What's Trump Supposed To Do, Call Putin A liar

Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''

Then we can agree to disagree.

You would prefer he whisper in Putins ear promising 'flexibility' once he's reelected - a whispered message CBS calls candid and honest?...that's not what most would call it. Flexibility with what?...the will of the American people? US law?...policy?

I guarantee that on the international stage - the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible' with the will of his own country regarding missile defense in Poland (and other issues) sent colder chills down the spine of our European allies than Trump publicly 'absolving' Putin of what has become an entertaining world wide sit-com.
You do know that it was not Putin's ear that Obama whispered in, don't you?

Obama's reset with Putin did not work, and Putin spit in the USA's face...in the Ukraine/Crimea, and thus the "reset" was called off and the USA learned a lesson for all time, Putin is a thug, and can not be trusted in any manner..... then Putin and his minion, attacked us and infiltrated our nation with mega tons of propaganda to interfere with our democratic election process...and with brexit and did so in france and is probably even spurring the divide with what is going on in Spain...

Trump will be no different, Putin will dick trump and the USA, without blinking an eye....we learned that already.... too bad trump has not.
Like it or not the real problem with the RESET BS was who did the reset. I doubt seriously that Russia has much respect for Hillary, why would they? A career politician and a woman to boot. And Obama? His line in the sand showed what he is made of. Nothing in his past qualifies Obama for the respect of the Russians let alone Putin. Maybe now we shall see some positive action.
Dream on! ;)

Seriously Freewill, WHY should we give Putin a second chance with another reset....he shit on us and the world the first time around...You really think he would change and be all nicey and goodie two shoes all of a sudden?

that is foolish, to boot! imo

He dicked us before the red line comment, not due to it.... sheesh....what is wrong with you people??? you have been brainwashed to be Putin lovers...and that is just absolutely crazy crazy crazy....

And should we reward him for interfering in our election? REALLY? And in all of the Eu's elections....so he can WEAKEN us and our Allies and push his way through all of the soviet bloc that he wants back or decides he wants back? Seriously?

Putin is an enemy, we now see he is no different than when it was the USSR....and he was in the KGB....

there is a cold war going on, and Putin started it....

How exactly has Russia "dicked" us? Us being the USA?

BTW, what is your answer to Russia? Defcon 5, spin up the missiles?
You do know that it was not Putin's ear that Obama whispered in, don't you?

What part of the following is unclear?...
... the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible'...sent colder chills down the spine of...?.

Trump will be no different, Putin will dick trump and the USA, without blinking an eye....we learned that already.... too bad trump has not.

Bush, too, deserves a share of the blame for the happenings in Georgia. (the country) Though I haven't been following lately.
I realize Putin makes a convenient scapegoat, a boogie man to blame for the miserable failure of a lousy candidate... a narrative that provides a refuge from painful introspection. But the truth is - Putin does what he thinks is best for his country (thereby for himself also)...and has done nothing that we have not done ourselves for decades. Trump does not have the naiveté of Obama and his followers...he knows what Putin is about.

Would you rather we send missiles to Moscow?
Idiot, heads of intelligence testified on this before Congress.

Senior Intelligence Officials Testify Russia Hacking Activities, Jan 10 2017

I missed the testimony that provides evidence 'Russians directed by Putin' manipulated the election in favor of Trump, changed votes in favor of Trump, or colluded with Trump to do the above. The testimony does not go there. Yet that's what we're talking about here - not spreading propaganda, we do that too...or the failure of the DNC to protect against hacking.

Comey, in his weird statement of guilt that isn't guilt - said it highly probable that foreign interests had indeed gotten access to Hillary's email, and through those that of her associates also - because of her carelessness regarding cyber security.

Putin said - I didn't do it. Trump said - I believe you. That pales in comparison to a whispered promise that might have also been a green-light to Putin to 'help' Obama get reelected so he could show off some of that 'flexibility'. Can you prove that to not be the case? Hmmm?
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

That's exactly what he's supposed to do. And tell him the sanctions are only going to be increased without assurances he doesn't let it happen again, and it is his duty as President of the United States to protect his country and the Democratic process.

And then tell him if he isn't out of Ukraine within 30 days, he will come to the aid of an ally with material support, expel all diplomats from US borders, and have all assets of Russian interests frozen in all western countries until he does.

But just like you, Trump is weak, and has sold out his own country to a sworn enemy for economic gain.

Hustlers and pedophiles. Pretty much sums up your side of the aisle huh?

Please remove Trumps cock from your mouth before responding.

Thanks in advance.

Go get'em, Ramblo. Obama created half the problems you're ranting about.

Is there a sane libtardo here instead of this idiot?

Yes Obama sanctioned Russia for these very things but Putin is the guy creating the problems. The Russian economy is in the toilet with the price of oil so low so Putin went after the Ukraine as a distraction. And he’s meddling in other counyries’ Elections because he can.

Obama’s sanctions caused no end of trouble for Putin and he wants them gone. They’re interfering with his stealing money from the Russian people.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

That's exactly what he's supposed to do. And tell him the sanctions are only going to be increased without assurances he doesn't let it happen again, and it is his duty as President of the United States to protect his country and the Democratic process.

And then tell him if he isn't out of Ukraine within 30 days, he will come to the aid of an ally with material support, expel all diplomats from US borders, and have all assets of Russian interests frozen in all western countries until he does.

But just like you, Trump is weak, and has sold out his own country to a sworn enemy for economic gain.

Hustlers and pedophiles. Pretty much sums up your side of the aisle huh?

Please remove Trumps cock from your mouth before responding.

Thanks in advance.
Then why didn't Obama stop it. I mean he knew about it.
You were expecting to be met with reason, Ricky?!?...:biggrin:

We could always look back at the things said by other folks...
(Ain't youtube the bomb?)

Always good for a laugh...

This one never gets old - notice the newscasters calling his actions 'honest' and 'candid'...

Who says Putin is a geopolitical threat? - not Obama...

You know the worst part of Obama's Putin policy?...Putin only hoped for an inch, Obama let him take a mile. For 8 years Obama played checkers while Putin was playing chess. Putin is a dangerous man, and we've been careless. Putin made it clear to the West that he is not our friend, he is the President of Russia, and most of his people strongly support him. I hope that Trump shake his hand respectfully, then reminds him quietly that he is also the President of his country, (even though half the people have lost their collective minds much to the amusement or dismay of the rest of the world.).

Best way to "defend" your orange clown???............Attack Obama.......LOL
Have you heard the phrase - 'Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer'?

The above from the same right wing moron who.......just a few posts before......blamed Obama for "keeping our enemies closer"????

What the fuck is wrong with your half brain?
For Trump to openly admit that Putin lies is (for him) and admission that his "bigly win" is suspect.......SO, the coward, is willing to accept Putin's version because it appeases his ego......Simple as that.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

All of a sudden Ricky the moron is defending Trump's "sensitivities and diplomacy".??????............what a fucking clown......LOL
Yes Obama sanctioned Russia for these very things but Putin is the guy creating the problems. The Russian economy is in the toilet with the price of oil so low so Putin went after the Ukraine as a distraction. And he’s meddling in other counyries’ Elections because he can.

Obama’s sanctions caused no end of trouble for Putin and he wants them gone. They’re interfering with his stealing money from the Russian people.

Making them go away is not likely to happen in light of recent Congressional action.

Although, another opinion...

And indeed, Movchan wonders if the West might find itself in somewhat of a bind when it comes to the future for sanctions against Russia. “It could be tough for the West,” he opines. “If they lift sanctions, they lose; if the sanctions remain, then Putin has a scapegoat for all his failures.”
Why Russian Sanctions Haven't Worked

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