When Biden bussed Kamala

"What was the name of the Kamala Harris neighbors who weren’t allowed to play with Kamala in her liberal university neighborhood?" - Coulter
Kamala has opposed charter schools throughout her career. In the debate, she strongly supported busing. Ending charter schools would make it much easier for her to enforce busing mandates. A President Harris will appoint judges who will overrule the ban on inter-district busing.

She’s going to implement country wide integration by taking away all choice from America’s parents.
Kamala sexually assaulted me on the bus. I'll never forget it! It's seared in my memory like John Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia Trip up the Do Lung River to assassinate that rogue Green Beret Colonel!

It happened in 1996 -- or 2001. I'll never forget it

She had suction like a Dyson vacuum cleaner.

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