When babyface Kurz get tried for genocide? After vaccination in Zwettl: Second nurse (35) wrestled with death


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
It's not about your health, it's about your death, ANYONE who accepts the Covid-1984 jab will die within 1 - 3 years. All current side effects and collateral damages is just the beginning.

The time has come: In Lower Austria, a 49-year-old nurse died only a few days after her vaccination; no previous illnesses were known. The cause of death is considered to be a severe coagulation disorder, the authorities are investigating a connection with the vaccination due to the close temporal coincidence. Now that a colleague has suffered a life-threatening pulmonary embolism, the first political demands for an immediate vaccination stop are being voiced.
The whole of Zwettl mourns the loss of a vibrant woman from their midst, whose vocation was to help sick people. Now she is no more and leaves a painful gap, not only with her grown-up daughter and her partner. In the hospital, after the shock surrounding the loss of the esteemed colleague, a spiral of silence possibly imposed from above prevails. Several employees of the hospital in Zwettl stated on request of Wochenblick that they could not talk to us about details - the fear of risking their jobs is too great. Apparently nothing is to leak out at any price, rumor has it that massive intimidation took place. But it was not an isolated case...
Colleague with embolism: vaccinated from the same batch
It was the first partial vaccination that hospital staff in the district town of Zwettl in the Waldviertel region received. Among them was the deceased on February 24 today - already two days after the vaccination she was unwell, so she was flown to Vienna General Hospital. But even there the doctors could do nothing more for her - one day after admission she died. The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) subsequently denied a connection.
The reason: coagulation disorders were not a known side effect of the vaccine. This assessment comes despite the fact that a 35-year-old colleague who received a vaccination from the same batch of the Astra Zeneca drug also had to be treated with severe complications. After a life-threatening pulmonary embolism, however, this woman is on the road to recovery and is not in intensive care. The company does not want to confirm the case officially - because of "medical confidentiality". The affected batch of ABV 5300 will not be further vaccinated for the time being.
Investigation underway, authorities advance with denial
An investigation of the death of the Waldviertlerin runs at present on the part of the University of Vienna and the AKH Vienna. Results are expected in ten to 14 days - is it also a game of time? For the time being, the manufacturer is relaxed and supports the investigation, since it is in their own interest if the vaccine is safe. As the BASG explains, the main aim is to rule out any connection.

Yet the case in Lower Austria is not an isolated one: just two weeks ago, a strange accumulation of deaths after vaccination caused concern in neighboring Italy. Four health care workers, all under 50 years of age, died in close temporal proximity to the vaccination. In contrast to the case in Lower Austria, however, it was not the drug from Astra Zeneca that was involved, but that from Biontech/Pfizer.

What frigging crazy system allows this good-for-nothing sexual deviant liar kill the entirely nation?
No education, no occupation, no family, no children, good-for-nothing except corruption and lying.
Guys, we don't need 'democracy' which is gonna kill us now.
When all his criminal 'colleagues' from another countries ( all of them are lying greedy looser ) go to prison for genocide?
You shall grasp, the world 'establishment' wanna murder you, not save from fairy-tale 'virus'

Here are Gestapo 'police' animals of babyface Kurz against peoples demanding Freedom.

It's a crime in Austria to drive without car license plates, but criminal dictators allow police to kill protestors and to be secure from investigation.
Guys, all of them want to murder us, don't take the deadly 'vaccine' stand up against the criminal gang and take them to trial.
A couple of Corona bandits worldwide can't murder 6bn humans.

Gestapo today

Gestapo before

Mr babyface is happy


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