What's the truest sign that someone is truly middle of the road?

Fair question. I am an American and I believe in conservative values.

Conservatism has been defined, redefined , slandered and put on a pedestal.

To me, a conservative is one who does not worry about what others think. A conservative doesn't care what others do. A conservative doesn't need to be told how to live hers or his life as long as it is within the law.
I live my life as I want to but always making sure it is within the law.
I do not care what my neighbor does or think as long as it is within that law.
I don't agree with all laws and all judicial decisions....but I respect them.

Whereas I dont argue with them as they have their right... I don't agree with those that consider themselves conservative yet complain about how non conservatives live their lives. That's not conservatism in my eyes.

Conservatism, to me, is worrying about your own life and not all wrapped up in how others live their life.

Does that help answer your question?
It's not lost on me that you prefaced your answer w/the phrase "to me."

That is key.

American Conservatism today is completely wrapped up in wondering what others are doing w/their lives, from abortion, to what others want to do w/their bodies, how they want to have sex and/or present themselves as, etc.

Am I lying about that?
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If you pretend to be a Christian but hate White people and blame them for all the problems facing Black people. Did I win? :)
Exhibit A: The subject is unwilling, or unable, to characterize their perceived political opponent's views and beliefs accurately or fairly.

So we know this isn't an objective individual.

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