When a fat liberal environmental prius driver attacks.

Already another thread on this from 6 years ago and today..You idiots all get the same marching orders from videos from 7-8 years ago and then try to make it relevant to today, how fucking lame you paid shills are...

So all the jokers that keep bringing up our invasion of Iraq are paid shills?
If it's one thing I've leaned in life, it's not to ask for trouble.

If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it is not to cause trouble. You don't blame a victim who is just going about his/her way and expressing his/her viewpoints. You must blame the aggressor.
People from Cleveland don't have to fight with people in Steelers attire. They can choose to be respectful and obey the law, which is what we expect decent people to do. Please ask yourself who is responsible for the first interaction between Cleveland fans and Pittsburgh fans. Why can't they all attend a game together and route for their respective teams? Why the fighting?
The violence among supporters both here, in Britain, and in other countries around the world just presents evidence that people are acting out of their minds in a grossly uncivilized manner. Civilization never got very far. People still behave like monkeys. This is what these posts are all about, teaching people to behave in a civilized manner.
P.S. When I was an avid Redskins fan, I went to a playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys (Redskins won it, tickets were expensive, and it was cold out there). A Cowboys player ran so hard that he crashed into the fence near where I was sitting, our eyes met for less than a second, and I saw a look in his eyes that could almost be described as "animal-like," some combination of fear and aggression, and being defeated and cornered. I will never forget it. It gave me some insight into humans and how much we are like other animals, how close we come to our animal natures coming to the fore. I would never have harmed him in any way. We can't go on playing these games.
If it's one thing I've leaned in life, it's not to ask for trouble.

If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it is not to cause trouble. You don't blame a victim who is just going about his/her way and expressing his/her viewpoints. You must blame the aggressor.
People from Cleveland don't have to fight with people in Steelers attire. They can choose to be respectful and obey the law, which is what we expect decent people to do. Please ask yourself who is responsible for the first interaction between Cleveland fans and Pittsburgh fans. Why can't they all attend a game together and route for their respective teams? Why the fighting?
The violence among supporters both here, in Britain, and in other countries around the world just presents evidence that people are acting out of their minds in a grossly uncivilized manner. Civilization never got very far. People still behave like monkeys. This is what these posts are all about, teaching people to behave in a civilized manner.
P.S. When I was an avid Redskins fan, I went to a playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys (Redskins won it, tickets were expensive, and it was cold out there). A Cowboys player ran so hard that he crashed into the fence near where I was sitting, our eyes met for less than a second, and I saw a look in his eyes that could almost be described as "animal-like," some combination of fear and aggression, and being defeated and cornered. I will never forget it. It gave me some insight into humans and how much we are like other animals, how close we come to our animal natures coming to the fore. I would never have harmed him in any way.
We can't go on playing these games. We have to sign out to civilization.
Old vid? Well its timeless as that bitch is still ugly and now the Prius is even uglier.
Old vid? Well its timeless as that bitch is still ugly and now the Prius is even uglier.
If it's one thing I've leaned in life, it's not to ask for trouble.

If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it is not to cause trouble. You don't blame a victim who is just going about his/her way and expressing his/her viewpoints. You must blame the aggressor.
People from Cleveland don't have to fight with people in Steelers attire. They can choose to be respectful and obey the law, which is what we expect decent people to do. Please ask yourself who is responsible for the first interaction between Cleveland fans and Pittsburgh fans. Why can't they all attend a game together and route for their respective teams? Why the fighting?
The violence among supporters both here, in Britain, and in other countries around the world just presents evidence that people are acting out of their minds in a grossly uncivilized manner. Civilization never got very far. People still behave like monkeys. This is what these posts are all about, teaching people to behave in a civilized manner.
P.S. When I was an avid Redskins fan, I went to a playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys (Redskins won it, tickets were expensive, and it was cold out there). A Cowboys player ran so hard that he crashed into the fence near where I was sitting, our eyes met for less than a second, and I saw a look in his eyes that could almost be described as "animal-like," some combination of fear and aggression, and being defeated and cornered. I will never forget it. It gave me some insight into humans and how much we are like other animals, how close we come to our animal natures coming to the fore. I would never have harmed him in any way.
We can't go on playing these games. We have to sign on to civilized behavior.
If it's one thing I've leaned in life, it's not to ask for trouble.

If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it is not to cause trouble. You don't blame a victim who is just going about his/her way and expressing his/her viewpoints. You must blame the aggressor.
People from Cleveland don't have to fight with people in Steelers attire. They can choose to be respectful and obey the law, which is what we expect decent people to do. Please ask yourself who is responsible for the first interaction between Cleveland fans and Pittsburgh fans. Why can't they all attend a game together and route for their respective teams? Why the fighting?
The violence among supporters both here, in Britain, and in other countries around the world just presents evidence that people are acting out of their minds in a grossly uncivilized manner. Civilization never got very far. People still behave like monkeys. This is what these posts are all about, teaching people to behave in a civilized manner.
P.S. When I was an avid Redskins fan, I went to a playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys (Redskins won it, tickets were expensive, and it was cold out there). A Cowboys player ran so hard that he crashed into the fence near where I was sitting, our eyes met for less than a second, and I saw a look in his eyes that could almost be described as "animal-like," some combination of fear and aggression, and being defeated and cornered. I will never forget it. It gave me some insight into humans and how much we are like other animals, how close we come to our animal natures coming to the fore. I would never have harmed him in any way. We can't go on playing these games.

Oh, I agree with you, but I refuse to look at the world with rose colored glasses. How people "should" act and how they do act are sometimes two different realities. How can people kill children? How can guys rape women? How can somebody beat up an 80 year old nearly to death just to take his 20 dollars?

It shouldn't happen but it does. You can either accept that or not. I reluctantly accept it because I know how people are. I would like to think most people are good people. But there are assholes in every group and in order to avoid bringing harm to yourself, you need to be reasonably proactive.

I see you're new here, so I just want to let you know this site screws up now and then. They will get it fixed by the end of the day or sooner. If you posted multiple times because of the screw up, you can go back and delete those posts. The "delete" button is in the lower left corner of your post, but you have to delete it within the first couple of hours otherwise the delete function will disappear.
Oh, I agree with you, but I refuse to look at the world with rose colored glasses. How people "should" act and how they do act are sometimes two different realities. How can people kill children? How can guys rape women? How can somebody beat up an 80 year old nearly to death just to take his 20 dollars?

It shouldn't happen but it does. You can either accept that or not. I reluctantly accept it because I know how people are. I would like to think most people are good people. But there are assholes in every group and in order to avoid bringing harm to yourself, you need to be reasonably proactive.

I see you're new here, so I just want to let you know this site screws up now and then. They will get it fixed by the end of the day or sooner. If you posted multiple times because of the screw up, you can go back and delete those posts. The "delete" button is in the lower left corner of your post, but you have to delete it within the first couple of hours otherwise the delete function will disappear.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I am new, and I thank you for your advice. I have had trouble with posting, and sometimes when I wanted to delete, the delete mechanism would't work or would not appear. This site is very confusing.

I don't view these social issues as looking at the world through "rose colored glasses," though. It is a matter of not giving up. One has to keep fighting. If everyone gave up fighting, in their own way, for what is right, we would cede the world to wrongdoers. It's up to us to make sure this doesn't happen.

Just a thought about the Dallas Cowboy: I did some acting when I was younger, and some attempts at screen- and dialogue writing. What has always fascinated me about these activities is that they require that a person reach down deep into who, and what, they are and try to bring forth from their guts some understanding of what exactly is in them. I did not fully understand until I saw in that guy's eyes that he was doing this same thing in his own way, digging down deep as a player in that game. This is a process that many humans are not familiar with. This is so hard to explain and I hope that I have done so.
Was it the white shirt and tie that set you off? Just asking...
No, it wasn't. At rush hour on 395 in Arlington, there are thousands of people dressed in white shirts and ties who are perfectly well behaved. My description was meant solely as a description of the offender, as would be a "black guy wearing a hoodie sweatshirt." What offended me, not "set me off," was his disgusting and vulgar conduct.

With all due respect...if you're "offended" by someone flipping you the bird...you're easily offended.
This is a good example of the bizzaro world that the libs want to create. When you and your family are minding your own biz and one of these whack jobs just comes up and goes off on you.

Is this the "if one liberal does something, all liberals are guilty, if one conservative does something, people are individuals"?
Who said all liberals are guilty?
Of course, ALL Republicans AND conservatives are if something goes down that the wacks don't like.
Was it the white shirt and tie that set you off? Just asking...
No, it wasn't. At rush hour on 395 in Arlington, there are thousands of people dressed in white shirts and ties who are perfectly well behaved. My description was meant solely as a description of the offender, as would be a "black guy wearing a hoodie sweatshirt." What offended me, not "set me off," was his disgusting and vulgar conduct.

With all due respect...if you're "offended" by someone flipping you the bird...you're easily offended.

Well, you asked me and I told you. I am old enough to remember when Americans had standards of behavior. Apparently now, there are no such standards. This is not my doing. This man should have learned from his parents not to do something like this. They apparently did not raise him properly ad did not take him to any spiritual organization and failed in their parenting responsibilities. He is a reflection of the poor performance of his parents.
Was it the white shirt and tie that set you off? Just asking...
No, it wasn't. At rush hour on 395 in Arlington, there are thousands of people dressed in white shirts and ties who are perfectly well behaved. My description was meant solely as a description of the offender, as would be a "black guy wearing a hoodie sweatshirt." What offended me, not "set me off," was his disgusting and vulgar conduct.

With all due respect...if you're "offended" by someone flipping you the bird...you're easily offended.

Well, you asked me and I told you. I am old enough to remember when Americans had standards of behavior. Apparently now, there are no such standards. This is not my doing. This man should have learned from his parents not to do something like this. They apparently did not raise him properly ad did not take him to any spiritual organization and failed in their parenting responsibilities. He is a reflection of the poor performance of his parents.

This isn't about "parenting", Lysistrata...this is about an absolute chasm between the left and the right in this country. The right hates the left and the left hates the right. That man obviously sees your bumper sticker as an emblem of where you stand...hence the middle finger. Am I right in guessing you've got a "Co-Exist" bumper sticker on your car? He's an idiot for finding that offensive in my opinion but that's just me. Then again he may very well have had a run in before with some other idiot sporting that bumper sticker and took it out on you.

As for standards of behavior in America? We've lost the ability to interact one to one. Too much internet anonymous posting has turned way too many people nasty.
This isn't about "parenting", Lysistrata...this is about an absolute chasm between the left and the right in this country. The right hates the left and the left hates the right. That man obviously sees your bumper sticker as an emblem of where you stand...hence the middle finger. Am I right in guessing you've got a "Co-Exist" bumper sticker on your car? He's an idiot for finding that offensive in my opinion but that's just me. Then again he may very well have had a run in before with some other idiot sporting that bumper sticker and took it out on you.

As for standards of behavior in America? We've lost the ability to interact one to one. Too much internet anonymous posting has turned way too many people nasty.

Actually, my sticker reads "Love Thy Neighbor." I don't see how this good old standby would excite anyone to flip me the "bird."
Our standards of behavior have been sinking for some time now. I wonder how low we will go. I'm old enough to remember when people campaigned without insulting other people. I've seen depictions on the internet of President Obama dressed up like a Hollywood "witch-doctor" stereotype and Mrs. Obama portrayed as an ape wearing pearls. Just last year, I saw a photo of a couple, who apparently supported trump, wearing identical shirts referring to the Democratic candidate by the "c" word.
Regardless of a clash of political beliefs, if the people who do these things are the products of American homes, then parenting/background is an issue. These children, now adults, were not taught how to behave properly in public. I was. My brother was, my cousins were. And we were not even hit, just instructed. We were taken to church and Sunday school and taught manners and to respect others. With all the talk about religion today, it seems like parental neglect has been going on for a long time, as the people I cited are all adults now.
This isn't about "parenting", Lysistrata...this is about an absolute chasm between the left and the right in this country. The right hates the left and the left hates the right. That man obviously sees your bumper sticker as an emblem of where you stand...hence the middle finger. Am I right in guessing you've got a "Co-Exist" bumper sticker on your car? He's an idiot for finding that offensive in my opinion but that's just me. Then again he may very well have had a run in before with some other idiot sporting that bumper sticker and took it out on you.

As for standards of behavior in America? We've lost the ability to interact one to one. Too much internet anonymous posting has turned way too many people nasty.

Actually, my sticker reads "Love Thy Neighbor." I don't see how this good old standby would excite anyone to flip me the "bird."
Our standards of behavior have been sinking for some time now. I wonder how low we will go. I'm old enough to remember when people campaigned without insulting other people. I've seen depictions on the internet of President Obama dressed up like a Hollywood "witch-doctor" stereotype and Mrs. Obama portrayed as an ape wearing pearls. Just last year, I saw a photo of a couple, who apparently supported trump, wearing identical shirts referring to the Democratic candidate by the "c" word.
Regardless of a clash of political beliefs, if the people who do these things are the products of American homes, then parenting/background is an issue. These children, now adults, were not taught how to behave properly in public. I was. My brother was, my cousins were. And we were not even hit, just instructed. We were taken to church and Sunday school and taught manners and to respect others. With all the talk about religion today, it seems like parental neglect has been going on for a long time, as the people I cited are all adults now.

Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be! To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.
Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

trump had a very bad reputation for a very long time, regarding business, sex, personal conduct, etc. It doesn't take anyone from the "far left", whatever that is, to criticize the poor little pervert. How many people have actually been beaten up for wearing a MAGA hat, really? The far left has such a tradition of exaggeration and taking things out of context that I don't believe a lot of it.

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be!

Actually, the ACA was needed, regardless of an flaws in the legislation, given that no proper action was taken by Congress for the decades after the large problems with U.S. healthcare were first noted. Moreover, the right-wing politicians did everything to sabotage it after it was passed, and then had the gall to claim it was a disaster. People like Hestert, Gingrich, and the rest of the Republican bunch should have been working on the issue and presenting workable solutions a long time ago, but they did nothing.

To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.

Frankly, you are being accused of things that you actually do. The shoe fits, so wear it. The idea of "limited government intrusion into our lives" is absurd, given the intrusion by federal and state governments into people's personal lives and reproductive lives, mostly due to religious fanaticism that denies other Americans of our rights to choose our religion for ourselves. Using government to force a particular brand of religion down everybody's throats is a direct attack on our core values.
This isn't about "parenting", Lysistrata...this is about an absolute chasm between the left and the right in this country. The right hates the left and the left hates the right. That man obviously sees your bumper sticker as an emblem of where you stand...hence the middle finger. Am I right in guessing you've got a "Co-Exist" bumper sticker on your car? He's an idiot for finding that offensive in my opinion but that's just me. Then again he may very well have had a run in before with some other idiot sporting that bumper sticker and took it out on you.

As for standards of behavior in America? We've lost the ability to interact one to one. Too much internet anonymous posting has turned way too many people nasty.

Actually, my sticker reads "Love Thy Neighbor." I don't see how this good old standby would excite anyone to flip me the "bird."
Our standards of behavior have been sinking for some time now. I wonder how low we will go. I'm old enough to remember when people campaigned without insulting other people. I've seen depictions on the internet of President Obama dressed up like a Hollywood "witch-doctor" stereotype and Mrs. Obama portrayed as an ape wearing pearls. Just last year, I saw a photo of a couple, who apparently supported trump, wearing identical shirts referring to the Democratic candidate by the "c" word.
Regardless of a clash of political beliefs, if the people who do these things are the products of American homes, then parenting/background is an issue. These children, now adults, were not taught how to behave properly in public. I was. My brother was, my cousins were. And we were not even hit, just instructed. We were taken to church and Sunday school and taught manners and to respect others. With all the talk about religion today, it seems like parental neglect has been going on for a long time, as the people I cited are all adults now.

Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be! To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.
Not only that, but he managed to throw in......"the product of American homes" comment.

Yeah, cause people are so civilized in other parts of the world about their politics.


Sex trade in Denmark and not reported by the American media. Just watch how the American media New World Order were told to not report on the rampant child sex trade in Denmark. Just watch.

How about the documented China sex trade.

How about the racism in European socailist countries.

Yeah, it is all in America. Let me know if I should display all of the wonderful things going on in South America were the average Venezuelan has to resort to hunting rabbits for food. I say average Venezuelan, cause the left wing POWER ELITE in Venezuela are doing fine.

Sean Penn even said so.
Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

trump had a very bad reputation for a very long time, regarding business, sex, personal conduct, etc. It doesn't take anyone from the "far left", whatever that is, to criticize the poor little pervert. How many people have actually been beaten up for wearing a MAGA hat, really? The far left has such a tradition of exaggeration and taking things out of context that I don't believe a lot of it.

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be!

Actually, the ACA was needed, regardless of an flaws in the legislation, given that no proper action was taken by Congress for the decades after the large problems with U.S. healthcare were first noted. Moreover, the right-wing politicians did everything to sabotage it after it was passed, and then had the gall to claim it was a disaster. People like Hestert, Gingrich, and the rest of the Republican bunch should have been working on the issue and presenting workable solutions a long time ago, but they did nothing.

To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.

Frankly, you are being accused of things that you actually do. The shoe fits, so wear it. The idea of "limited government intrusion into our lives" is absurd, given the intrusion by federal and state governments into people's personal lives and reproductive lives, mostly due to religious fanaticism that denies other Americans of our rights to choose our religion for ourselves. Using government to force a particular brand of religion down everybody's throats is a direct attack on our core values.

The shoe fits? Really! First of all...I'm an agnostic so you can throw out the whole "religious fanaticism" thing right from the get go! What have I ever done that would even REMOTELY label me as a "fascist"? I've got two college degrees...in History and Business Administration and I've spent most of my career running large nightclubs all around the US. I have zero problem with gay marriage. I have no problem with women having the choice to have a child or not.

What I DO have a problem with...is people like you who lecture me on how I'm trying to force religion down your throat when all I'm doing is agreeing with our Founding Fathers who gave people the right to choose and observe the religion of their choice without government persecution! Why is it that an agnostic like myself has more religious tolerance than a "supposed" tolerant liberal like yourself? The truth, Lysistrata...is that the far left has far less tolerance for other views than the right does at the moment! When the Tea Party took to the streets to protest against big government they didn't beat the opposition! Nor did they trash whatever city it was that they were protesting in! Since the left lost the last election they've taken to the streets wearing black masks and carrying clubs. So tell me who the REAL fascists are!
Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

trump had a very bad reputation for a very long time, regarding business, sex, personal conduct, etc. It doesn't take anyone from the "far left", whatever that is, to criticize the poor little pervert. How many people have actually been beaten up for wearing a MAGA hat, really? The far left has such a tradition of exaggeration and taking things out of context that I don't believe a lot of it.

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be!

Actually, the ACA was needed, regardless of an flaws in the legislation, given that no proper action was taken by Congress for the decades after the large problems with U.S. healthcare were first noted. Moreover, the right-wing politicians did everything to sabotage it after it was passed, and then had the gall to claim it was a disaster. People like Hestert, Gingrich, and the rest of the Republican bunch should have been working on the issue and presenting workable solutions a long time ago, but they did nothing.

To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.

Frankly, you are being accused of things that you actually do. The shoe fits, so wear it. The idea of "limited government intrusion into our lives" is absurd, given the intrusion by federal and state governments into people's personal lives and reproductive lives, mostly due to religious fanaticism that denies other Americans of our rights to choose our religion for ourselves. Using government to force a particular brand of religion down everybody's throats is a direct attack on our core values.

The shoe fits? Really! First of all...I'm an agnostic so you can throw out the whole "religious fanaticism" thing right from the get go! What have I ever done that would even REMOTELY label me as a "fascist"? I've got two college degrees...in History and Business Administration and I've spent most of my career running large nightclubs all around the US. I have zero problem with gay marriage. I have no problem with women having the choice to have a child or not.

What I DO have a problem with...is people like you who lecture me on how I'm trying to force religion down your throat when all I'm doing is agreeing with our Founding Fathers who gave people the right to choose and observe the religion of their choice without government persecution! Why is it that an agnostic like myself has more religious tolerance than a "supposed" tolerant liberal like yourself? The truth, Lysistrata...is that the far left has far less tolerance for other views than the right does at the moment! When the Tea Party took to the streets to protest against big government they didn't beat the opposition! Nor did they trash whatever city it was that they were protesting in! Since the left lost the last election they've taken to the streets wearing black masks and carrying clubs. So tell me who the REAL fascists are!
You are automatically a Nazi or "fascist" if you are not in lock step with all of their beliefs.

How ironic.

Yes, they are that stupid.
Funny how you only seemed to notice the insults to liberals, Lysistrata! Do you not realize that Trump has been savagely attacked by the far left from before he even announced he was going to run? Or that wearing a "Make American Great Again" hat in the wrong crowd can get the person donning it one hell of a beating! Did you miss that belonging to a political group with the words "Patriot" or "Tea Party" would get you a special "audit" by the IRS!

trump had a very bad reputation for a very long time, regarding business, sex, personal conduct, etc. It doesn't take anyone from the "far left", whatever that is, to criticize the poor little pervert. How many people have actually been beaten up for wearing a MAGA hat, really? The far left has such a tradition of exaggeration and taking things out of context that I don't believe a lot of it.

I'm not excusing racist attacks on the Obama's. I found such things to be offensive and counter productive because they shifted the narrative from how flawed the ACA legislation WAS...to how racist those who opposed it must be!

Actually, the ACA was needed, regardless of an flaws in the legislation, given that no proper action was taken by Congress for the decades after the large problems with U.S. healthcare were first noted. Moreover, the right-wing politicians did everything to sabotage it after it was passed, and then had the gall to claim it was a disaster. People like Hestert, Gingrich, and the rest of the Republican bunch should have been working on the issue and presenting workable solutions a long time ago, but they did nothing.

To be a conservative in America today is to be accused of being a religious fanatic...a Fascist...a "racist"...a hater of women...a hater of the poor...and a hater of education. I get accused of all of these things on nearly a daily basis simply because I believe in common sense things like balanced budgets and limited government intrusion into our lives.

Frankly, you are being accused of things that you actually do. The shoe fits, so wear it. The idea of "limited government intrusion into our lives" is absurd, given the intrusion by federal and state governments into people's personal lives and reproductive lives, mostly due to religious fanaticism that denies other Americans of our rights to choose our religion for ourselves. Using government to force a particular brand of religion down everybody's throats is a direct attack on our core values.

The shoe fits? Really! First of all...I'm an agnostic so you can throw out the whole "religious fanaticism" thing right from the get go! What have I ever done that would even REMOTELY label me as a "fascist"? I've got two college degrees...in History and Business Administration and I've spent most of my career running large nightclubs all around the US. I have zero problem with gay marriage. I have no problem with women having the choice to have a child or not.

What I DO have a problem with...is people like you who lecture me on how I'm trying to force religion down your throat when all I'm doing is agreeing with our Founding Fathers who gave people the right to choose and observe the religion of their choice without government persecution! Why is it that an agnostic like myself has more religious tolerance than a "supposed" tolerant liberal like yourself? The truth, Lysistrata...is that the far left has far less tolerance for other views than the right does at the moment! When the Tea Party took to the streets to protest against big government they didn't beat the opposition! Nor did they trash whatever city it was that they were protesting in! Since the left lost the last election they've taken to the streets wearing black masks and carrying clubs. So tell me who the REAL fascists are!
You are automatically a Nazi or "fascist" if you are not in lock step with all of their beliefs.

How ironic.

Yes, they are that stupid.

And she made that charge without knowing a thing about me other than I'm a "conservative"! It's an amazing thing to observe, Owl. Liberals who live clustered lives on the east and west coast actually seem to believe that everyone who lives in the fly over areas is an inbred white supremacist packing heat out to force them to go to church!

The truth is...most of the people in Kansas couldn't care less about the nonsense that goes on at Berkeley or New York City! They simply don't want the values of the people that live THERE to be forced down their throats by a Federal judge with a political agenda! Oh, and they'd be happier if we didn't spend far more than we take in. Is that really too much to ask?
The shoe fits? Really! First of all...I'm an agnostic so you can throw out the whole "religious fanaticism" thing right from the get go! What have I ever done that would even REMOTELY label me as a "fascist"? I've got two college degrees...in History and Business Administration and I've spent most of my career running large nightclubs all around the US. I have zero problem with gay marriage. I have no problem with women having the choice to have a child or not.

I, too have a BA in History, with a minor in political science, am a certified paralegal, and have a law degree. I spent 35 years writing about workplace safety regs, media law, and labor law.

What I DO have a problem with...is people like you who lecture me on how I'm trying to force religion down your throat when all I'm doing is agreeing with our Founding Fathers who gave people the right to choose and observe the religion of their choice without government persecution! Why is it that an agnostic like myself has more religious tolerance than a "supposed" tolerant liberal like yourself?

Everybody wants the same: the right to choose their own religion without government "persecution." Don't you consider that laws past by openly ideological legislators designed to hamper the rights of women to make decisions regarding birth control and abortion and designed to hamper the rights of LGBT folks constitute interference with their choices of what, if any, religion to follow? Everyone has the right to come to their own theological/philosophical conclusions, but no one has the right to force them on others.
For example, in South Dakota people seeking abortions are subject to the following regulations require by state law to
  • give voluntary, written informed consent to doctors;
  • Attend an initial consultation session with the performing doctor;
  • Receive detailed information about the procedure, its potential risks, and alternatives to abortion;
  • Attend a consultation at a state-registered pregnancy help center; and
  • Wait seventy-two hours between the initial consultation and the procedure.
Source: South Dakota Abortion Laws - FindLaw
The third requirement leaves open the questions of what the "detailed information" the client is to receive consists of, whether it is dictated by the government, and why it is necessary for state law to require this when this holds true by operation of any reliable medical practice for all medical procedures. Why is the requirement of having a consultation with an NGO before having an abortion necessary, but not any other procedure, particularly when the only "counseling" centers that are registered by the state government are run by ideologically-driven groups, and the "counseling" consists only of trying to indoctrinate these compulsory "clients"? Why the 72-hour waiting period?

Other examples: attempts by a (now-former) chief justice of a state supreme court to set up monuments to his chosen religion on public property and to reject the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that prohibiting people from marrying persons of the same sex, which obviously is driven by ideology, is unconstitutional, when he was supposed to function as a judicial officer. Same thing with the Kentucky clerk.
The people I mentioned were not limiting themselves and their beliefs to the individual circumstances of their own lives, they were/are attempting to make crucial decisions for other people based on their own beliefs. So much for "tolerance."

The truth, Lysistrata...is that the far left has far less tolerance for other views than the right does at the moment! When the Tea Party took to the streets to protest against big government they didn't beat the opposition! Nor did they trash whatever city it was that they were protesting in! Since the left lost the last election they've taken to the streets wearing black masks and carrying clubs. So tell me who the REAL fascists are

The "truth" is, that it is only a small number of radicals who have "taken to the streets wearing black masks and carrying clubs." They are of the same hoodlum type as those who came to Charlottesville with shields, clubs, helmets, and guns, trying to cause trouble. The "truth" also is that the persons whom I described above as interfering with the rights of Americans such as women and gays are engaging in a pretty despicable form of fascism themselves and using religion as a cover for their aggressive behavior.

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