What's wrong with this guy? Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation

Thanksgiving is not and has never been a "faith based" holiday. It is and always has been a completely secular holiday - celebrated all by all faiths, all races, and all religions. A day to give Thanks for the harvest, your family, your nation and your life. Who you thank and what you're grateful for are up to you.
Come on now, everyone knows that Jesus was the first to pardon a turkey. :rolleyes:
Those who reject God have absolutely nothing to be thankful for, empty lives, lost souls.

Our Founding Fathers established our nation in such manner that the government was prohibited from establishing a state recognized religion. This was the result of the persecution of faiths by King George and the Church of England; and was the reason many immigrated to this country, prior to the Revolution.

Some have tried to claim that our Constitution is a "secular" document. It is not. The U.S. Constitution was written to give the American people the greatest amount of freedom to pursue and exercise their God-given rights; at the same time the American people had to choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves according to the Ten Commandments of God. The Founding Fathers cautioned that should the time come, when Americans did not choose to govern themselves, control themselves, sustain themselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God, that America would no longer be a free nation. We are living the reality of the warning of our Founding Fathers.

What does god have to do with the holiday?
What shit have you been fed?
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Chatter all you want,
Your GOD hasn't delivered. Has she?
Just empty Faith/Belief.........EMPTY.

Empty? LOL

I have 6 children and 9 grandchildren and am very blessed.

Children are a blessing and gift from God.
I'm a very religious person, and everyone in my extended family knows it. When I first began hosting Thanksgiving some years ago my family expected me to recite the customary blessing on the food, the day, and thank God for all of it. I made it plain that there would be no such ritual blessing but if anyone wished to express their gratitude during the meal for something in their life, that would be fine. I did this because no one in my extended family is at all religious and to make them squirm through such a ritual would be inappropriate.

Having laid that to rest we have enjoyed great Thanksgivings together ever since, everyone looking forward to it each year. For that I am eternally thankful.

Who else would you thank?!?

Oof… no wonder you dopes are always angry. The world as you understand it sucks. Bigly.

Expressing thanks or being thankful doesn’t require an actual recipient.

Like right now. I’m thankful I grew up with a much broader worldview than you.
Who is us?
Oof… no wonder you dopes are always angry. The world as you understand it sucks. Bigly.

Expressing thanks or being thankful doesn’t require an actual recipient.

Like right now. I’m thankful I grew up with a much broader worldview than you.

You can believe as you wish, free will is a god given thing.


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