What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.

The most damaging? They were allowed to breed :eusa_whistle:
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.

We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Funny you just hit what the Dems do right on the nail head,interesting? So both parties do the same things? But the Dems are just different right?
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.

We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

I was thinking about their most damaging action, but appraising the motivation behind the actions brings up very good points.
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.

We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

I was thinking about their most damaging action, but appraising the motivation behind the actions brings up very good points.

And what would those be? Dean can y6ou admit that the Dems do those very same things you blubber about, are you able to over come your own bias and admit it? or can't you?
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Not even what's best for the GOP. They are a ship without a rudder. The country has changed and they hate what they imagine the change to be. That's why all the "take back OUR country" talk. They only know they aren't completely in charge like they imagined they were in the past. So they rail against everything. Science - which threatens their beliefs, Government - which protects minorities from their anger, Education - which turns their children "liberal" and so on.

And their message is all over the place. They hate the government, but love the constitution until they read it. They hate government programs but love Medicare and Social Security. They hate immigrants with degrees but won't invest in developing the same skills in their own people.
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Funny you just hit what the Dems do right on the nail head,interesting? So both parties do the same things? But the Dems are just different right?

For both parties to do the same thing, I suspect they would need to be very similar.

So how similar are the two parties?

On one side you have a party that is:
90% white
much older
nearly all Christian
anti science (and yes, climate change and evolution ARE science)

and remember, it was Republicans who held signs that said "Keep government hands off my Medicare" and since whites make up the largest number of welfare recipients, I suspect......well, you know.

gop or democrats - most on welfare

Now Democrats on the other hand are:
and so on.

So how could the parties be the "same" when one is very, very diverse and the other has almost no diversity, just large numbers of the same?
The nation still hasn't recovered from the tactics and strategies of Republican Congress members of the 90's that included Gingrich, Delay, Armey and others that implemented and promoted party first and made the good of the country secondary and even irrelevant. Demonizing became a perfectly appropriate tactic and that led to the acceptance of raw hatred of individuals due to political beliefs to become normal and accepted. Compromise to obtain solutions became treason to the party.

libs are SUCH laughable losers. the 90s you say? you mean that time when most things were going great?

you mean the "Republican Congress" that Clinton; a Democrat hero; deemd fit to ACTUALLY WORK WITH; despite them wanting to IMPEACH HIM?

you left-wing losers are laughable clowns
you cant admit the Dem Party are the ones that have moved to the extreme; and that obama simply cant lead

Actually, the most progressive legislation was when Democrats were in charge of Congress. About the only thing Republicans did once in charge was investigate Clinton and block everything he wanted to do. Guess how money the GOP spent on investigating Clinton. And the only thing they found was a blowjob by a woman was was an adult. So guess. How much did they spend investigating Clinton.

With Clinton not so much the blow job...
It was the lying under oath that cost him...

But Bill seems to have rebounded from all of that.
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Funny you just hit what the Dems do right on the nail head,interesting? So both parties do the same things? But the Dems are just different right?

Yes, the Democratic Party is much different than the Republican Party; suggesting they are the same is one more hackneyed misrepresentation from the non aligned right; a group which seems only to be for Guns, and against most everything, in particular the rights of those who think and hold opinions which scare them (i.e. equal rights and pay) and the right to vote unencumbered by political machinations.
Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.

Let's be straight here, I say you are so stupid that you think Republicans did all those things.
Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Funny you just hit what the Dems do right on the nail head,interesting? So both parties do the same things? But the Dems are just different right?

Yes, the Democratic Party is much different than the Republican Party; suggesting they are the same is one more hackneyed misrepresentation from the non aligned right; a group which seems only to be for Guns, and against most everything, in particular the rights of those who think and hold opinions which scare them (i.e. equal rights and pay) and the right to vote unencumbered by political machinations.

The "non aligned right"? Heh... is that the new black? The Democrats and Republicans like to bicker over who gets the spoils, but on the issues that matter most to me (individual rights, equal protection, limited government) both parties are dominated by corporatists.
Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.

The most damaging? They were allowed to breed :eusa_whistle:

My eldest and her husband are flying in from Sweden this July. I have to hit the east either by plane or train or just for fun buying a van and really making it a trip to die for. We are red. We know who we are. We know who you are.

By all means. Keep threatening us.
"What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?"

Wow. If I had to pick one, and there are many, I would point to the fact - there is ample evidence to sustain such a fact - that the Republican Party has rejected pragmatism. The focus of the party has become getting power by almost any means and lying down with those whose best interest - sometimes only interest - is self interest.
We've seen their public relation efforts during this time, trying to convince the many they are the party of Lincoln, a party with a big tent, a party of low taxes and fiscal responsibility, one which puts country first; efforts which have largely been abandoned as talking points because most people can distinguish those who talk the talk and who will not walk the walk.

Today they don't pretend these things anymore, they have further devolved into an anti government party which wants the power to 'govern', and promises when given the power they will not use it (except to deny gay and lesbians the right to marry, reject equal pay for equal work, roadblock the right of women to exercise their Constitutional right to an abortion and the right to vote unless the citizen passes one test or another).

Exactly: a rejection of pragmatism and a focus on power no matter how it is obtained. The GOP has no interest in what is best for the country, only in what is best for the GOP.

Not even what's best for the GOP. They are a ship without a rudder. The country has changed and they hate what they imagine the change to be. That's why all the "take back OUR country" talk. They only know they aren't completely in charge like they imagined they were in the past. So they rail against everything. Science - which threatens their beliefs, Government - which protects minorities from their anger, Education - which turns their children "liberal" and so on.

And their message is all over the place. They hate the government, but love the constitution until they read it. They hate government programs but love Medicare and Social Security. They hate immigrants with degrees but won't invest in developing the same skills in their own people.

Republicans have no message. Conservatives au contraire.
Reagan planted the Financial Engine seed and no president since has even attempted to revert the US back to the Manufacturing Engine.
libs are SUCH laughable losers. the 90s you say? you mean that time when most things were going great?

you mean the "Republican Congress" that Clinton; a Democrat hero; deemd fit to ACTUALLY WORK WITH; despite them wanting to IMPEACH HIM?

you left-wing losers are laughable clowns
you cant admit the Dem Party are the ones that have moved to the extreme; and that obama simply cant lead

Actually, the most progressive legislation was when Democrats were in charge of Congress. About the only thing Republicans did once in charge was investigate Clinton and block everything he wanted to do. Guess how money the GOP spent on investigating Clinton. And the only thing they found was a blowjob by a woman was was an adult. So guess. How much did they spend investigating Clinton.

With Clinton not so much the blow job...
It was the lying under oath that cost him...

But Bill seems to have rebounded from all of that.

Even the lying is debatable. Some people actually don't consider a blowjob having sex. With some, they feel it takes two to "tango" and just sitting there isn't "tango".

Also, the testimony he gave to the grand jury was never used in court. So whether or not he lied in that testimony, we will never know.

And every married man who gets a blowjob will lie about it. We know that from all the Republicans from Vitter to Craig and so on.

I'm not defending Bill. I believe if you make a vow you should keep it. But Republicans are scum for going after something like that. Gingrich admits he was having an affair the exact same time he was investigating Clinton.
Some say it was invading Iraq. Because it destabilized the middle east and cost America the moral high ground. Then there is the three trillion cost and the many trillions more in the future because so many young Americans were maimed for life and they need to be taken care of.

Some say it was the deficit they created with the unpaid for wars and the massive tax cuts with most going to the very rich.

Some say it was the redistribution of wealth to the top 1%.

Some say it was the millions of jobs moved to China.

Some say it was all the fear tactics. That terrorists would be in your back yard and so on.

Some say it's the desire to arm everyone and all the resulting deaths.

Some say it was when they undermined the Justice System by replacing all those veteran lawyers with Christian College graduates.

Some say it's been this terrible war on science and education.

Some say it's this hatred for the middle class and the poor and minorities.

Some say it was the apology to BP and blocking the ability of the government to investigate BP.

Some say it was ignoring nuclear weapons in North Korea and the Russian invasion of Georgia.

Some say it was working against the president blocking him from fixing any of their debacles.

It's hard to choose any one thing. So many of their policies have been terribly damaging. The fact that Republicans have been anti education in their states and anti health care and are now trying to lure liberals and Blue State business could be the worst. Now you have an armed population that have nothing, no where to go and have been betrayed by their leaders. I suspect Red States are going to be explosive in the next 10 years.

Let's be straight here, I say you are so stupid that you think Republicans did all those things.

I don't "think" Republicans did all those things. I KNOW Republicans did all those things. Which ones do you want links for? I've posted reputable links on all of them.
Republicans are not all that bad. It is the Tea Party that gives them a bad name...just like the Moral Majority used to do. I'm not too concerned. How long can a half-assed group of old angry white men live? Granted, they are still mobile, but their walkers will soon make it impossible to get down to the polls to vote, for failure to meet their own voter supression laws. Those green tennis balls they put on the legs of the walkers are getting expensive!
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What's the most damaging thing Republicans have done in the last three decades?

That's easy.

They lost the 2008 election.
The patriot act,was by all reason the worst legislation put forth,they also had overwhelming support fro the other side of the fence to get it done. Home land insecurity along with it.

"You are either with us or you are with the terrorists."

George W. Bush.

That..was some powerful rhetoric. Coupled with the Bullshit he was spreading about a possible Al Qaeda/Iraq nuclear strike?

Yeah..politicians thought that making the wrong decision on this..would kill people.
And Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: "O con noi o contro di noi"—You're either with us or against us.

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