What's This About? Bill Clinton Meets Loretta Lynch On Her Government Plane For 1/2 Hour In Phoenix

"It was primarily social and about our travels. He mentioned the golf he played in Phoenix.”

Yea right!

Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch Meet On Airplane In Phoenix [VIDEO]
The fix is in, slick willy told that stupid kunt to back off... And the FBI will. She will do as told like the good little servant she is, she knows her place. Lol
Lynch could of been caught on a hot mike saying something very crude/racist about white people, and she would not quit her job.
Last I heard was the journalists on the scene were told no pictures by the FBI.

Also, Janet Lynch had to wait for Bubba's jet to arrive and waited on the tarmac for him.

But they just crossed paths innocently.
Lynch, Holder, and Mukasey are all guilty of multiple counts of treason spanning multiple issues, not even including hillary.
Do you really think they need to meet face to face to hatch a conspiracy?
Nobody has ever accused libtards of being smart.

I think the people who aren't being very smart are the ones who are making a lot of biased assumptions about this get together.

How would they have arranged this face to face meeting?

They would have had to communicate to each other somehow of the time and place to meet, and discuss the purpose of meeting, right?

They would both have to inform a shitload of people of their travel plans. Secret Service, staff, pilots and crew, etc.

What they did was stupid, precisely because of the way this get together is being interpreted by people with no facts or evidence of what was discussed.
Do you really think they need to meet face to face to hatch a conspiracy?
Nobody has ever accused libtards of being smart.

I think the people who aren't being very smart are the ones who are making a lot of biased assumptions about this get together.

How would they have arranged this face to face meeting?

They would have had to communicate to each other somehow of the time and place to meet, and discuss the purpose of meeting, right?

They would both have to inform a shitload of people of their travel plans. Secret Service, staff, pilots and crew, etc.

What they did was stupid, precisely because of the way this get together is being interpreted by people with no facts or evidence of what was discussed.
I think that's the point.

Glad you could at least spot the obvious.

Strange how the State Department makes a request to delay releasing possibly incriminating evidence for 27 months, shortly after this meeting. I guess the emails they don't want to release for 2 years into the next president's term only had to do with yoga, golf, and grandkids.
Interesting. Is this ethical?

PHOENIX - Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton.

The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane.

Former President Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area and arrived to Sky Harbor Monday evening to depart.

Sources tell ABC15, Clinton was notified Lynch would be arriving at the airport soon and waited for her arrival.

Lynch was arriving in Phoenix for a planned visit as part of her national tour to promote community policing.

ABC15 asked Lynch about the meeting during her news conference at the Phoenix Police Department.

"I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke to myself and my husband on the plane," said Lynch.

The private meeting comes as Lynch's office is in charge of the ongoing investigation and potential charges involving Clinton's email server.

The private meeting also occurred hours before the Benghazi reportwas released publicly involving Hillary Clinton and President Obama's administration.

Lynch said the private meeting on the tarmac did not involve these topics.

"Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix," said Lynch Tuesday afternoon while speaking at the Phoenix Police Department.

Sources say the private meeting at the airport lasted around 30 minutes.

Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meet privately in Phoenix

as far as I know-----it was UTTERLY UNETHICAL to the point of being unlawful (I am not a lawyer-----but I do have a personal anecdote----several years ago a was an "expert witness" at little teeny court case. In the course of the OPPOSITE lawyer cross examination the judge did "1/2 hour recess"------I walked up and down the hallway----saw a sign "library"---so walked in-----the guy who had been in the course cross examining me was sitting at a table----the only other person there------I ambled over to say 'hello' -----the poor man almost FELL OFF HIS CHAIR to avoid me. After the silly "trial' was over he explained-----"any words between him and me would have APPEARANCE of impropriety as an EX PARTE??? communication" it wasn't kosher -----
so it seems

There isn't a trial yet so any impropriety is premature.

its an ONGOING INVESTIGATION-----seems like impropriety to me----but I am not a lawyer

Lynch was on Fox News a few weeks ago and told Chris Wallace that she has never discussed Hillary Clinton's email issue with President Obama, she said it would be inappropriate to discuss it. If she won't talk to President Obama she sure as hell isn't talking to Bill Clinton about it
Avoiding the appearance of impropriety doesn't seem to resonate with some people. Anyway, Bill and Loretta were probably just discussing where they will meet later to bonk. No impropriety there, right?

Nothing I feel the need to be in the middle of, you?
What they did was stupid, precisely because of the way this get together is being interpreted by people with no facts or evidence of what was discussed.

Who needs pesky things like "facts" or "evidence" when the Clintons are involved?
Last I heard was the journalists on the scene were told no pictures by the FBI.

Also, Janet Lynch had to wait for Bubba's jet to arrive and waited on the tarmac for him.

But they just crossed paths innocently.

A bit off the mark. There were few journalists who learned of the meeting but they were told no phones, no cameras, no pictures by the FBI.

It was former President Bill Clinton who waited in his private plane for half an hour until the private plane of Loretta Lynch arrived. This meeting is especially egregious since Bill Clinton is a potential witness and subject of the investigation since the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Slush Fund has come under investigation to

Bill Clinton is well known for his "soft" intimidation.

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