When are liberals finishing their statue that honors sen joe mccarthy??


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
The unintended irony of liberals is astounding. If we harken back to the 1950s, the left was sanctimoniously discrediting Senator McCarthy for trying to smear people by simply calling them Communists. Now the left routinely tries to smear the right with a McCarthyite triple threat of smears --- RACIST, SEXIST, 1 PERCENTER!!! Yet, the fact that more liberals haven't denounced this smear that has been going on for years, gives insight into the liberal mindset. Their agenda is not about truth or justice, it's about getting their way by any means possible. It's also the closed mind of totalitarians who did things like burn books and quell dissent. Notice how some books are banned or, oh excuse me, they are deemed "intolerant" by the left, AKA, the thought police. Let's recall that the Nazis were known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Sounds VERY SIMILAR to the Democratic party today. Both smeared people. Both tried to shut down dissent and both have socialist roots!!!

Ok, actually I obviously don't believe that Democrats are on the verge of being totalitarians akin to the Nazis or Communists. But see how annoying that is to try to demonize a whole group?!! Got it lefties??!! STOP saying everyone is a racist, sexist, rich guy, or whatever if they disagree with you. Try FACTS. Otherwise you will continue to sound like Joe McCarthy. Ok, got it??
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Ok, have you managed to remove the log from your eye yet? Until then, further discussion is problematic.
Good example. You can't specifically reply so you demonize me as STUPID. Interesting, I forgot that Dems also demonize anyone who doesn't vote for them as stupid. Class, let's all recall when Bush was re-elected in 2004 the state controlled media kept saying the south voted for him and they have little education. In other words, stupid people voted for Bush. That's interesting because Republicans make more money than Democrats and higher salaries are equated with higher IQ. AGAIN, see how annoying it is when I demonize you liberals by intimating that YOU'RE STUPID! So how about addressing issues and stop the kneejerk McCarthyism you all can't seem to divorce yourselves from. Thanks in advance...
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Good example. You can't specifically reply so you demonize me as STUPID. Interesting, I forgot that Dems also demonize anyone who doesn't vote for them as stupid. Class, let's all recall when Bush was re-elected in 2004 the state controlled media kept saying the south voted for him and they have little education. In other words, stupid people voted for Bush. That's interesting because Republicans make more money than Democrats and higher salaries are equated with higher IQ. AGAIN, see how annoying it is when I demonize you liberals by intimating that YOU'RE STUPID! So how about addressing issues and stop the kneejerk McCarthyism you all can't seem to divorce yourselves from. Thanks in advance...

Wow, look how many liberals know better than to respond. You know how THOSE people are. Oh god, I love liberals. Where else would there be an endless supply of things to lampoon...
Wasn't ol' Joe a Republican? Ted Cruz is trying hard to resurrect him...
Good example. You can't specifically reply so you demonize me as STUPID.

Woah there Dorky...you're not only reading between the lines but inserting a whole lot of stuff that wasn't said.

No one's "demonized" you.

No one said you are stupid.

Shall we start again then?

Until you take the plank out of your own eye, you can't see clearly enough to remove the specks from the Dems eyes.

Interesting, I forgot that Dems also demonize anyone who doesn't vote for them as stupid.

Well....if this thread is an example, you might not be a beacon of....well, you get it, I'm sure, with your stellar reading between the lines abilities.

Class, let's all recall when Bush was re-elected in 2004 the state controlled media kept saying the south voted for him and they have little education.

Class, please excuse us for a moment. Mr. Dork is under the assumption that we have a "state-controlled" media. Typically, that is defined as: media that is owned, funded and controlled by the state. Examples of such can be found many African and Middle Eastern Countries.

Now that we have cleared that up, let's go on to Mr. Dork's thesis of stupidity.

In other words, stupid people voted for Bush.

Some were undoubtably stupid I'm sure - after all they voted for him a second time.

That's interesting because Republicans make more money than Democrats and higher salaries are equated with higher IQ.

Really? I'd like to see your studies the above. Frankly - I doubt there is much linkage between political parties and intelligence.

AGAIN, see how annoying that is when you liberals can't HELP but demonize people. How about addressing the issues. Thanks in advance...

You mean demonizing like calling conservatives lazy, sucking off the teat of the nanny state, baby killers, pro-terrorist, sluts, voting for Obama because just because he's black (a two-fer there - not only are they stupid but they are racist!), tree-huggers...

Say....speaking of issues, how about that plank in your eye?
YOU: Until you take the plank out of your own eye, you can't see clearly enough to remove the specks from the Dems eyes.

ME: You can't see it because YOU'RE A RACIST!!!
YOU: Until you take the plank out of your own eye, you can't see clearly enough to remove the specks from the Dems eyes.

ME: You can't see it because YOU'RE A RACIST!!!

Calm down Mr. Dork.

You've gone a bit non-sequitor here.

Am I to assume from this that you are admitting that you, as a rightwinger, do indeed engage in demonizing the left - for example, calling them racists rather than addressing the issue of your lack of clear sight?
Of course you would think that because you're influenced by the subliminal oppression of the patriarchy you sexist pig!!

Subliminal oppression? Sexist pig? Oh, my. Are you one of them enterlecturals?

No, it's a subliminally oppressed patriarchal sexist pig.

In other words - a damn fine barbecue :)

You disagree with me, ERGO, You must be threatened by strong independent men. Are you a heterophobe??
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Subliminal oppression? Sexist pig? Oh, my. Are you one of them enterlecturals?

No, it's a subliminally oppressed patriarchal sexist pig.

In other words - a damn fine barbecue :)

You disagree with me. You must be threatened by strong independent men. Are you a heterophobe??

Nope, not a heterophobe, not my fault all those strong independent men run off screaming.

But let me give it some thought - I've got to go and kill a bunch of unborn babies, finish off my war on Christmas, go pick up my free birth control so I can sluttishly screw all those strong independent men, collect my welfare check and go sell off my food stamps so I can buy me some drugs. Shouldn't take long.
No, it's a subliminally oppressed patriarchal sexist pig.

In other words - a damn fine barbecue :)

You disagree with me. You must be threatened by strong independent men. Are you a heterophobe??

Nope, not a heterophobe, not my fault all those strong independent men run off screaming.

But let me give it some thought - I've got to go and kill a bunch of unborn babies, finish off my war on Christmas, go pick up my free birth control so I can sluttishly screw all those strong independent men, collect my welfare check and go sell off my food stamps so I can buy me some drugs. Shouldn't take long.

That shouldn't be hard for a RACIST like you!!! Must be hard for you to type with that hood on... How's your Hitler mustache???
The unintended irony of liberals is astounding. If we harken back to the 1950s, the left was sanctimoniously discrediting Senator McCarthy for trying to smear people by simply calling them Communists. Now the left routinely tries to smear the right with a McCarthyite triple threat of smears --- RACIST, SEXIST, 1 PERCENTER!!! Yet, the fact that more liberals haven't denounced this smear that has been going on for years, gives insight into the liberal mindset. Their agenda is not about truth or justice, it's about getting their way by any means possible. It's also the closed mind of totalitarians who did things like burn books and quell dissent. Notice how some books are banned or, oh excuse me, they are deemed "intolerant" by the left, AKA, the thought police. Let's recall that the Nazis were known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Sounds VERY SIMILAR to the Democratic party today. Both smeared people. Both tried to shut down dissent and both have socialist roots!!!

Ok, actually I obviously don't believe that Democrats are on the verge of being totalitarians akin to the Nazis or Communists. But see how annoying that is to try to demonize a whole group?!! Got it lefties??!! STOP saying everyone is a racist, sexist, rich guy, or whatever if they disagree with you. Try FACTS. Otherwise you will continue to sound like Joe McCarthy. Ok, got it??


McCarthyism is conservative schtick, where the ends justify the means, and one is presumed guilty.
The unintended irony of liberals is astounding. If we harken back to the 1950s, the left was sanctimoniously discrediting Senator McCarthy for trying to smear people by simply calling them Communists. Now the left routinely tries to smear the right with a McCarthyite triple threat of smears --- RACIST, SEXIST, 1 PERCENTER!!! Yet, the fact that more liberals haven't denounced this smear that has been going on for years, gives insight into the liberal mindset. Their agenda is not about truth or justice, it's about getting their way by any means possible. It's also the closed mind of totalitarians who did things like burn books and quell dissent. Notice how some books are banned or, oh excuse me, they are deemed "intolerant" by the left, AKA, the thought police. Let's recall that the Nazis were known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Sounds VERY SIMILAR to the Democratic party today. Both smeared people. Both tried to shut down dissent and both have socialist roots!!!

Ok, actually I obviously don't believe that Democrats are on the verge of being totalitarians akin to the Nazis or Communists. But see how annoying that is to try to demonize a whole group?!! Got it lefties??!! STOP saying everyone is a racist, sexist, rich guy, or whatever if they disagree with you. Try FACTS. Otherwise you will continue to sound like Joe McCarthy. Ok, got it??


McCarthyism is conservative schtick, where the ends justify the means, and one is presumed guilty.

EXACTLY!! White males are ASSUMED to be racist and the ends justify the means in rectifying this situation. And you don't see the parallel? Ya know like you call some poor guy a racist and then he gets blacklisted and fired?
The unintended irony of liberals is astounding. If we harken back to the 1950s, the left was sanctimoniously discrediting Senator McCarthy for trying to smear people by simply calling them Communists. Now the left routinely tries to smear the right with a McCarthyite triple threat of smears --- RACIST, SEXIST, 1 PERCENTER!!! Yet, the fact that more liberals haven't denounced this smear that has been going on for years, gives insight into the liberal mindset. Their agenda is not about truth or justice, it's about getting their way by any means possible. It's also the closed mind of totalitarians who did things like burn books and quell dissent. Notice how some books are banned or, oh excuse me, they are deemed "intolerant" by the left, AKA, the thought police. Let's recall that the Nazis were known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Sounds VERY SIMILAR to the Democratic party today. Both smeared people. Both tried to shut down dissent and both have socialist roots!!!

Ok, actually I obviously don't believe that Democrats are on the verge of being totalitarians akin to the Nazis or Communists. But see how annoying that is to try to demonize a whole group?!! Got it lefties??!! STOP saying everyone is a racist, sexist, rich guy, or whatever if they disagree with you. Try FACTS. Otherwise you will continue to sound like Joe McCarthy. Ok, got it??


McCarthyism is conservative schtick, where the ends justify the means, and one is presumed guilty.

EXACTLY!! White males are ASSUMED to be racist and the ends justify the means in rectifying this situation. And you don't see the parallel? Ya know like you call some poor guy a racist and then he gets blacklisted and fired?

And you're just "assuming" that everyone "assumes" that white males are considered racist.

Can you just knock off the "assumptions" and start backing up what you're "assuming"?
No, it's a subliminally oppressed patriarchal sexist pig.

In other words - a damn fine barbecue :)

You disagree with me. You must be threatened by strong independent men. Are you a heterophobe??

Nope, not a heterophobe, not my fault all those strong independent men run off screaming.

But let me give it some thought - I've got to go and kill a bunch of unborn babies, finish off my war on Christmas, go pick up my free birth control so I can sluttishly screw all those strong independent men, collect my welfare check and go sell off my food stamps so I can buy me some drugs. Shouldn't take long.

How do you find the time to do all that while simultaneously plotting to take people's guns, overthrow our capitalist system, control what people eat, instate Sharia law, and all those other diabolical things liberals do?

By the way, I'll see you at the Code Pink flag burning party. I'm bringing the beer, courtesy of my food stamp card. :cool:

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