When Dems Accidentally Told The Truth, America Hated It, & Media Tried To Pretend It Never Happened


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
When Democrats Accidentally Told The Truth, America Hated It, & The Media Tried To Pretend It Never Happened.

When Democrats Accidentally Told The Truth, America Hated It, & The Media Tried To Pretend It Never Happened.
By Kevin McCullough ~~ A sitting Governor describes a baby being born alive, intact and whole and then describes a death panel’s decision over whether that born child should live or die.
That was the moment I saw it happen. Oh because he was a physician and had at some point(s) in his history delivered a child or two whose life hasn’t ended in a “post-birth abortion” we were supposed to trust that he cared about all kids. In his multiple back-to-back days’ worth of press conferences reading prepared statements we were told that we weren’t supposed to question his thoughts on the care of children. After all, even in the original incident, he said that the baby would be offered “comfort” before the death panel decided if that same “comforted” child would be given vital life-saving care or simply allowed to perish.
But here’s a rather obvious question, “If it’s not a living child, capable of feeling pain, why is comfort necessary?”
See the Left in America is so drunk on their newfound power they’ve lost any sense of sober articulation of their beliefs. Rush Limbaugh has well said for many years “If the Left (Democrats) ever told America what they actually believed they’d never win another election.” He has been correct, he may still well be.
The recoil over the Virginia governor’s grotesque peeks behind the curtain over “born alive” babies were but one in the latest string of abortion-mania that Democrats have been feeding on. New York State codifying the actions described by the Virginia Governor aside, decided to go so far as to grant protections into law most of the horrifying criminal actions Kermit Gosnell got sent to prison for. Now Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, California, Oregon & Washington state all hope to follow suit.
The average voter doesn’t realize that these bills do all of this. He or she are simply told by the dishonest Democrats in their states that these measures simply reinforce Roe v. Wade on the state level. Democrats are lying.

Virginia Democrat Governor draws embarrassing attention to party. Democrats find embarrassing picture. Media tries to pass him off as a Republican. Imagine that. Hmm...., I’ve noticed that the Gov. Northam's graphic and clinical description of how Democrats murder newborn babies has been replaced by the Democrats favorite call from their playbook - the 'Race Card'. How convenient.
The trouble with Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats is. they believe the 'End Always Justifies The Means'. Using their logic, lying is not only acceptable, they truly believe that it is moral. It is truly a mental disorder of the highest magnitude. These people should be treated and observed for life in mental institutions or incarcerated. They cannot be trusted and have no credibility. They lie, cheat and steal just because they think they can get away with it. Many are sociopaths and psychopaths. They have no Conscience, Morals, Ethics and their God is Mammon, Deceit, Power, Control, and Money.
Just as the Progressive Marxist Socialists have done before, watch them attempt to project onto Trump everything they are doing as exampled by Russian Collusion. The PMS Dems will project their behavior onto their opposition before the issue even comes up. it’s time to take the politically correct and warning labels off of everything and let stupidity work itself out of the gene pool.
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The Left has become so depraved, so out of touch with conscience, that even this — what should be the final straw — is of little consequence. They will continue their descent into the bizarre netherworld of extreme leftism without a blink. They will take most millennials and all Democrats with them.
Far from a wake-up call, this is a note from their pied piper to lurch even further into evil.

Some people would demand felony charges for drowning an unwanted litter of puppies, but then legalize the killing for convenience of an unwanted human baby. For just a couple of moments, in New York and Virginia, the Smiley Face slipped to reveal the grinning Death's Head beneath. Dem controlled states such as Rhode Island, Massachusetts, California, Oregon and Washington state all hope to follow suit. How many Gosnell's are there within the Party of Democrats? Kermit Gosnell got sent to prison for infanticide. We mustn't forget that vision. Not ever.
It's really horrible and ugly what that party has become.
What do you mean "become"?

They've always known that Margaret Sanger was a racist and eugenicist.

They've always known that the Fabian Society (after which progressivism was patterned) called for eugenics.

Their big economic hero, John Maynard Keynes, was an avowed eugenicist.

They're now out of the closet.
“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians — more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.

So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Oopsie! NR left out those five words that make clear that Northam is talking about what happens in the case of a fetus that is non-viable or severely deformed.

Right Wing Edits Gov. Northam's Remarks On Abortion To Stoke Outrage
Why You Can't Argue with a Leftist

When two people share the same goals, they can disagree – even strongly disagree – and still have a productive discussion about how to reach those shared objectives. As comedian and author Owen Benjamin explains, the problem with America today is we no longer share the same goals, and that’s tearing us apart.

True and many more important point regarding Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists.
I found this video to be true and valid so I shared it with you all. It has been discussed many times, the PMS Leftists (communists) are taking over the Dem party while pushing away moderates and liberals. I bet many of us here share some of the same opinions on some social issues with the traditional liberals. Probably not things like abortion and taxes but some of the more mundane social issues like making sure kids get a good education and protecting animals from the cruelty of human animals just to use two common examples.
When the argument is over how to interpret the Constitution, the result is civilized politics. When the argument is over whether or not to destroy and replace the Constitution, the result is civil war. Guess which argument we are currently in the midst of?
If you are interested in watching the video, you better hurry before the lefties at Google take it down.
Why does the Fauxsphere leave out the fact that he was specifically talking about a baby born with severe deformities?

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