What's With Juan Williams?,"The Four" Throw Actual Facts At Him,He Throws A Pansy Fit & Denies Them.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: :bang3: :cow: Well, first of all, "The Five" is no longer as entertaining as it used to be now that Bob Bookel was fired, so that leaves us with the annoying Juan Williams until they find more occasion fill in's for the Liberal Chair next to the "Nearly Barely Naked" Kim.
But anyway, for those of us who still watch The Five time to time, it's hard not to take notice that when a new topic is brought up by any of the other normal hosts, Juan eventually will start denying the facts and has a cow, and then it seems as he has crapped his pants and acts like a character from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Next".......and when they keep throwing the actual facts back at him,,,all he can respond back with is something like ",....yah, yah, yah,,,,,whatever".....and this is what Fox pays a few million for?
:smoke: :slap:
Juan Williams is serving his purpose of being a weak liberal that will take his nice beating from a conservative.

Alan Colmes used to have that job.
he is a liberal lefty . He and 'sheep smith' should be gotten rid of Rexx .
Juan Williams is serving his purpose of being a weak liberal that will take his nice beating from a conservative.

Alan Colmes used to have that job.
----------------------- gotta admire and start to like 'colmes' , at least he grew the spine to finally drop outa sight !!
Williams is in a tough place.

The regressives hate him because he's an actual, honest, sincere, decent liberal.

Then he gets tossed onto a show with a bunch of right wing partisan ideologues.

I hope he's enjoying this, I don't know how he could. But he signed the contract.
Williams is in a tough place.

The regressives hate him because he's an actual, honest, sincere, decent liberal.

Then he gets tossed onto a show with a bunch of right wing partisan ideologues.

I hope he's enjoying this, I don't know how he could. But he signed the contract.

Actually, Faux News was the only one who would still hire him after he outed himself as an Islamophobe.

That and abusing his NPR Credentials on Faux News.

When Mac praises someone for being a "honest" liberal, he usually means someone who will sit there nicely and let big corporations rape America.
Yeah , good job 'colmes' and like i said , he should be admired , he finally did something correct !! Now if only 'sheep' smith would follow 'colmes' example JoeB .
Wouldn't be soon enough if all liberals died as far as I am concerned. I don't need someone stupid enough to support a communist government to take complete control of my life. But I used to like Williams, I think it is just the beginning of the conversion by the new liberal management of Fox. They are trying to keep viewership up after they failed to do what liberal shit networks do and say "SO WHAT if the man is a pervert, it's just SEX and he is one of us and that's okay"
:argue: :bang3: :cow: Well, first of all, "The Five" is no longer as entertaining as it used to be now that Bob Bookel was fired, so that leaves us with the annoying Juan Williams until they find more occasion fill in's for the Liberal Chair next to the "Nearly Barely Naked" Kim.
But anyway, for those of us who still watch The Five time to time, it's hard not to take notice that when a new topic is brought up by any of the other normal hosts, Juan eventually will start denying the facts and has a cow, and then it seems as he has crapped his pants and acts like a character from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Next".......and when they keep throwing the actual facts back at him,,,all he can respond back with is something like ",....yah, yah, yah,,,,,whatever".....and this is what Fox pays a few million for?
:smoke: :slap:
Why did you put this in politics instead of media?
I used to watch The Five every night until it moved and changed. I caught about half an hour of it the other night and Juan and Gutfeld were arguing LOUD and have a total holler fest so no one could figure out what either of them was saying, yet they both had grins on their faces.
The reason I used to like The Five was because they didn't holler over each other (well very rarely) and they obviously had their opinions but were respectful of each other. Now that it's moved to 9 p.m., I believe they've been encouraged to turn it into a WWE match to entertain the prime time crowd.
I don't like it and it's pathetic that's what Fox thinks we all want to watch.
:argue: :bang3: :cow: Well, first of all, "The Five" is no longer as entertaining as it used to be now that Bob Bookel was fired, so that leaves us with the annoying Juan Williams until they find more occasion fill in's for the Liberal Chair next to the "Nearly Barely Naked" Kim.
But anyway, for those of us who still watch The Five time to time, it's hard not to take notice that when a new topic is brought up by any of the other normal hosts, Juan eventually will start denying the facts and has a cow, and then it seems as he has crapped his pants and acts like a character from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Next".......and when they keep throwing the actual facts back at him,,,all he can respond back with is something like ",....yah, yah, yah,,,,,whatever".....and this is what Fox pays a few million for?
:smoke: :slap:
Why did you put this in politics instead of media?
I used to watch The Five every night until it moved and changed. I caught about half an hour of it the other night and Juan and Gutfeld were arguing LOUD and have a total holler fest so no one could figure out what either of them was saying, yet they both had grins on their faces.
The reason I used to like The Five was because they didn't holler over each other (well very rarely) and they obviously had their opinions but were respectful of each other. Now that it's moved to 9 p.m., I believe they've been encouraged to turn it into a WWE match to entertain the prime time crowd.
I don't like it and it's pathetic that's what Fox thinks we all want to watch.

I watched some at 5 but not at nine.
Juan's a nice guy.

Seriously confused, but a nice guy.
Williams is the 'house N8888ger' on FOX. The dunce is ALWAYS wrong! FOX keeps the dunce on the air to demonstrate what fucking dummies LIBs are.
The rest of the Five are making fun of him. He knows it and they know he knows it. He's there literally prostituting himself for the money.
Another time and place the dunce would be cooking breakfast at Denny's.
none of them are any good and its interesting to me how many of them are married to a person with opposing views that are also talking heads on these same shows . Its just entertainment . Course , there are NO good tv movies so sometime i watch these silly shows . 'beckel' and colmes both gone so good . Also , as i have said , i'd like to see 'sheep' and 'bush' girl blondie perino also gone !!
I wonder what body part of Juans is fully stiff being he's sitting next to a hot white over 40 woman.
:argue: :bang3: :cow: Well, first of all, "The Five" is no longer as entertaining as it used to be now that Bob Bookel was fired, so that leaves us with the annoying Juan Williams until they find more occasion fill in's for the Liberal Chair next to the "Nearly Barely Naked" Kim.
But anyway, for those of us who still watch The Five time to time, it's hard not to take notice that when a new topic is brought up by any of the other normal hosts, Juan eventually will start denying the facts and has a cow, and then it seems as he has crapped his pants and acts like a character from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Next".......and when they keep throwing the actual facts back at him,,,all he can respond back with is something like ",....yah, yah, yah,,,,,whatever".....and this is what Fox pays a few million for?
:smoke: :slap:
Why did you put this in politics instead of media?
I used to watch The Five every night until it moved and changed. I caught about half an hour of it the other night and Juan and Gutfeld were arguing LOUD and have a total holler fest so no one could figure out what either of them was saying, yet they both had grins on their faces.
The reason I used to like The Five was because they didn't holler over each other (well very rarely) and they obviously had their opinions but were respectful of each other. Now that it's moved to 9 p.m., I believe they've been encouraged to turn it into a WWE match to entertain the prime time crowd.
I don't like it and it's pathetic that's what Fox thinks we all want to watch.

I watched some at 5 but not at nine.
and over the years, when Obama was President, every time a host would bring up an Obama embarrassing moment/screw up,,,Jaun couldnt help but start his rebuttal with,,,,,"Yah, But, When Bush Was President".......right?
'williams' and all like him are the enemy of the USA !!
Juan cant go very long without saying "Look, Here's The Thing"....right?,,,,its as if he thinks viewers will actually believe he made up that catch phrase.

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