What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

By far and away, the worst the Rs have done is sell out our vote. We will never ever see another honest election in the US. Never.

IMO, that is worse than their fight against jobs and economic recovery. Its worse than the horrendous damage Bush did.

But, long term damage for the planet is their willful ignorance of global climate change. For the right, money is always the motivation. They are killing their own children and grand children and they know it.

"sell out our vote"
what does this even mean?
are any of you self-described "critical thinkers" on the Left capable of moving beyond empty catch-phrases?

Amazing how some rw's don't know about Citizens United, "corporations are people too", gerrymandering and vote suppression, the constant votes against and/or obstruction of jobs bills and pubs saying there is no climate change.

Hint: Turn off fox, beck, limbaugh and think for yourself.

Or not.
Have the liberal losers fixed the economy yet...............

Specifically the Job participation rate.

When they have accomplished this action perhaps they will have a leg to stand on.

In the mean time they are the party of excuses, and we need another bail out Asses.

You mean after Republicans wrecked it?

Who is the party that got the Feds into the housing business in the first place?

Hint- it wasn't the Repubs.

Which had zero to do with the economic meltdown.
By far and away, the worst the Rs have done is sell out our vote. We will never ever see another honest election in the US. Never.

IMO, that is worse than their fight against jobs and economic recovery. Its worse than the horrendous damage Bush did.

But, long term damage for the planet is their willful ignorance of global climate change. For the right, money is always the motivation. They are killing their own children and grand children and they know it.

"sell out our vote"
what does this even mean?
are any of you self-described "critical thinkers" on the Left capable of moving beyond empty catch-phrases?

Amazing how some rw's don't know about Citizens United, "corporations are people too", gerrymandering and vote suppression, the constant votes against and/or obstruction of jobs bills and pubs saying there is no climate change.

Hint: Turn off fox, beck, limbaugh and think for yourself.

Or not.

LOL one of the board most partisan nut jobs,talking about thinking for ones self!!!!LOL
The patriot act,was by all reason the worst legislation put forth,they also had overwhelming support fro the other side of the fence to get it done. Home land insecurity along with it.

"You are either with us or you are with the terrorists."

George W. Bush.

That..was some powerful rhetoric. Coupled with the Bullshit he was spreading about a possible Al Qaeda/Iraq nuclear strike?

Yeah..politicians thought that making the wrong decision on this..would kill people.
You mean after Republicans wrecked it?

Who is the party that got the Feds into the housing business in the first place?

Hint- it wasn't the Repubs.

Which had zero to do with the economic meltdown.

The credit crisis resulting from the bursting of the housing bubble is — according to general consensus — the primary cause of the 2007–2009 recession in the United States.

If 3 Dems had not blocked what Bush had wanted to do, then maybe this could have been stopped and corrected.
The only time the Dems reach across the isle is to Steal someone's money.


Every time you guys say that, I think about how Blue donor States get the shaft from funding Red welfare States.


moronic propaganda spoon-fed to you anally by george soros

ur a joke


Yea because the US Tax Foundation and the Census Bureau are funded by George Soros???

Right wing propaganda:

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Every time you guys say that, I think about how Blue donor States get the shaft from funding Red welfare States.


moronic propaganda spoon-fed to you anally by george soros

ur a joke


Yea because the US Tax Foundation and the Census Bureau are funded by George Soros???

Right wing propaganda:

Ya a ten year old graph,yep thats current and up to date.
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Allowing Obama to be elected and reelected by far is the worst thing the Republicans have done in the last 3 decades. .. :cool:

you mean the republicrats.dont forget its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties.
moronic propaganda spoon-fed to you anally by george soros

ur a joke


Yea because the US Tax Foundation and the Census Bureau are funded by George Soros???

Right wing propaganda:

Ya a ten year old graph,yep thats current and up to date.

If things haven't changed in 150 years, what makes you think they are different now? The GOP is still following the same failed and stale policies they pushed under Reagan, Bush and Bush. The results were the same. Exploding deficits, widened economic gap and a ruined economy. The difference was that Bush was Republican policies on steroids so the recovery period will take much longer.
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I'd go with the PATRIOT Act, the general handling of the "War on Terror", and their share of the Bankster Bailouts for my top three.

Of course, all three of those make the list for the Democrats as well ...
W Bush was the best your party had. You haven't had anyone electable since.
Who is the party that got the Feds into the housing business in the first place?

Hint- it wasn't the Repubs.

Which had zero to do with the economic meltdown.

Say what!!!????

The economic meltdown was because of a deregulated Wall Street. They used the housing market, but it wasn't about "Freddie/Fannie".

Why did insurance companies go out of business? What were bundled mortgages called? Who bundled the mortgages? Answer those questions and you understand the problem.
Allowing Dubya to pretend to be a "Conservative"

George Bush was GOP conservative policies on steroids. He did what he had been taught since being a child. Republicans can't run on policies they believe no one would be dumb enough to follow. Bush was dumb enough. Redistribution of wealth to the top 1%. Exploding deficits. Unpaid for wars. Trickle down. Anti science. See?
Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.
The most damaging thing the Republicans have done in the past three decades is allowing Democrats to win elections.
Every time you guys say that, I think about how Blue donor States get the shaft from funding Red welfare States.

Yo Dumbass ... The blue states are the ones that vote for the programs they then bitch about having to pay for in red states.
If the blue states don't like it ... Then shut the fuck up, quit voting for liberal social programs and quit screwing yourself.


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