What's the truest sign that someone is truly middle of the road?

Middle-of-the-road, centrist, unbiased, and politically objective, are synonyms for wishy-washy.
Sometimes. But being dead center in the middle of the grid on those political quizzes, I can attest that we usually do take a position, even though we can see both sides a lot of times.
The "road" itself is biased. "Other than the road" is the only viable alternative.
You are to bias and not a good enough of an actor to ever be able to pick out who isn't bias.....
You're only further proving how much of an ignoramus you are.

Bias has nothing to do w/objectivity.

Go back to school, idiot.
They piss off the right AND the left?
In reality that may be the case, but it has nothing to do w/who you piss off.

Partisans get upset when their side is in the wrong and others truthfully states that, reflects on them more than anyone or anything else.
Or, not even so-called "middle of the road", just capable of being unbiased politically?

I'll post my answer eventually, but let me see if anyone comes to the answer first.
Ah. I see. You post a loaded question and then tell the rest of us that will post the answer when you are ready.
You may be arrogant......but you are no smarter than the rest of us.

Let me play this game...

I will ask a question and give the answer you are all too stupid to know when I decide.to give the answer....

For every epsilon > 0, there exists a delta > 0....so

In the theory of limits....what does f(x) equal?

I will let you know after you choose not to answer.

I tend to be a mugwump. I do my best to understand all sides of an issue before going “partisan“.

I don’t always succeed...
The answer is this guys...

You'll know if a person is truly politically objective if that person is able to accurately describe his opponent's beliefs.

That's the ultimate sign.

Partisans can't do this, they always lie and/or exaggerate the other guy's beliefs and/or arguments.

If a person is unwilling and/or unable, don't know which one is worse, to accurately describe what their political opponent believes then that person is just a partisan and can never be objective.

Someone said if they can criticize their own side, which is kind of close, but the ultimate sign if hey can describe the other guy's position fairly.
Damn good answer.
It's a fine answer. But it answers a different question. The OP asked how to tell if someone is "middle of the road", not if they are "truly politically objective".
It's a fine answer. But it answers a different question. The OP asked how to tell if someone is "middle of the road", not if they are "truly politically objective".
No, I qualified it during the coarse of the thread to say I meant politically objective.

I couldn't think of the right term when I created the thread.
It's a fine answer. But it answers a different question. The OP asked how to tell if someone is "middle of the road", not if they are "truly politically objective".
No, I qualified it during the coarse of the thread to say I meant politically objective.

I couldn't think of the right term when I created the thread.

Thanks for clarifying. I just always bristle when people suggest "middle of the road" is anything to be lauded. I agree, "politically objective" should be the goal - the partisan "team-sports" mentality is killing us.
The answer is this guys...

You'll know if a person is truly politically objective if that person is able to accurately describe his opponent's beliefs.

That's the ultimate sign.

Partisans can't do this, they always lie and/or exaggerate the other guy's beliefs and/or arguments.

If a person is unwilling and/or unable, don't know which one is worse, to accurately describe what their political opponent believes then that person is just a partisan and can never be objective.

Someone said if they can criticize their own side, which is kind of close, but the ultimate sign if hey can describe the other guy's position fairly.
Damn good answer.
It's a fine answer. But it answers a different question. The OP asked how to tell if someone is "middle of the road", not if they are "truly politically objective".
You want to see middle of the road?

I am a conservative. I believe in personal responsibility. I dont need the federal government to take my money to give to causes they believe I should..
I give to causes. About 20K a year...to the causes I believe in. Not what my elected politicians say I should give to.
I am heterosexual. At my wedding, half of the guys in my wedding party were gay.
I voted for Clinton because I didn't like Bush's direction.
I am against abortion. I will never advise it nor would I condone it. But I respect the law and will never criticize one who has one.

I did not like Trumps personality. I voted for him because I believed he would do the right thing for our country. And I believe he did.

I did not vote for Biden because I believed he was more into politics than he was into the country. And it seems I was right so far.

I dont like Hillary. She looks down at those that think differently than her.

I voted for Mario Cuomo. Yes, I am showing my age.

You want to see middle of the road?

I am a conservative. I believe in personal responsibility. I dont need the federal government to take my money to give to causes they believe I should..
I give to causes. About 20K a year...to the causes I believe in. Not what my elected politicians say I should give to.
I am heterosexual. At my wedding, half of the guys in my wedding party were gay.
I voted for Clinton because I didn't like Bush's direction.
I am against abortion. I will never advise it nor would I condone it. But I respect the law and will never criticize one who has one.

I did not like Trumps personality. I voted for him because I believed he would do the right thing for our country. And I believe he did.

I did not vote for Biden because I believed he was more into politics than he was into the country. And it seems I was right so far.

I dont like Hillary. She looks down at those that think differently than her.

I voted for Mario Cuomo. Yes, I am showing my age.

What does it mean to be an American conservative?
You want to see middle of the road?

I am a conservative. I believe in personal responsibility. I dont need the federal government to take my money to give to causes they believe I should..
I give to causes. About 20K a year...to the causes I believe in. Not what my elected politicians say I should give to.
I am heterosexual. At my wedding, half of the guys in my wedding party were gay.
I voted for Clinton because I didn't like Bush's direction.
I am against abortion. I will never advise it nor would I condone it. But I respect the law and will never criticize one who has one.

I did not like Trumps personality. I voted for him because I believed he would do the right thing for our country. And I believe he did.

I did not vote for Biden because I believed he was more into politics than he was into the country. And it seems I was right so far.

I dont like Hillary. She looks down at those that think differently than her.

I voted for Mario Cuomo. Yes, I am showing my age.

What does it mean to be an American conservative?
Fair question. I am an American and I believe in conservative values.

Conservatism has been defined, redefined , slandered and put on a pedestal.

To me, a conservative is one who does not worry about what others think. A conservative doesn't care what others do. A conservative doesn't need to be told how to live hers or his life as long as it is within the law.
I live my life as I want to but always making sure it is within the law.
I do not care what my neighbor does or think as long as it is within that law.
I don't agree with all laws and all judicial decisions....but I respect them.

Whereas I dont argue with them as they have their right... I don't agree with those that consider themselves conservative yet complain about how non conservatives live their lives. That's not conservatism in my eyes.

Conservatism, to me, is worrying about your own life and not all wrapped up in how others live their life.

Does that help answer your question?
Or, not even so-called "middle of the road", just capable of being unbiased politically?

I'll post my answer eventually, but let me see if anyone comes to the answer first.
If you pretend to be a Christian but hate White people and blame them for all the problems facing Black people. Did I win? :)

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