When Dem Asks Academic What It Was Like for Bergdahl, Actual Veteran Interrupts


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
At a Bowe Bergdahl hearing on June 18, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) asked an academic about life on the front lines in Afghanistan. Watch what happens when Cody Full, a member of Bergdahl's platoon, interrupts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pnztlywbHQ#t=164]Cody Full - YouTube[/ame]
The BS that the democrat was using just prior to asking the question is also sickening.
Typical Dem trying to use the "victim-of-circumstances" excuse for someone's loathsome actions and behavior. They're so ready to reward bad behavior some while blatantly ignoring the good character of others.
Victim of circumstance can be used and is used by every criminal in or out of the service. When some gang takes over a city bus the way they do in mexico, and slaughters every person on that bus, beheads them and rolls the heads into the nearest police station, they too will be victims of circumstances. They will have "suffered". Come here for a better life. Cannot help their behavior.

Bergdahl was a deserter. He was used as an excuse to release the top commanders of Al Quaeda. There is only one question. Why is the improvement of Al Quaeda's operations so important to this regime?

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