What’s wrong with America

America's Largest Companies Paid Top Executives More Than They Paid In Taxes: Report​

The report highlights how rampant corporate tax dodging and excessive executive pay have become among dozens of major American companies.

You're not allowed to pay executives more than you pay in taxes? Link?

Why is executive pay a tax dodge?
Like I said thank god for liberal democracy

The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it

Thom is funny. A funny, funny commie.
Like I said thank god for liberal democracy

The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it
Thom is delusional at best, I used to listen to him years ago and he is always crying or whining about some issue. No solutions just whining and crying.
CEO’s actually do the hard work of setting policy and direction, Comrade
They did the same thing 30 years ago for 1322% less.

They make 1322% more than us not because the do the hard work of setting policy and direction. They make that much more NOW because you are anti middle class. You believe unregulated free market capitalism created the middle class you live in. You're a fucking fool. What do you do for a living? Are you educated? Are you management? Do you make a lot of money?

I find the higher up the corporate ladder I climb the more I tend to agree with you. Could that be as I start to make more than the rest of my co workers I start justifying it? Now imagine if I have the power to decide how much you make and how much I make and I decide every year that I do the hard work so I give myself all the raises and you none because you have no say in the matter.
Thom is funny. A funny, funny commie.
It's true. Government is the referee in the economy. Corporate America doesn't and shouldn't have the power. They need to be regulated more than us. But you want to give corporations personhood so.....
What's "wrong" with America is that the population is spoiled and intellectually lazy to a very unhealthy degree.
What's "wrong" with America is that the population is spoiled and intellectually lazy to a very unhealthy degree.

Here is what is wrong with America. America is doing GREAT. Corporate America is doing great. The rich are doing GREAT. But the poor and middle class aren't. What did Republicans tell us during the Bush years about this? They said if you aren't happy with your job go back to school, start your own company or get a new job. Otherwise, you're being paid what you are worth.

Remember that? When I said we weren't being paid what we are worth, republicans said whatever you are making, despite inflation, you ARE being paid what you are worth. Well isn't that still true today?

So then Republicans should love Biden because From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall.
Here is what is wrong with America. America is doing GREAT. Corporate America is doing great. The rich are doing GREAT. But the poor and middle class aren't. What did Republicans tell us during the Bush years about this? They said if you aren't happy with your job go back to school, start your own company or get a new job. Otherwise, you're being paid what you are worth.

Remember that? When I said we weren't being paid what we are worth, republicans said whatever you are making, despite inflation, you ARE being paid what you are worth. Well isn't that still true today?

So then Republicans should love Biden because From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall.
Putting the blame on the duopoly is convenient, but it wouldn't have its power if voters used their mental capacities. It is the utter refusal to develop thinking that is so frustrating in this country.
Putting the blame on the duopoly is convenient, but it wouldn't have its power if voters used their mental capacities. It is the utter refusal to develop thinking that is so frustrating in this country.

IMO it started on Carter's watch. He probably wasn't responsible for inflation but he got the blame. Corporate America got their boy Reagan elected and he played the part well. But behind the scenes, his policies were going to hurt the middle class down the road. Illegals, NAFTA, breaking unions, tax breaks for the rich, raising the retirement age, end of pensions, stop subsodizing college and building infrastructure.

Then Bush sent 700,000 of our best paying blue collar jobs overseas.

I don't blame duopoly I blame Republicans and corporations. Did you bash unions in the 2000's? Then I blame you. You chose a side. Corporate America.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,322% since 1978​

Our pay went up 18%.

A political system with very short terms goals because presidents only need to aim for short term goals to get reelected for a second term. An electoral system that is rubbish and lacks oversight, voters hardly getting the chance to stop bad politicians.

And this leads to boom and bust which makes the rich richer and makes the poor lose their homes.
A political system with very short terms goals because presidents only need to aim for short term goals to get reelected for a second term. An electoral system that is rubbish and lacks oversight, voters hardly getting the chance to stop bad politicians.

And this leads to boom and bust which makes the rich richer and makes the poor lose their homes.

I remember a long time ago reading that this is also the problem with corporate America. CEO's no longer worry about the long term.

A good political example is not caring about the environment.
They did the same thing 30 years ago for 1322% less.

They make 1322% more than us not because the do the hard work of setting policy and direction. They make that much more NOW because you are anti middle class. You believe unregulated free market capitalism created the middle class you live in. You're a fucking fool. What do you do for a living? Are you educated? Are you management? Do you make a lot of money?

I find the higher up the corporate ladder I climb the more I tend to agree with you. Could that be as I start to make more than the rest of my co workers I start justifying it? Now imagine if I have the power to decide how much you make and how much I make and I decide every year that I do the hard work so I give myself all the raises and you none because you have no say in the matter.

They did the same thing 30 years ago for 1322% less.

That would have been a negative salary.
They did the same thing 30 years ago for 1322% less.

That would have been a negative salary.
You get the point don't you?

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,322% since 1978CEOs were paid 351 times as much as a typical worker in 2020​

I know, when you say it out loud, that leftist whine is even dumber than it first appeared.

Well then don't cry if you and people as poor as you aren't benefiting from the great economy America has right now my loser poor friend.

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded

Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

America is great again! For your CEO. Thanks Joe Biden.
I know, when you say it out loud, that leftist whine is even dumber than it first appeared.
What's wrong with America? The fact that a man like this could become our president.

A jury convicted the company of tax fraud on Dec. 6. The Trump Organization was charged through two corporate entities: The Trump Corporation, which was fined $810,000; and Trump Payroll Corporation, which was fined $800,000. Jan 13, 2023

Forget all the cases against Trump now. This case back in 2023 should disqualify Trump from being president.
We’ve been bitching about the 1%. Even their wealth hasn’t gone up this much.

Interesting fact. In the years ceo pay has skyrocketed and our wages only 18%, unions went from 35% of the workforce down to about 9%. That means without union protection, labor lost its seat at the table. And this ceo pay reflects that.

And it’s not just the CEOs. It’s all the vps and people right underneath them. All of them pay themselves what they think they are worth and they pay labor what they think it’s worth.

Strong case for why unions are important.
Unions are owned by the Cosa Nostra. Always have been.

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