When Dad Was VP, Jeb Bush Lobbied Administration For A Medicare Fraudster


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

WASHINGTON -- Jeb Bush personally lobbied the secretary of health and human services, while his father was vice president, on behalf of a Miami figure who would later flee the country accused of one of the greatest Medicare frauds in the program's history.

Bush pressed then-HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler to give the man's HMO a waiver so that it could accept larger sums of Medicare money than it otherwise would have been allowed, Heckler told The Huffington Post.

Miguel Recarey Jr., head of the health maintenance organization International Medical Centers (IMC) who often boasted of connections to the Miami Cuban mafia, paid Bush $75,000 in the mid-1980s. Bush has acknowledged receiving the payment but said it was tendered for real estate consultation. But the deal he consulted on was never closed.

The New York Times recently reported that the younger Bush made frequent use of his connection to his father both as vice president and president. "Even within a family long steeped in politics, Mr. Bush stood out to White House aides for the frequency of his communications and the intensity of the opinions," the paper reported.

Jeb Bush, now a top GOP contender for president in 2016, has addressed the latest criticism by saying that he is his "own man."

Much More: When Dad Was VP, Jeb Bush Lobbied The Administration For A Medicare Fraudster

Oh my, this won't look good on Jeb's resume.
Shame on Jeb for contributing to Medicare FRAUD.
Why is this even a problem? Democrats have been lobbying like this for a very long time. I think the nation will survive your smear attempts.
According to the OP, Jeb received $75,000.00 from a Medicare crook with admitted ties to the Miami Cuban mafia who fled the country accused of one of the greatest Medicare frauds in the program's history. How does one explain that?
Was Jeb aware of this man's criminal potential at the time he was lobbying?
Was Jeb aware of this man's criminal potential at the time he was lobbying?

If he wasn't - he should have been! The guy boasted about having Miami Cuban mafia connections.
Doesn't anyone mind that Jeb pals around with crooks with mafia connections?

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