When can we expect the riots to start from the Rittenhouse verdict?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Or would that only be assured had those who were shot were black? I think you know those riots would be assured, and even provoked by left information sources. Will they for Rittenhouse?

If not, then why would riots be certain if those men were black?
Or would that only be assured had those who were shot were black? I think you know those riots would be assured, and even provoked by left information sources. Will they for Rittenhouse?

If not, then why would riots be certain if those men were black?
If you "know" the riots would be assured, how can you not know why it is your belief?
Nothing is going to happen, although Lord knows that CNN and MSNBC are going to do their damnedest to stir-up trouble...

Who knows... maybe things will get out of hand... if you add Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and other Race-Baiters to the mix, it probably will boil over...

But if it does, just send-in a gaggle of White teenage boys with assault rifles... that'll make the Leftists $hit in their pants and run like hell...

The Wisconsin chapter of the Girl Scouts would probably have the same effect on that kind of trailer and ghetto trash...
Here's AOC's response to. Nobody plays the victim game quite like she does, she's a real champion. You know how her fans say she's so intelligent. Read her response below, ILMAO @ "If it were a different context the result would be different". She went to college right?

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday slammed what she called a “double standard” within the criminal justice system after accused Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse was sprung from jail on a $2 million bond.

The 17-year-old’s release on Friday had sparked outrage on social media from some Democrats who argued it was an example of racial privilege within the system.

“Does anyone believe Rittenhouse would be released if he were Muslim & did the same thing in a diff context?” Ocasio-Cortez asked on Twitter.

Does this mean AOC should define a different context so we can apply a judgement? :auiqs.jpg:
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Here's Core's Bush, she probably just figured those shot were black.

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., said in a tweet that the outcome of the trial was itself an indictment of the U.S. judicial system.

“The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable,” she wrote. “It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free. I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken.”

Tell me Cori and AOC wouldn't LOVE LOVE LOVE the riots to start, you know they do. Then again their guy is POTUS, perhaps they'd desire some leniency.
If they do they'll be excused anyway and the definition/s of rioting, looting, arson, assault re-defined to make excuses for them.

I've watched the reaction to this from stupid blacks and cuck smelly white folk who legitimately see no wrong-doing from these lunatics and refuse to take any sort of responsibility or condemn them.

Therein lies the problem.

Until that attitude changes, nothing changes - including all the stuff they want/demand too.
If they do they'll be excused anyway and the definition/s of rioting, looting, arson, assault re-defined to make excuses for them.

I've watched the reaction to this from stupid blacks and cuck smelly white folk who legitimately see no wrong-doing from these lunatics and refuse to take any sort of responsibility or condemn them.

Therein lies the problem.

Until that attitude changes, nothing changes - including all the stuff they want/demand too.
It just began in earnest this afternoon, this is because the real target of their malicious prosecution was not that kid, it was the 2nd amendment, and the individual right of Americans to stand up to the democratic party mob and shoot them when they resort to hate inspired violence! The real target, was Americans right to defend themselves, after the Rittenhouse verdict, from now on, democratic hate agents, antifa & blm, now know they will be shot when the riot, as well they should!
Do you guys think AOC types are disappointed the guys shot weren't Muslim, brown and/or black?

Do they even know, I can't tell by their racist posts, this is very confusing.
If they do they'll be excused anyway and the definition/s of rioting, looting, arson, assault re-defined to make excuses for them.

I've watched the reaction to this from stupid blacks and cuck smelly white folk who legitimately see no wrong-doing from these lunatics and refuse to take any sort of responsibility or condemn them.

Therein lies the problem.

Until that attitude changes, nothing changes - including all the stuff they want/demand too.
When they mark their houses in imitation of Passover with the racist statement, ‘black lives matter,’ you know you are dealing with mental disease.
I sure hope Umbrella Man has an air tight alibi. Maybe that's the problem, the racists and fascist haven't found their scapegoat yet.

It will also be getting cold enough in Kenosha, Milwaukee, and Chicago soon, the thugs will need to burn something just to stay warm.
Or would that only be assured had those who were shot were black? I think you know those riots would be assured, and even provoked by left information sources. Will they for Rittenhouse?

If not, then why would riots be certain if those men were black?
The democrats will not be pushing these riots like they did the roots of 2020 as Trump is no longer Presdient.

If the riots do occur they will definitely hurt the Democratic Party in the midterms and possibly in the 2024 Presdiential elections.

Even the liberals are getting tired of seeing cities burning and the cops turning reactive rather than proactive. They are now buying guns and ammo to protect themselves and their families because the cops will arrive late when things go down just in time to hang up crime scene tape.
Oh darn, I guessed too soon. Congratulations to Biden, AOC, Kapernick and other left propaganda types, they got the riots after all.

I'd check a 4th time, but I'm positive the guys who were shot were white. Don't tell Democracks, cuz everything is a fabrication anyway.

On a side, people are really wising up to Demonicrats, young and old. Is it enough to fight against their evil ways and propaganda?


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