Zone1 When are the fucking coward maudes going to own their "?" actions?

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THE DIFFERENCE IS -- we WAITED to get enough evidence to MAKE a phone call to report the guy.

YOU and the other Groomer getters -- just want to whip that accusation around WITHOUT ANY evidence.
Awaiting sufficient evidence is a smart move.
We put our names on every WARNING that's issued and EVERY action where there's a box to identify ourselves. Problem is -- MOST Of the alerts for post deletions, moves and merges -- DONT HAVE a mod identity option. If they were THERE -- we would require the use of them.

And because 80% or more of BANS issued are automated by counting points and issued by THE SYSTEM. Most of the time, a particular mod doesn't look at the warning record to SEE if they've accumulated "active points" and seeing the ban get assessed surprises us more than it should surprise the RECIPIENT of the ban who's accumulated too many points in too little time.

We've TRIED to get changes to stake some personal accountability -- but the options to MODIFY or write scripts for the Xenforo platform are very limited compared to previous S/Ware that USMB has used.

But -- ANY MOD can review ANY ACTION. Even the actions YOU TOOK as a mod on staff back in the Eisenhower era. :auiqs.jpg:
This actually explains a lot.
There is:

Found here:

Where's grooming? Where's enabling?

I'm not buying because some noob spews it.
Where's grooming? Where's enabling?

I'm not buying because some noob spews it.

Normalizing the agenda of psychologically and physically transitioning undeveloped young children is openly a part of the establishment's mainstream platform now.

They will protect and defend this agenda and platform relentlessly.

It's really odd the lengths they'll go to fight state's rights. Even the children aren't safe from being used as mere utilities by these anti-moral political opportunists.
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Maybe it’s time to get an admin from FF in here to clean up this interpretive nest.

Hey thatsa whatta I was told. So you'se gotsta get off my back you!
Plus dude there are so many better insults, and thats one that might get your head blown off in the Real World (TM).

See here's a perfect example. This is perfectly acceptable. But this

Is not appropriate.

That'd be great if you would. We've been trying to get i touch with them about the bonus situation for some time.
What a loon
You did see I was teasing about that, yes?

But yes some threads probably should be moved. Not mine of course. :)
And yes some threads have to be closed when they turn so ugly there is no way to get them back on track or there is no effort to get them back on track.

The only recommendation is for a little more sensitivity to thread content when there are good discussions going. Yes two threads may be on the same subject, but coming at it from entirely different angles or perspectives or purpose. The flow of discussions can be disrupted or become impossible if it is merged with another thread on the same topic but discussing it in a different way. Just a suggestion.

You're always so serious and focused, the "sarcasm" didn't register. And it's GOOD to be serious and focused on serious topics.

We give SO MUCH leeway to what's "on topic" -- especially in politics and current events - that it's hard to FIND an angle that wouldn't be covered by other "hot topic" existing threads on the same topic.

In Zone1 threads -- where there is by definition more effort in creating topics -- I cant even REMEMBER merging anything in Clean Debate or Structured Debate forum. Because the "nuances" there are properly laid out for more focused discussion.
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I COULD probably get fired for posting what I just typed about owner/admin interests in "daily operations" -- but I didn't post it because I didn't want you to have any joy over my demise.

If you cleaned up your own interpretive vipers nest, there would be no need for me to see about an admin to come in to clean up what is clearly bias.

And then we could have a normal discussion instead of going to ask for redressing of wrongs. I do NOT want to contact dank to speak with JohnG but you won’t even look at the redressing since you double down.
You're always so serious and focused, the "sarcasm" didn't register. And it's GOOD to be serious and focused on serious topics.

We give SO MUCH leeway to what's "on topic" -- especially in politics and current events - that it's hard to FIND an angle that wouldn't be covered by other "hot topic" existing threads on the same topic.

In Zone1 threads -- where there is by definition more effort in creating topics -- I cant even REMEMBER merging anything in Clean Debate or Structured Debate forum. Because the "nuances" there are properly laid out for more focused discussion.

Focused, I will accept that. I have trained myself to do my best to be accurate in information I post or provide disclaimers if I'm not sure, and to make sure the context is applicable and understandable. I obviously don't always succeed based on your misunderstanding of the post you quoted :) but it does require a certain amount of focus to do that.

Serious? Maybe if its a subject I care deeply about. But I enjoy a good joke and intelligent humor as much as the next person. I'm fun. :)


I don't have the money to contribute, and I do spend a lot of time on here, so. . . . when they asked, I sort of felt obligated to serve, they roped me in. When my tour of duty is over, it's your turn.


Pft. Yeah, right. I don't want a turn. And I'd be the very last person they'd want in there just on the chance I'd vote against their loominatti shenanigans anyway. lol.

Anyway. Good luck with it.
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