to believe that they are victims, and so have created any damage they imagine the world is doing to them. It's going to be a great feeling when it's time to round them up and get them into deprogramming centers.

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I'll say this much for the Taliban, the one thing that they get right—They know what to do with your kind.

Wow, Mormon Bob, thanks for proving that you have the same attitudes in life as the Taliban. Because once in a while I feel bad taking cheap shots at your cult, but then you remind me why I need to do it.

Once we, as a society, foolishly gave you that inch, you wasted no time in forcing your perversions on all of society, and now, you're even going after children. As soon as it became obvious that you tended to approach that last line, we should have started rounding up your kind and exterminating you.

Mormon Daleks- "Would you like to hear another testament of EXTERMINATE!"

Okay, going to try to take this seriously. How are gay people insisting on having the same rights as you have "forcing" anything. No one is "going after children", because that assumes that gender identity or sexual orientation can be "taught". If that was the case, there never would have been any gay or trans people to start with, since no one was "teaching" that until recently, according to you. (Actually, no one is teaching it now.)

It's like the crazies who claim that vaccines cause Autism, because there are more cases of Autism now. Nope. Teachers are just getting better at identifying it. Just like they are getting better at identifying alternative sexualities.

Something very bizarre about modern LIbtARdS—They seem to be obsessed, these days, with putting forth shit that is bizarre, insane, and often outright evil; and then when sane people (not necessarily even conservatives, but even not-so-whacked-out liberals) object, then those who object are accused of being “obsessed”.

You seem to be. Now, I know that you miss the good old days when gays were in closet, women were in the kitchen and blacks rode on the back of the bus, but they just won't put up with it anymore.

Hint to you and all other LIbtARdS—We wouldn't be acting in the manner that you call “obsessed”, if your kind weren't so determinedly shoving this sick, immoral, insane, fucked-up shit in our faces and demanding that we accept and approve of it.

Except you really haven't told us why it is sick, immoral, insane or fucked up, other than YOU think it's icky.

One of my best friends is a gay woman. So was one of my former bosses. They weren't sick. They were professionals at their jobs and did them very well. They weren't immoral, they were some of the most decent people I've known. It seems to me that you are the one with the problem, not them.

Frankly, I think Mormonism is kind of weird (because I've actually studied your messed up history and beliefs), but never for a moment would I seriously advocate "exterminating" you.
Various depraved sexual perversions. Homosexually, transsexuality, and so on.

And especially, now, the move to force this shit on children.

I'm not telling anyone what they can or cannot do in their own bedrooms, between consenting adults, but I want no part of it, and neither does any other sane, decent human being. It's disgusting, it's immoral, and it's just plain sick.

So by that logic, we should restrict your cult to your homes and your temples, because the rest of us want no part of it.

And your kind just need to stay the fuck away from children, if you cannot or will not restrain yourself from exposing them to this shit. In a sane society, anyone who would have any willing part in exposing children to this shit would be kept locked up, or better yet, put to death.

For those playing along at home, Brigham Young and Joseph Smith practiced polygamy with underage girls. And Joseph Smith was put to death for it.

Why are you so determined to defend this evil and madness, then?

And why so determined that it should be shoved in the faces of those of us who want no part of it, and now, especially, to be imposed on innocent children?

You are known by the company that you keep, and you choose to keep the company of depraved and dangerous sexual perverts.

Nobody is imposing anything on children. No one can make a kid straight or gay.
When we were in grammar and high school, we knew which kids were going to grow up to be gay, even in our strict Catholic upbringing.

There have also been rapists, pedophiles, murderers, thieves, and all other manner of evildoers.

None are justified by the existence of others.

Except those people do real harm to other people.
Everyone involved in a gay or trans lifestyle is a consenting adult.
Again, there are evangelicals and Baptists who think that Mormons are a deranged cult. (except for that brief time when they supported Romney because Oh my God, there's a negro in the white house!) So by your logic, your own cult should be treated like "evildoers".

More to the point up until the last century, members of your cult practiced plural marriage, and some offshoots of your religion still do. Were they "evildoers"?

If I were going to hire a bodyguard to protect me—if I were going to trust a man to protect my very life—I would certainly want to know that he is of good moral character, and of sound mind. Wouldn't you?

Really? How is "moral character" going to stop a bullet, exactly?

I'd want him to be phsyically fit and well trained at his job. That has little or nothing to do with a subjective "morality".
There it is. Far leftists can’t actually address the issue at hand. This is our country on the line and these are serious concerns.

Do you do the same thing when somebody says what are your thoughts on LGBT marriage. You just like close your eyes and cover your ears?
Percentages are not your friend.
Nobody is imposing anything on children. No one can make a kid straight or gay.
I dont agree much with what the other guy is saying. However, while likely not able to "make a kid straight or gay" - They can find evidence of homosexuality in the brain, they are very likely to be able to make a kid transgender, at least temporarily.
There it is. Far leftists can’t actually address the issue at hand. This is our country on the line and these are serious concerns.

Do you do the same thing when somebody says what are your thoughts on LGBT marriage. You just like close your eyes and cover your ears?
What fucking issue?

People want to trans? So what?

Not my business, not my problem, not going to be making threads about it.

He/she/it won't ever answer.

My mom taught me good and well that the only time names ever hurt is when I give them the power to hurt, which simply means that I'm choosing to hurt myself.

The leftist vermin have been taught to believe that they are victims, and so have created any damage they imagine the world is doing to them. It's going to be a great feeling when it's time to round them up and get them into deprogramming centers.

That is where the Marxists hate you. Your "Mother" taught you well.
I dont agree much with what the other guy is saying. However, while likely not able to "make a kid straight or gay" - They can find evidence of homosexuality in the brain, they are very likely to be able to make a kid transgender, at least temporarily.
How can they find evidence of Homosexuality in the brain? Is that area colored like a rainbow or something?
What fucking issue?

People want to trans? So what?

Not my business, not my problem, not going to be making threads about it.
It became our business when fagots in the military wanted US to pay for their trans. No fucking way, you want to whack your dick off, then you pay for it.

My thoughts on LGBT marriage is that their marriage doesn’t impact me whatsoever and they should get equal treatment.

Same with trans people. What they do has no impact on me whatsoever. So why the fuck do you care so much?

You’re obsessed with this.
So what say you about allowing a strong, 6’2 biological male to compete in swimming competitions against real girls - and rob them of the wins they would have had?
It became our business when fagots in the military wanted US to pay for their trans. No fucking way, you want to whack your dick off, then you pay for it.

Bradley has been out of jail since 2017. Time to move on maybe.

Out millitary has spent a total of 15 million over 5 years on trans stuff (out of about 10 Trillion that is their budget). And you think this little drop of nothing is worth all the political coversation? They probably spend 10 times more overpaing for nail clippers.

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Bradley has been out of jail since 2017. Time to move on maybe.

Out millitary has spent a total of 15 million over 5 years on trans stuff (out of about 10 Trillion that is their budget). And you think this little drop of nothing is worth all the political coversation? They probably spend 10 times more overpaing for nail clippers.


Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Bradley has been out of jail since 2017. Time to move on maybe.

Out millitary has spent a total of 15 million over 5 years on trans stuff (out of about 10 Trillion that is their budget). And you think this little drop of nothing is worth all the political coversation? They probably spend 10 times more overpaing for nail clippers.

15 million? Do you have 15 million? Do the poor people who are in need of 15 million, getting trans treatment or are they just wanting food? So how a Marxist Marginalizes feckless spending? But if the Military actually needed money for military equipment, then this dick would be howling about wasteful spending.

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