What's Trump Supposed To Do, Call Putin A liar

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

That's exactly what he's supposed to do. And tell him the sanctions are only going to be increased without assurances he doesn't let it happen again, and it is his duty as President of the United States to protect his country and the Democratic process.

And then tell him if he isn't out of Ukraine within 30 days, he will come to the aid of an ally with material support, expel all diplomats from US borders, and have all assets of Russian interests frozen in all western countries until he does.

But just like you, Trump is weak, and has sold out his own country to a sworn enemy for economic gain.

Hustlers and pedophiles. Pretty much sums up your side of the aisle huh?

Please remove Trumps cock from your mouth before responding.

Thanks in advance.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

That's exactly what he's supposed to do. And tell him the sanctions are only going to be increased without assurances he doesn't let it happen again, and it is his duty as President of the United States to protect his country and the Democratic process.

And then tell him if he isn't out of Ukraine within 30 days, he will come to the aid of an ally with material support, expel all diplomats from US borders, and have all assets of Russian interests frozen in all western countries until he does.

But just like you, Trump is weak, and has sold out his own country to a sworn enemy for economic gain.

Hustlers and pedophiles. Pretty much sums up your side of the aisle huh?

Please remove Trumps cock from your mouth before responding.

Thanks in advance.

Go get'em, Ramblo. Obama created half the problems you're ranting about.

Is there a sane libtardo here instead of this idiot?
Kennedy would call Putin a liar.

Why should he not do that? He is taking the Russian's word over the American intel services.

That's enough grounds to remove Trump from office.
Kennedy would call Putin a liar.

Why should he not do that? He is taking the Russian's word over the American intel services.

That's enough grounds to remove Trump from office.

I thought maybe some intelligent libtardo could respond. Go see if you can find one, jake.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

I don't know- personally I would prefer a President who believes his own CIA Director rather than Putin.

Or maybe you are right- and maybe Trump was lying when he said he believed Putin- and you may be right- certainly Trump has a record of lying- and you may prefer a President who lies to the voters about believing Putin in order to better the relationship with Russia.
Since Putin is a member of his Comrade's cabinet, the Comrade will not say a word, but if he were an actual patriot he would say,

"Mister Putin, the US intelligence agencies along with numerous social media companies say that YOU DID meddle in the US election."

The Comrade won't be happy until me makes Moscow his summer get away residence.

Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

Trump promised to make america great again.

What we got was somebody who would let Putin lie to his face, and instead of standing up to Putin, Trump turned around, bent over, and dropped his pants.
Think about it. Trump stood up to Hillary Clinton
But when it came to Xi, Putin, or anybody else, Trump takes two tic-tacs, and starts kissing up to them.
You were expecting to be met with reason, Ricky?!?...:biggrin:

We could always look back at the things said by other folks...
(Ain't youtube the bomb?)

Always good for a laugh...

This one never gets old - notice the newscasters calling his actions 'honest' and 'candid'...

Who says Putin is a geopolitical threat? - not Obama...

You know the worst part of Obama's Putin policy?...Putin only hoped for an inch, Obama let him take a mile. For 8 years Obama played checkers while Putin was playing chess. Putin is a dangerous man, and we've been careless. Putin made it clear to the West that he is not our friend, he is the President of Russia, and most of his people strongly support him. I hope that Trump shake his hand respectfully, then reminds him quietly that he is also the President of his country, (even though half the people have lost their collective minds much to the amusement or dismay of the rest of the world.).
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You were expecting to be met with reason, Ricky?!?...:biggrin:

We could always look back at the things said by other folks...
(Ain't youtube the bomb?)

Always good for a laugh...

This one never gets old - notice the newscasters calling his actions 'honest' and 'candid'...

Who says Putin is not a geopolitical threat? - not Obama...

You know the worst part of Obama's Putin policy?...Putin only hoped for an inch, Obama let him take a mile. For 8 years Obama played checkers while Putin was playing chess. Putin is a dangerous man, and we've been careless. Putin made it clear to the West that he is not our friend, he is the President of Russia, and most of his people strongly support him. I hope that Trump shake his hand respectfully, then reminds him quietly that he is also the President of his country, (even though half the people have lost their collective minds much to the amusement or dismay of the rest of the world.).

most of the Russians do not STRONGLY support him....fake polls and rigged elections are not proof his people strongly support him...

you are right that he is dangerous to the USA.....so do you support Trump's bromance in a non sexual sense with him?
most of the Russians do not STRONGLY support him....fake polls and rigged elections are not proof his people strongly support him..

Though I won't deny corruption - I think you are wrong about how strongly most of his country supports him. He woos them.

you are right that he is dangerous to the USA.....so do you support Trump's bromance in a non sexual sense with him?

Have you heard the phrase - 'Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer'? Insulting Putin to his face is insulting the Russian people - we don't need to do that. Putin is no fool, neither is Trump - I suspect they both understand that.
Wowsa, some sickos still think Russia gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks. :p

Not that it even matters since libs like Bill Mayer say rigging the democratic primary doesn't matter! :p
Nope, iceberg, not in the slightest.

The intel agencies are correct, Trump knows it but lies, so he is a Clear and Present Danger to the Republic.

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