When Black Women fall in love with White Men


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Not so much love from the black community.

Love is a matter of the heart. If they complete each other, just wish them well. The hatred for a minority marrying a white, is a clear example of the person spewing the hatred, being a racist.
Some people of color complain that they are victims of racism and should be looked at as only equal person (which technically they are....the complainers have just been hearing that they are victims of racism for so long, they believe it) yet, when two people of different race do accept each other as equals and love each other, the true racists complain.
There is no institutional racism and while "individuals" of any color can be racist, in the US, there is NO occupation, "Glass Ceiling," that minorities can't hold. The very highest position in this nation was held, for the maximum two terms, by a black. He couldn't have been successfully elected as president, if only blacks voted for him. Citizens of all races voted for him. There are black physicists, black, astronauts, black business owners, black doctors, black nurses, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. There is literally NO occupation a black can't work in, if that individual ensures that the school he/she (or whatever one calls themselves now days) is giving a quality education, studies hard. Remember though, you can have equal opportunity....OR....equal outcome, but you can't have both. Not everybody is suited to be a doctor, rocket scientist, head of a corporation, lawyer, physicist, et cetera, as everybody has their own level of intelligence and competence.
I find this slightly humorous, as well as disappointing. I’m part of an inter-racial couple myself. My wife is Puerto Rican and I’m Caucasian. She did catch some grief in parts of her social circle for dating a white guy when we first got together, but it was her two sisters’ reactions I found most interesting... I was referred to as “The Rich White Guy” rather than my name by them for the first four months we were dating.
Bill Burr isn't racist......

However.......I don't recall it being black folks threatening to kill this couple for wanting to get married.....but go off tho...

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BW get lots of flak, mostly from BM, when then date/marry white guys. Mostly because the BW in question are higher caliber attractive and they tend to be with guys who are successful (in some measure).
A friend on FB had this discussion a few days ago. The consensus amomg some of her other friends was that they like the way the white men treated their women better; And when they black men were so readily abandoning their families once children entered into the picture they'd rather have a white man and a stable family.

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