What's Your BEST or FAVORITE Dish?

Baba Ghanoush
he Ukrainian immigrant, who lives in Russia and shits on Russia. Mom paid you for the Internet?

Here to troll another thread I see while the USMB hopes to get "valuable input" from foreigners. I love Baba Ganoush! Make the best in the world, as you found. So now you claim anyone who likes Syrian food is from the Ukraine? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

I guess by that logic, anyone who likes eating fish eggs is a fish? Are you a fish, Babushka? You make the best case at what dolts you Russians are. Don't come here promising to teach us math and science when you cannot even tie your own shoes.
Me? That I make: Chili, or this shrimp/sun-dried tomato/broccoli/pasta thing.

Tomorrow it's Beef Stew, though.

I make a mean steak, too.

That I like to eat? Lasagna.
Favorite? Beef Stroganoff. I would request that as my last meal.

My best? BBQ Chicken Or flank steak fajitas.

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