When a nation is being steered / led by the likes of George Floyd and BLM...have the leading politicians failed?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Our elected leaders probably aren’t doing a very good job when George Floyd and BLM can be considered revolutionaries...right?
Makes one really have to wonder why issues such as “systemic racism“ and cops hunting blacks weren’t fixed while under the command of a black president for eight grueling years?
Our elected leaders probably aren’t doing a very good job when George Floyd and BLM can be considered revolutionaries...right?
Makes one really have to wonder why issues such as “systemic racism“ and cops hunting blacks weren’t fixed while under the command of a black president for eight grueling years?

It's a fair question. Obama took over the investigation/prosecution of the Eric Garner case and did nothing. They shelved it and left it to Trump. A complete and total failure.
Our elected leaders probably aren’t doing a very good job when George Floyd and BLM can be considered revolutionaries...right?
Makes one really have to wonder why issues such as “systemic racism“ and cops hunting blacks weren’t fixed while under the command of a black president for eight grueling years?
Most libturd leaders are incompetent chronic bitchers and complainers. They should only pick the red hue on fire hydrants. That is it.
Their morally bankrupt, fat, and ugly. They hate themselves.
It's all going according to plan and the Politicians have not FAILED at that plan but have implemented it quite successfully, instead.

The plan is to divide us, weaken the country, take away the rights of individuals, rot us from within and then exploit the economic opportunities this provides these technocrats and globalists. They want people to have less control over their lives so they can have more.
Our elected leaders probably aren’t doing a very good job when George Floyd and BLM can be considered revolutionaries...right?
Makes one really have to wonder why issues such as “systemic racism“ and cops hunting blacks weren’t fixed while under the command of a black president for eight grueling years?
Well fact being Obama wanted to flame up race relations . Americans getting along is the farthest thing from any Democrat. They must " Fundamentally transform America " never happen with Americans loving and helping Americans. So democrats fan the fire. Never vote Democrat.
George Floyd, the girl with the knife, Antifa, BLM, massive racial division - they are all being used to distract from criminal Biden, his puppet masters, the socialist take over, and Biden's massive failed national security destroying policies.

Racism isn't the biggest threat this nation faces - but that idea is being sold to Americans.
Its just bizarre that Obama didn’t or couldn’t compel the Democrat Party to fix the nations biggest problem…SYSTEMIC RACISM but George Floyd could and did.
Do Libs ever stop for a second and scratch their head?

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