What's with the low oil prices?

Nobody loses when supply forces the price down. People just buy more. Those who portray some sort of doom have an agenda. Economic expansion is the reward for low energy prices and that it only a bad thing to bad people.

yeah, go have another hit on the bong and pretend you have a brain.
Siete - if you don't have any arguments against the posters points - just admit it. You won't look quite as silly.

now that was silly ... maybe you should wait and read the thread before you start calling other people silly ... you DOPE.
OPEC owns 81% of the worlds oil supply, remind me how they can be little fish unless they decide to ..

OPEC = economic expansion ... just like I said.
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
last time I checked OPEC is the empirical data .. but whatever you say. Maybe a magic wand will appear and grant the rest of the world enough oil capable of being harvested to catch OPEC...
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.
You need to do some research. We have more potential reserves than OPEC.
Then consider Bush's post-drilling-moratorium plans from late 2008/early2009, plans immediately scrapped by the current fascist-in-chief as the moratorium was reimposed.

Potential supplies mean what?

For shale oil and gas to be extracted, it costs more. If costs go down OPEC may just see competitors go out of business because they can't afford to extract for the price that it is being sold at. Therefore OPEC goes back to having a far larger share of "potential" oil supplies, which are just what people are willing to produce.

You know the US is pissed, they can't attack the Saudis who are behind it, so they attack Venezuela and Iran instead. New sanctions against Venezuela only last week.

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