What's your motivation

There are few people in America who aren't total morons. All together, they make a third of USMB and a few posters I've found elsewhere.

You are MUCH too generous in your figures. By my estimation 9 out of 10 Americans are damned near retarded and quite a few of them have obviously at least managed to learn how to post on message boards.

I am here to flaunt my intellectual superiority over you fools. I mean how could you NOT know who Alfred Dreyfuss was? muahahahahahha. MORONS

On a serious not.

Nothing's changes; you've just become disillusioned.
. I have kept track today, and as of the moment I have read 152 lies on this board.


You're counting?
I am about to give up , move my family to Brazil and let you lying scumbags have it. Yay you will have "won"


Yes , today I kept count. I don't normally.

Yes Brazil, I went there on vacation a few years ago, and fell in love, probably has something to do with the beaches. :lol: Of course I have no inention of giving up my US citizenship. I just need a break from all this. I have put a bid on a house, as I said I intend to keep my Arkansas home to.

No, not disillusioned JB , things have gotten considerably worse since O took office. He's a horrible President, that's a fact, but those who have staked EVERYTHING on him can not and will not admit such and so they will destroy anyone, tell any lie, commit any act of stupidity to defend the guy. That pisses the right off and off they go willing to tell any lie, or commit any despicable act to try to "get even"

The WORST part is that O was supposed to be the great uniter, the President who brought us out of our divide, but the son of a bitch has made things worse. It has literally seemed like his Administration has went out of its way to divide this country further. What the fuck is that about?

It genuinely pisses me off that I served my country for 22 years so that some of you assholes have the right to lie about anything and everything. Fuck I don't know, maybe I just need to stay off this board... Because I can't take the dishonesty. It's pitiful and yall who can't even admit to facts that are right before your eyes should be ashamed of yourselves. I mean have some god damned pride.

Fuck all of you who have destroyed my faith in my fellow Americans. Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone on this board, but quite a few of you can just go to hell. You're lying scum who do nothing to help make this nation a better place to live, and my kids will pay for your stupidity.
Motivation? What's that?

Honestly, it's better than tv. I like politics, I like to play with and argue ideas, and not many people I know IRL do. So....I go where there are people interested in the same thing who (usually) don't get annoyed. But without having to pay a sitter. :woohoo:
for discussing politics on a political message board?

Just wondering:)

Multiple reasons.

To educate and be educated. To persuade or be persuaded.

To challenge my mind and practice the gentle art of persuasive writing.

Mostly just communicate with people who don't THINK like I do, and or to communicate with people who do.

Ya just cannot have this kind of conversation in the local coffeeship, ya know.

People start avoiding you if you do.
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To promote Hope and Change for murka:tongue:


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Well to give a current example, look at all the posts on various threads by complete friggin' idiots who are still blaming Fox for the administration forcing an innocent person's resignation well before Fox ever aired the video. So if occasionally one of these dumb bastards wakes up to reality it's all worth it.
Gotta keep hammering at the Democrats and expose them for what they are and what they've done.

If you can get a single Lib... to pull out of their delusional daze and actually research the truth, then you have completed a job well done.

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