When China finally decides to take back Taiwan, what wll the state of the world be?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It will be a very interesting time and will probably arrive faster than we believe. Any elitist in the West who believes they wlll be in the "Cool Club" with the CCP may be surprised to learn just how short that leash actually is...
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China already said that Taiwan will be reunited with China by 2050. A long time from now.
I remember when Hong Kong had a long time to be turned over.
China is too scared now. They saw how poorly their Russian-clone weapons do.
Yes and no. They are great at learning lessons and copying. They prefer others make the mistakes or invest in the R &D. It is right in their backyard, they are learning plenty and collecting data, I guarantee it.
I don't think China will take back Taiwan militarily. Instead, the waning strength of the US military will cause Taiwan to seek a face-saving agreement with China recognizing reunification but preserving a large measure of autonomy. This situation will be different from Hong Kong, where the British lease had expired. Taiwan is too valuable as a technical manufacturer and trade outlet to warrant its occupation by Chinese troops.
I don't think China will take back Taiwan militarily. Instead, the waning strength of the US military will cause Taiwan to seek a face-saving agreement with China recognizing reunification but preserving a large measure of autonomy. This situation will be different from Hong Kong, where the British lease had expired. Taiwan is too valuable as a technical manufacturer and trade outlet to warrant its occupation by Chinese troops.
Yes, they will sign and China will take. Just as the did in HK. Americas allies relied on America at the same time the were subverting the U.S globally. What geniuses we have running the West. A brilliant lot.
I don't think China will take back Taiwan militarily. Instead, the waning strength of the US military will cause Taiwan to seek a face-saving agreement with China recognizing reunification but preserving a large measure of autonomy. This situation will be different from Hong Kong, where the British lease had expired. Taiwan is too valuable as a technical manufacturer and trade outlet to warrant its occupation by Chinese troops.
How the hell does the Western World become dependent on that technical production with the mother country of different politics so close to the island nation? We jump started Red China into a colossus. We have morons for the political class or sell out traitors knowing what they are doing for the globalist design.
China has money, Russia does not.

The bottom line is that we are funding Ukraine and Co2 fraud and flushed $10 trillion on Covid fraud, and we are ill prepared for a war with China, thanks to Mamoo's demographic...
It didn't bother me when Taiwan was occupied by the nationalist and it will not bother me when they are not occupying Taiwan...
Compare the U.S teajectories to Chinas. Don:t be so naive, it isn't 1999.

Compare ability to project military power around the globe on short notice and get back to me.
China’s Navy is a farce
The prime purpose of their Army is to keep 1.5 billion Chinese in check
How the hell does the Western World become dependent on that technical production with the mother country of different politics so close to the island nation? We jump started Red China into a colossus. We have morons for the political class or sell out traitors knowing what they are doing for the globalist design.
This is true, we have single handedly turned China in an industrial powerhouse, and our own greed will be the primary reason for our demise. We are Rome in 375 A.D. at the moment, and China are the Visigoths, sending us our cheap plastic junk while they sharpen their knives.

China acts as one, we cannot agree on anything. We rely on technology and China is a supplier of much of what we need.
This is true, we have single handedly turned China in an industrial powerhouse, and our own greed will be the primary reason for our demise. We are Rome in 375 A.D. at the moment, and China are the Visigoths, sending us our cheap plastic junk while they sharpen their knives.
Don't you just love capitalist?
Spoken like a true Communist.


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