What’s wrong with America

My brother is a VP of HR for a fortune 500 company. I know how the game is played.

Stop denying it. CEO pay since 1978 has SKYROCKETED and our pay has stalled. In that same time, union membership went from 35% to 9%. That means labor has no seat at the table.

So in reality, if you asked a rich person, when was America it's greatest? They'd say now. We would say 1978.

And remember it didn't go from great in 1978 to sucking in 1979. Slowly pensions went away. In the 80's didn't they raise the retirement age on future generations too? So slowly over 40 years our pay stalled and then on top of that we had to work 2 years longer?

My brother actually has a sweetheart deal right now too. He's so burned out but if he makes it to October 1st, he gets an extra $300,000. That's a pretty fucking nice bonus huh? That has nothing to do with his stock options. He says based on how his stocks are doing he either makes $900K a year or $1,100,000 a year. And he can't cash all his stocks out at once. There are rules. But bottom line is this shady shit is how they sort of hide how much the CEO actually makes. If you just look at his salary, maybe it doesn't look so obscene. But look at his total compensation package including his pension and golden parachute? Have you factored all that in?

You probably have not. Not only does my brother get $300K if he makes it to October 1st, he also gets a year salary. It's a long story but his replacement (a woman) left for a better job because companies are willing to pay a woman or black double what a white man gets, so he was tasked with finding another diversity candidate. He finally found a gay black dude. Anyways, the deal was he would stay 6 months after they named the new VP so October he will get the $300K plus a years pay as long as he sits home for a year after he quits.

Do we ever get such a deal? Nope. How come these guys are still giving themselves pensions? I thought pensions were a bad idea. Did you factor in that these CEO's who retire will be paid a lot by the company for the rest of their lives? Oh yea. They can't afford to give you a pension but they give them to themselves. Maybe that factors in to the 1322% number. HUH???

Stop denying it. CEO pay since 1978 has SKYROCKETED and our pay has stalled.

Post some evidence. If you have any beyond 350 mega-corporations.

In the 80's didn't they raise the retirement age on future generations too?

Math is a terrible thing.

Not only does my brother get $300K if he makes it to October 1st, he also gets a year salary.

Sounds like he's under a lot of stress. Hopefully he'll be able to enjoy some retirement.
From 1978 to 2020, CEO pay based on realized compensation grew by 1,322%

Realized compensation is cash and equity compensation actually received by the CEO during the respective year, comprising salary, cash bonus attributable to the year, net spread on stock option exercises, and market value at vesting of previously granted restricted stock units.

I wonder why they make it so confusing. Don't act like you understand it.

There are three types of pay disclosures.

  • Reported Pay - Being the first stage in the cycle, this part relays what is initially granted, even though its not earned during the fiscal year. As required by the SEC, reported pay is to be disclosed in the SCT (summary compensation table) of annual proxies.
  • Realizable Pay - This portion covers the center of the cycle, and it leverages on the pay opportunity prior to the exercise or vesting of equity to an executive after grant.
  • Realized Pay - Also called actual pay, it is the true pay received by an executive during the fiscal year, in addition to exercised or vested equity.

From 1978 to 2020, CEO pay based on realized compensation grew by 1,322%

For 350 of the largest companies on the planet.

How much did it increase for the other 199,000 CEOs?
Stop denying it. CEO pay since 1978 has SKYROCKETED and our pay has stalled.

Post some evidence. If you have any beyond 350 mega-corporations.

In the 80's didn't they raise the retirement age on future generations too?

Math is a terrible thing.

Not only does my brother get $300K if he makes it to October 1st, he also gets a year salary.

Sounds like he's under a lot of stress. Hopefully he'll be able to enjoy some retirement.
I did and I also showed you that it's not all in salary. It's in stock options, bonus', pensions and golden parachutes.

From 1978 to 2020, CEO pay based on realized compensation grew by 1,322%

For 350 of the largest companies on the planet.

How much did it increase for the other 199,000 CEOs?
Those companies hire a lot of people. And the smaller companies have to compete don't they? How are you going to attract a good CEO if you don't keep up?

But no, those CEO's you are talking about don't make 1322x what the employees make. Like the owner of my company. Because we just don't make that much $ profit. If we did she probably would. She's German btw. Lives in Germany. Has locations all over the world. But in our industry we aren't even the Big 3.

I agree small business' don't apply here.
I did and I also showed you that it's not all in salary. It's in stock options, bonus', pensions and golden parachutes.

No, you didn't. You've posted no evidence beyond 350 mega-corps.
Those companies hire a lot of people. And the smaller companies have to compete don't they? How are you going to attract a good CEO if you don't keep up?

But no, those CEO's you are talking about don't make 1322x what the employees make. Like the owner of my company. Because we just don't make that much $ profit. If we did she probably would. She's German btw. Lives in Germany. Has locations all over the world. But in our industry we aren't even the Big 3.

I agree small business' don't apply here.

Those companies hire a lot of people.

How many?

And the smaller companies have to compete don't they? How are you going to attract a good CEO if you don't keep up?

You think the bottom 198,000 companies are competing for the same CEOs?

But no, those CEO's you are talking about don't make 1322x what the employees make.

Welcome to reality. And it was 1322%, not 1322 times.

Like the owner of my company. Because we just don't make that much $ profit. If we did she probably would.

Why are you comparing the owner with the CEO?
Those companies hire a lot of people.

How many?

And the smaller companies have to compete don't they? How are you going to attract a good CEO if you don't keep up?

You think the bottom 198,000 companies are competing for the same CEOs?

But no, those CEO's you are talking about don't make 1322x what the employees make.

Welcome to reality. And it was 1322%, not 1322 times.

Like the owner of my company. Because we just don't make that much $ profit. If we did she probably would.

Why are you comparing the owner with the CEO?
She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978. Ever since unions lost their seat at the table. Workers don't get a say. But we see at UPS, the workers do get a say.

Another example, teachers unions. I heard the other day the Republican governor of Georgia gave them all a $2000 raise. Do you think that would have happened if they weren't in a union? Fuck no. Not even "the best" teachers would get that raise. Because even if they are good, they are easily replaceable. And Republicans don't value the work they do. Clearly.

And you guys especially hate public unions. Unless they are police then you never bitch about their unions.
She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978. Ever since unions lost their seat at the table. Workers don't get a say. But we see at UPS, the workers do get a say.

Another example, teachers unions. I heard the other day the Republican governor of Georgia gave them all a $2000 raise. Do you think that would have happened if they weren't in a union? Fuck no. Not even "the best" teachers would get that raise. Because even if they are good, they are easily replaceable. And Republicans don't value the work they do. Clearly.

And you guys especially hate public unions. Unless they are police then you never bitch about their unions.
A $2,000 raise?

If that’s per month, then good.

Per year, pretty shitty.
She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978. Ever since unions lost their seat at the table. Workers don't get a say. But we see at UPS, the workers do get a say.

Another example, teachers unions. I heard the other day the Republican governor of Georgia gave them all a $2000 raise. Do you think that would have happened if they weren't in a union? Fuck no. Not even "the best" teachers would get that raise. Because even if they are good, they are easily replaceable. And Republicans don't value the work they do. Clearly.

And you guys especially hate public unions. Unless they are police then you never bitch about their unions.
FDR railed against public unions because he knew hoe much of a leech they would be on the taxpayers, moron.
A $2,000 raise?

If that’s per month, then good.

Per year, pretty shitty.
I think Kemp gave them a $5000 raise in his first term

State troopers and many other law enforcement officers will get a $6,000 raise, while all state employees, public university employees, technical college employees and public school teachers will get a $2,000 raise.
“No other General Assembly or governor has raised teacher salaries by so much, so quickly in state history,” Kemp said, noting the $5,000 yearly raises he delivered to teachers and state employees in his first term.
State-funded public librarians and teachers in state-funded preschool programs will also get $2,000 raises, while K-12 school cafeteria workers, bus drivers and nurses will get 5% salary boosts.

Hey, this is good for a Republican governor.
FDR railed against public unions because he knew hoe much of a leech they would be on the taxpayers, moron.
FDR did so much good for the middle class that the rich called him a traitor to his class. Look it up.

But not everyone is perfect. I didn't know this.

"Roosevelt absolutely did not favor collective bargaining for federal workers and especially did not favor the right to strike,"
FDR did so much good for the middle class that the rich called him a traitor to his class. Look it up.

But not everyone is perfect. I didn't know this.

"Roosevelt absolutely did not favor collective bargaining for federal workers and especially did not favor the right to strike,"
FDR didn't do shit except prolong the depression. ONLY WWII got us out of it, dumbass. The rich are what drive this country, and they have every right to be duly and properly compensated.
FDR didn't do shit except prolong the depression. ONLY WWII got us out of it, dumbass. The rich are what drive this country, and they have every right to be duly and properly compensated.
Is that why you worship them and defend them when they cut into our share of the profits?

No sir you are wrong. The New Deal. GI Bill. Social Security and Medicare. FDR did a lot for the middle class.

He did so much the rich called him a traitor to his class. You can't rewrite history.

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Smoot-Hawley "protectionist" legislation did not cause the Great Depression, and while it may have had a slight short-term negative effect on the economy ("1.4 percent at most" according to many historians) its long-term effect was to bring American jobs back to America.

You know what's funny? If you argue with this then you must be upset that Trump started a trade war with China. Are you?

She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978. Ever since unions lost their seat at the table. Workers don't get a say. But we see at UPS, the workers do get a say.

Another example, teachers unions. I heard the other day the Republican governor of Georgia gave them all a $2000 raise. Do you think that would have happened if they weren't in a union? Fuck no. Not even "the best" teachers would get that raise. Because even if they are good, they are easily replaceable. And Republicans don't value the work they do. Clearly.

And you guys especially hate public unions. Unless they are police then you never bitch about their unions.

She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

She's the owner.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978.

Who expected they would? Any numbers for the bottom 190,000 CEOs?

Ever since unions lost their seat at the table.

How'd the workers do at all the unionized steel corporations?
She's also the CEO. In smaller companies often times the owner is the CEO.

She's the owner.

Anyways, this is what is wrong with America. The middle class has not made the same gains as CEO's have since 1978.

Who expected they would? Any numbers for the bottom 190,000 CEOs?

Ever since unions lost their seat at the table.

How'd the workers do at all the unionized steel corporations?
Just saying. As far as the middle class goes we prefer an economy where the middle class makes more. But I also agree, what makes uneducated blue collar factory rats worth what my dad and his generation got? UAW workers.

But that is what made America great. That’s when America was great if you are middle class. The rich were still rich but they had to pay us what we’re worth. Fair share. Seat at the negotiation table. Back then that produced a middle class the world had never seen before. Baby boomer generation.

Today the rich never been richer. The middle class is smaller and clearly struggling. And lots of working poor. Thats your way
Just saying. As far as the middle class goes we prefer an economy where the middle class makes more. But I also agree, what makes uneducated blue collar factory rats worth what my dad and his generation got? UAW workers.

But that is what made America great. That’s when America was great if you are middle class. The rich were still rich but they had to pay us what we’re worth. Fair share. Seat at the negotiation table. Back then that produced a middle class the world had never seen before. Baby boomer generation.

Today the rich never been richer. The middle class is smaller and clearly struggling. And lots of working poor. Thats your way
That's the CORRECT way. The middle class is an artificial construct to instill Socialism/Communism into this country. Oh, and if I owned a company and my workers chose to strike? I would shut the doors forever and move somewhere where the climate is more favorable to businesses.
That's the CORRECT way. The middle class is an artificial construct to instill Socialism/Communism into this country. Oh, and if I owned a company and my workers chose to strike? I would shut the doors forever and move somewhere where the climate is more favorable to businesses.
It sure is. Unregulated free market capitalism didnt produce the middle class government regulated it to be. Some things were socialized. If you ask me we’ve turned over too much to corporations. Haven’t regulated or taxed them properly. They’ve taken over our government you know that
It sure is. Unregulated free market capitalism didnt produce the middle class government regulated it to be. Some things were socialized. If you ask me we’ve turned over too much to corporations. Haven’t regulated or taxed them properly. They’ve taken over our government you know that
Government needs to keep its nose out of the private sector.
Just saying. As far as the middle class goes we prefer an economy where the middle class makes more. But I also agree, what makes uneducated blue collar factory rats worth what my dad and his generation got? UAW workers.

But that is what made America great. That’s when America was great if you are middle class. The rich were still rich but they had to pay us what we’re worth. Fair share. Seat at the negotiation table. Back then that produced a middle class the world had never seen before. Baby boomer generation.

Today the rich never been richer. The middle class is smaller and clearly struggling. And lots of working poor. Thats your way

But I also agree, what makes uneducated blue collar factory rats worth what my dad and his generation got? UAW workers.

The fact that the rest of the world had been bombed into rubble had something to do with it.

Today the rich never been richer. The middle class is smaller and clearly struggling.

What's the range for middle class and rich? Did the middle class shrink because they fell down or because they climbed up? Let's see your numbers.
But I also agree, what makes uneducated blue collar factory rats worth what my dad and his generation got? UAW workers.

The fact that the rest of the world had been bombed into rubble had something to do with it.

Today the rich never been richer. The middle class is smaller and clearly struggling.

What's the range for middle class and rich? Did the middle class shrink because they fell down or because they climbed up? Let's see your numbers.
You know that the middle class has been replaced with the working poor. Look at how many aren’t saving enough for retirement. Look how man Americans can’t come up with $400 in an emergency. Look at debt in America. Cost of living. Job security. Cost of healthcare. I need to show you the masses Didnt all get rich? Wages.

Look how many people shit when Covid kept them home from work for one month. Shit, two weeks you shit the beds.

Rich is having enough to retire Comfortably at 62. Being able to live 2 years without a paycheck without having to touch your long term savings.

I believe if the middle class was paid fairly the median income would be $80,000. And not have it cause inflation. If corporate America is just going to raise prices when wages go up…

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