What's Trump Supposed To Do, Call Putin A liar

most of the Russians do not STRONGLY support him....fake polls and rigged elections are not proof his people strongly support him..

Though I won't deny corruption - I think you are wrong about how strongly most of his country supports him. He woos them.

you are right that he is dangerous to the USA.....so do you support Trump's bromance in a non sexual sense with him?

Have you heard the phrase - 'Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer'? Insulting Putin to his face is insulting the Russian people - we don't need to do that. Putin is no fool, neither is Trump - I suspect they both understand that.
Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''
most of the Russians do not STRONGLY support him....fake polls and rigged elections are not proof his people strongly support him..

Though I won't deny corruption - I think you are wrong about how strongly most of his country supports him. He woos them.

you are right that he is dangerous to the USA.....so do you support Trump's bromance in a non sexual sense with him?

Have you heard the phrase - 'Hold your friends close, but your enemies closer'? Insulting Putin to his face is insulting the Russian people - we don't need to do that. Putin is no fool, neither is Trump - I suspect they both understand that.
He's had no hesitation to insulting our allies.
He's taking Putin's denial as gospel, as if a simple denial is all one needs to prove their innocence.

I guess that only works for Hillary when she claims she had nothing to do with giving Russia control over some of our uranium after Russian investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill big bucks for speeches. She gave Russia a reset button to fix all the problem, remember? Now libs are having a fucking fit because Trump shook hands with Putin, along with dozens of other people.

He's taking Putin's denial as gospel, as if a simple denial is all one needs to prove their innocence.

I guess that only works for Hillary when she claims she had nothing to do with giving Russia control over some of our uranium after Russian investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill big bucks for speeches. She gave Russia a reset button to fix all the problem, remember? Now libs are having a fucking fit because Trump shook hands with Putin, along with dozens of other people.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Ignorance is bliss, eh?
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

Quit talking to Putin about it and quit saying your own Intel people are wrong

POP! - Ricky's brain just exploded.
President Moron should learn how to be.........Presidential. Impossible???? Doofus jerk forever?
So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

I don't know, maybe putting him on notice to knock that sh it the fuck off?

But to the point, since Trump was the primary beneficiary of Putin's interference in our election, he really can't say jack.
Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''

Then we can agree to disagree.

You would prefer he whisper in Putins ear promising 'flexibility' once he's reelected - a whispered message CBS calls candid and honest?...that's not what most would call it. Flexibility with what?...the will of the American people? US law?...policy?

I guarantee that on the international stage - the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible' with the will of his own country regarding missile defense in Poland (and other issues) sent colder chills down the spine of our European allies than Trump publicly 'absolving' Putin of what has become an entertaining world wide sit-com.
Quit talking to Putin about it and quit saying your own Intel people are wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Good point, let's look a little deeper. What intel 'people'?

Can you find any evidence that 'intel info' came from multiple official sources - or from one anonymous source who claimed the conclusion was reached by multiple agencies? I know how the media reported it - the same media praised Obama's off-mike whispers of reassurance to Putin as both candid and honest. Now there is concrete evidence of collusion, or promise to collude...after his next election :smoke:.

He's taking Putin's denial as gospel, as if a simple denial is all one needs to prove their innocence.

I guess that only works for Hillary when she claims she had nothing to do with giving Russia control over some of our uranium after Russian investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill big bucks for speeches. She gave Russia a reset button to fix all the problem, remember? Now libs are having a fucking fit because Trump shook hands with Putin, along with dozens of other people.


LOL, that's your defense of Trump simply taking Putin at his word??
Quit talking to Putin about it and quit saying your own Intel people are wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Good point, let's look a little deeper. What intel 'people'?

Can you find any evidence that 'intel info' came from multiple official sources - or from one anonymous source who claimed the conclusion was reached by multiple agencies? I know how the media reported it - the same media praised Obama's off-mike whispers of reassurance to Putin as both candid and honest. Now there is concrete evidence of collusion, or promise to collude...after his next election :smoke:.


Idiot, heads of intelligence testified on this before Congress.

Senior Intelligence Officials Testify Russia Hacking Activities, Jan 10 2017
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.
Sounds like Facebook colluded with the Russians.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

I doubt he even mentioned it.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.

I don't know- personally I would prefer a President who believes his own CIA Director rather than Putin.

Or maybe you are right- and maybe Trump was lying when he said he believed Putin- and you may be right- certainly Trump has a record of lying- and you may prefer a President who lies to the voters about believing Putin in order to better the relationship with Russia.
Bay of Pigs, Tolkien Gulf, Iraq WMD, Syria, even Pearl Harbor, all incidents where the "spies" let us down or downright lied too us.
Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''

Then we can agree to disagree.

You would prefer he whisper in Putins ear promising 'flexibility' once he's reelected - a whispered message CBS calls candid and honest?...that's not what most would call it. Flexibility with what?...the will of the American people? US law?...policy?

I guarantee that on the international stage - the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible' with the will of his own country regarding missile defense in Poland (and other issues) sent colder chills down the spine of our European allies than Trump publicly 'absolving' Putin of what has become an entertaining world wide sit-com.
You do know that it was not Putin's ear that Obama whispered in, don't you?

Obama's reset with Putin did not work, and Putin spit in the USA's face...in the Ukraine/Crimea, and thus the "reset" was called off and the USA learned a lesson for all time, Putin is a thug, and can not be trusted in any manner..... then Putin and his minion, attacked us and infiltrated our nation with mega tons of propaganda to interfere with our democratic election process...and with brexit and did so in france and is probably even spurring the divide with what is going on in Spain...

Trump will be no different, Putin will dick trump and the USA, without blinking an eye....we learned that already.... too bad trump has not.
Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''

Then we can agree to disagree.

You would prefer he whisper in Putins ear promising 'flexibility' once he's reelected - a whispered message CBS calls candid and honest?...that's not what most would call it. Flexibility with what?...the will of the American people? US law?...policy?

I guarantee that on the international stage - the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible' with the will of his own country regarding missile defense in Poland (and other issues) sent colder chills down the spine of our European allies than Trump publicly 'absolving' Putin of what has become an entertaining world wide sit-com.
You do know that it was not Putin's ear that Obama whispered in, don't you?

Obama's reset with Putin did not work, and Putin spit in the USA's face...in the Ukraine/Crimea, and thus the "reset" was called off and the USA learned a lesson for all time, Putin is a thug, and can not be trusted in any manner..... then Putin and his minion, attacked us and infiltrated our nation with mega tons of propaganda to interfere with our democratic election process...and with brexit and did so in france and is probably even spurring the divide with what is going on in Spain...

Trump will be no different, Putin will dick trump and the USA, without blinking an eye....we learned that already.... too bad trump has not.
Like it or not the real problem with the RESET BS was who did the reset. I doubt seriously that Russia has much respect for Hillary, why would they? A career politician and a woman to boot. And Obama? His line in the sand showed what he is made of. Nothing in his past qualifies Obama for the respect of the Russians let alone Putin. Maybe now we shall see some positive action.
Would one of you melted snowflakes please explain just what calling Putin a liar is supposed to accomplish?

So far all we know is Russia (maybe) paid $100,000 to run some fake crap on Facebook. Maybe (I doubt) swipe some emails from the DNC and an idiot, Podesta, and give to Wiki. No proof.

If the lieberals want to stop Russia from meddling in our elections maybe they shouldn't be paying Russian operatives for dirt on Trump.

So again, what would it accomplish calling Putin a liar when the world needs to come together to solve problems like North Korea, trade imbalances, and the stupid Muslims fighting all the time?

Seems to me the lieberals want to create more problems in the world instead of fixing them. They're always on the wrong side of the solution.
Sounds like Facebook colluded with the Russians.
they did, and with rubles!
Telling the world that you believe Putin is telling the truth about not interfering with our election is a slap in the face to us and every ally nation Russia has interfered with....

I disagree that insulting Putin is insulting the Russian citizens.... And no one said to call him a liar to his face in front of everyone, he simply should laugh at Putin when he claims it.... and say to him, ''You and I both know you and your people were HEAVILY involved with interfering in our election process, and please don't try to baffle me with your bull crap on this any more!''

Then we can agree to disagree.

You would prefer he whisper in Putins ear promising 'flexibility' once he's reelected - a whispered message CBS calls candid and honest?...that's not what most would call it. Flexibility with what?...the will of the American people? US law?...policy?

I guarantee that on the international stage - the President of the United States passing a message to the President of Russia to give to the Prime Minister of Russia concerning his willingness to 'be flexible' with the will of his own country regarding missile defense in Poland (and other issues) sent colder chills down the spine of our European allies than Trump publicly 'absolving' Putin of what has become an entertaining world wide sit-com.
You do know that it was not Putin's ear that Obama whispered in, don't you?

Obama's reset with Putin did not work, and Putin spit in the USA's face...in the Ukraine/Crimea, and thus the "reset" was called off and the USA learned a lesson for all time, Putin is a thug, and can not be trusted in any manner..... then Putin and his minion, attacked us and infiltrated our nation with mega tons of propaganda to interfere with our democratic election process...and with brexit and did so in france and is probably even spurring the divide with what is going on in Spain...

Trump will be no different, Putin will dick trump and the USA, without blinking an eye....we learned that already.... too bad trump has not.
Like it or not the real problem with the RESET BS was who did the reset. I doubt seriously that Russia has much respect for Hillary, why would they? A career politician and a woman to boot. And Obama? His line in the sand showed what he is made of. Nothing in his past qualifies Obama for the respect of the Russians let alone Putin. Maybe now we shall see some positive action.
Dream on! ;)

Seriously Freewill, WHY should we give Putin a second chance with another reset....he shit on us and the world the first time around...You really think he would change and be all nicey and goodie two shoes all of a sudden?

that is foolish, to boot! imo

He dicked us before the red line comment, not due to it.... sheesh....what is wrong with you people??? you have been brainwashed to be Putin lovers...and that is just absolutely crazy crazy crazy....

And should we reward him for interfering in our election? REALLY? And in all of the Eu's elections....so he can WEAKEN us and our Allies and push his way through all of the soviet bloc that he wants back or decides he wants back? Seriously?

Putin is an enemy, we now see he is no different than when it was the USSR....and he was in the KGB....

there is a cold war going on, and Putin started it....

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