When are the May 29th hearings when leftists tried to burn down the White House and burned down St Johns church and SS forced Trump into bunker

The Republicans stay quiet for the most part. The ones who get loud seem to be demonized by the Progs, the media, and Repub politicians also.
Ha ha. The Republicans are cowards. But there are new players in the game. People who don't have to deal with the large and largely corrupt national institution. And also people who aren't afraid of being demonized, and therefore not afraid of getting loud. And pointed. And direct. And even personal.

For example - in their typical lovable and inimitable style, I've been accused by more than one leftist of being a racist. Because I don't agree with them, and they like to play the race card

So, I let them go on long enough to hang themselves, and then I show them pictures of my mixed race children. I made one young lady cry that way, she was so loud she attracted attention, and I left her speechless and in tears. And THIS one got lucky because she actually had a brain cell. One other one wasn't so lucky.

Hey - if the 'Pubtards won't stand up, I will. I'll lead by example. :p
So, I let them go on long enough to hang themselves, and then I show them pictures of my mixed race children. I made one young lady cry that way, she was so loud she attracted attention, and I left her speechless and in tears. And THIS one got lucky because she actually had a brain cell. One other one wasn't so lucky.

Oooh, the dreaded "Some of my best friends are ######".

When you support fixing the problems of racism, then I'll take you seriously.
Oooh, the dreaded "Some of my best friends are ######".

When you support fixing the problems of racism, then I'll take you seriously.
The only problems of racism are the racists, you dumbass fucktard.

What the hell is the matter with you people? You have dog shit for brains, I can smell it all the way to here.

You dumbass fucking leftards don't know the MEANING of racism. You cheapen it by being such a retarded dickwad about it.

Go back to sleep, dumbshit. The pros will take care of it. We'll do what you couldn't.

God you leftards are stupid. Woefully so. No wonder you're being ejected.
The only problems of racism are the racists, you dumbass fucktard.

What the hell is the matter with you people? You have dog shit for brains, I can smell it all the way to here.

You dumbass fucking leftards don't know the MEANING of racism. You cheapen it by being such a retarded dickwad about it.

Go back to sleep, dumbshit. The pros will take care of it. We'll do what you couldn't.

God you leftards are stupid. Woefully so. No wonder you're being ejected.

Guy, why do you think winning a midterm most people don't participate in means much of anything?

Your side hasn't won a general election since 1988. That should tell you something.
Guy, why do you think winning a midterm most people don't participate in means much of anything?

Your side hasn't won a general election since 1988. That should tell you something.
It does. It tells me you're a brainwashed partisan hack who thinks I'm a Republican.

WTF do you want from me? I keep telling you people the truth and you don't believe me. I can't help it if you're stupid.

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