When can I get my shot?

Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.
Trump is gone...any delay is due to democrat mismanagement….and their lack of understanding logistics....Trump would have used the military to get the job done....and he wouldn't have used them to guard the peoples capitol from the people.....
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.

I'm in NH.

Wife isn't registered to vote, and I refuse to vote for Trump.
It should be easy. Go to a website, type in your age and get a date when you can get the shot.

You don't get one. I got them all. My Walkin is filling up fast. Now, about your first monthly installment for "Maybe" getting one of my shots........

I don't understand it. In Colorado, we don't have a shortage. The first 3 layers for the shots have already been done. Meanwhile, other states have a dire shortage. And that part I can't understand. Go Rump Go.
What did you mean your walkin is filling up fast?
Much as I trust the Trump Shot, I won't take it.
Are you guys in your mid 80's and suffering from diabetes or heart disease?
I’m 50 and I smoke. I can’t get a sickness that makes it hard to breath. I smoke. So this one scares me. But I may have already had it and been a symptomatic.
There were a few times in the last year when I felt awful, and thought I had it.
We all had it, have it or will get it.
You can slow down the inevitable, but it will come.
And they can’t even say if you already got it you have the antibodies and can’t get it again. But then say take this shot so you won’t get it.

If you got over Covid, you have about 45 days Plus or Minus before you can contract it again. The Vax buys you about 5 to 6 months. So once we get at least 70% if the population vaccinated, we have 5 to 6 months from the first group to get a handle on it.

Get ready to see a whole bunch of Karens on this one.
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.
Trump is gone...any delay is due to democrat mismanagement….and their lack of understanding logistics....Trump would have used the military to get the job done....and he wouldn't have used them to guard the peoples capitol from the people.....
Oh please. We certainly don’t want to hear how Trump would have handled it.
It should be easy. Go to a website, type in your age and get a date when you can get the shot.

You don't get one. I got them all. My Walkin is filling up fast. Now, about your first monthly installment for "Maybe" getting one of my shots........

I don't understand it. In Colorado, we don't have a shortage. The first 3 layers for the shots have already been done. Meanwhile, other states have a dire shortage. And that part I can't understand. Go Rump Go.

Go Rump Go.

Trump still in charge of anything but your mind?

The distrubution still belongs to him. Until Biden comes up with his own plan. But then again, no plan is the plan that Rump had so I guess Biden is doing just as good a job but it's not good enough.

But then again, no plan is the plan that Rump had

Trump had NO plan, yet the vaccine is available, and thousands, if not hundreds of thousands are getting the shot?

It should be easy. Go to a website, type in your age and get a date when you can get the shot.
Or get shot. The medical enforcement team is armed, after all. They are performing lobotomies in Washington State, just like the Kennedy Klan did on JFK's sister Rosemary.
Here in Southern Florida things are going slow, but through a lot of perseverance I got my appt. for first shot set for Wed. Almost 72 and with bad chronic cough, etc. — course I’m happy. In my county most everything goes through Publix, which gave big contributions to our Republican Governor. Guess it’s better than having the pillow guy administer shots! : )
Much as I trust the Trump Shot, I won't take it.
Are you guys in your mid 80's and suffering from diabetes or heart disease?
I’m 50 and I smoke. I can’t get a sickness that makes it hard to breath. I smoke. So this one scares me. But I may have already had it and been a symptomatic.
There were a few times in the last year when I felt awful, and thought I had it.
We all had it, have it or will get it.
You can slow down the inevitable, but it will come.
And they can’t even say if you already got it you have the antibodies and can’t get it again. But then say take this shot so you won’t get it.

If you got over Covid, you have about 45 days Plus or Minus before you can contract it again. The Vax buys you about 5 to 6 months. So once we get at least 70% if the population vaccinated, we have 5 to 6 months from the first group to get a handle on it.

Get ready to see a whole bunch of Karens on this one.
I’m just going to keep working from home and let everyone else turn into the walking dead. I believe it was the pziser/trump vaccine that did it. Life imitating art.
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.
A lot of Red States are at the top. Trump made sure his favorite state of Florida got plenty & fast!
Here in Southern Florida things are going slow, but through a lot of perseverance I got my appt. for first shot set for Wed. Almost 72 and with bad chronic cough, etc. — course I’m happy. In my county most everything goes through Publix, which gave big contributions to our Republican Governor. Guess it’s better than having the pillow guy administer shots! : )
72 and you had to call around for it? So sloppy.
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.

I'm in NH.

Wife isn't registered to vote, and I refuse to vote for Trump.

Even if the vote is to have Rump drawn and Quartered, tarred and feathered and Impeached a 3rd time and then deported? :poke:
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.

I'm in NH.

Wife isn't registered to vote, and I refuse to vote for Trump.
I just meant the state. Not personally. That would be funny. If trump first only sent it to his twitter followers.

But that would be fine by me because they are the superspreaders going to parties and trump rallies and riots.
It should be easy. Go to a website, type in your age and get a date when you can get the shot.

Put on black face, whistle at a white girl in the deep south, and be assured, you will get shot.

Put on black face, whistle at a white girl in the deep south, and be assured, you will get shot.


put on blackface, whistle at a black girl, and get shot.

Or put on a blackface and drive through the deep south.
Here in the Red State of Missouri, we are dead last out of all 50 states for percent vaccinated! But at least our Senator Josh Hawley had time to lead the insurrection on the US Capitol.
That blows my theory trump sent it to red states first.

I'm in NH.

Wife isn't registered to vote, and I refuse to vote for Trump.
I just meant the state. Not personally. That would be funny. If trump first only sent it to his twitter followers.

But that would be fine by me because they are the superspreaders going to parties and trump rallies and riots.

But that would be fine by me because they are the superspreaders going to parties and trump rallies and riots.


all those protestors across the country wore masks while they were burning down building and looting.

Lay off the partisan crap for 5 minutes.

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